Need More Action on the HP Board! (Adding VVT to Gen 1)


Dedicated LVC Member
Feb 26, 2008
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Its awefully slow over here lately. Thought I would steer away from the "this $hit's broke, how do I fix it" forum and post over here.

I remember reading that SCT's XCal can support VVT control for a gen 1. This obviously leaves the hardware requirements.
Can replacement parts for a gen 2 be fitted? What is needed?
Quik mentioned a solenoid in another post.
Is it located on the end of the camshaft?
Would you need to run a different valve cover to clear it?

I guess the first helpful thing would be to get pictues of both gens taken apart and go from there. I know Sully has some of his gen 1, anyone have some pics of a gen 2 that would highlight some differences?
found Sully's pic...
really? wow - that's a major change.

the VVT is both a mechanical and software change.
on the mechanical side - the timing cover, vvt solenoid, solenoid wiring, PCM harness wiring, phasing cam gears, timing chains, ....

I believe the PCM on the 03+ is slightly different to allow for the input of the VVT and since it is CAN protocol - you cannot swap it in...

but it takes someone to try!!!

Since I am supercharged - I will stay away from anymore valve opening.... I have a proper stumble idle now

It's probably easier then to slap a reground cam in. Perhaps I wouldnt gain much with my setup anyway.
I run full advance timing when off the nitrous, and back it down when on the nitrous.

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