New LVC Member
I have a 02 ls v8 and it startes actin funny fist when I tried take off it was slow. I had to baby it to get it to 25 so I took it to advance and they said that 1,2,3 and 6 were miss firing. Amd ive done some readin and on this and talked to some people and some say that it would be better to take it to a shop vs doin it myself since I havent ever done it.and others say to do it myself that it will be cheaper. Well my problem is that I dont want to do it myself and end up F ing somethin up and putting alot more work and money into and I dont want to take it to the shop and have thwm chatge me an arm and a leg. So I was woundering what all I would need to do it myself and or would it be better to just take it to the shop and dont have to worry about it?