need some help asap!


New LVC Member
Sep 28, 2014
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I have a 02 ls v8 and it startes actin funny fist when I tried take off it was slow. I had to baby it to get it to 25 so I took it to advance and they said that 1,2,3 and 6 were miss firing. Amd ive done some readin and on this and talked to some people and some say that it would be better to take it to a shop vs doin it myself since I havent ever done it.and others say to do it myself that it will be cheaper. Well my problem is that I dont want to do it myself and end up F ing somethin up and putting alot more work and money into and I dont want to take it to the shop and have thwm chatge me an arm and a leg. So I was woundering what all I would need to do it myself and or would it be better to just take it to the shop and dont have to worry about it?
So I was woundering what all I would need to do it myself and or would it be better to just take it to the shop and dont have to worry about it?

you will need a 7mm 1/4" socket, a 1/4" ratchet, a 6" extension (1/4" again) and also a 7mm wrench to get the hard to get back bolt out of the coil cover you will also need a spark plug socket, a long enough extension and a ratchet big enough (all usually 3/8") then a way to measure the gap of the new spark plugs

this is very easy work to do (a couple of the bolts are a little bit of a pain in the ass to get to but thats it)

if you have tools and know how to use them, its an easy job. if you don't own any tools, then it probably is something that may be over your head...
also with that bad of a misfires, you are destroying your catalytic converters. if you're worried about price of repair now, just wait until you have to replace those...
Depends..... V6 is a bugger and if you're not mechanically inclined I wouldn't attempt it. V8 is pretty straight-forward. Do yourself a HUGE favor and acquire a 7mm swivel socket.......

(ignore the label on the socket, but you should get the idea...)


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