Need some help with installing angel eyes


Well-Known LVC Member
Sep 26, 2004
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the intallation guide isn't really clear or i have a diffrent set. and i think i've had one too many bears. :Beer
I have a black box that says CAR A.V.R Inverter.
that has a black and red wire coming out of it, where do i plug that in????? the other side i connected to the angel eyes... :Bang :Bang :Bang needless to say i don't know anyhting about electricity.
hahaha i wrote bears instead of Beers. I definetly should not be doing this now.
The quickest way to hook up the Angel Eyes will be to the Parking Lamps. There are three wires coming from the Parking Lamps connector. Orange/Blue, Black/White and Black/Blue. You will need to T-Tap or splice into the Orange/Blue wire with the RED wire coming from the ballast and the Black/Blue wire with the BLACK.
umh don't do stuff after too many beers...seriously it's a finesse job and you're just going to be pissed tomorrow.
Well i got one side done and installed looks pretty good. going to do the other side tom and post some pics. :) Thanx a lot Gray saved me there. :Beer

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