need to replace fuel tank 01 ls


New LVC Member
Sep 19, 2014
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my 01 ls has a bad leak somewhere in the top of the tank. I have searched with no luck all I found are the recalls for the 04-05 years.If anyone knows how to replace one I would be soooo grateful for any help on this you guys seem to know pretty much everything about the 01 ls and have been a huge help with my other ailments.Surely somebody has had to replace one before and I am hoping its not too difficult.thanks
Are you sure that it is the tank, and not one of the fuel pump seals at the top of the tank? Did you take the back seat out and open the access ports to look and see?
a tank leaking would be the absolutely last thing i would expect to see have a leak.

how bad is the leak? a couple of years ago, after getting the tires rotated, I stopped for gas and noticed I was leaving a trail of fuel behind me. started the car back up and it was leaking bad... popped the access cover off and the fuel line was actually disconnected, popped it back on and haven't had a problem since...

now I can't understand any way this fitting would pop loose all by itself... but I also can't understand what the tire guy would have been doing to cause it.
Maybe the tire guy put the jack in the wrong place. I once had my taillights disconnected like that. anyway, my leak is pretty bad, when i filled it up it was pouring out sitting still not running so i took it home and parked it. gonna try what you guys said today, soon as I can pull myself away from the game...
Wow I did not even think to look for an access port.Only had this car for a month, been busy fixing the degas bottle, thermostat, cracked coolant crossover, fan pump actuator, valve body, front windows, minor body work and paint. I gave a grand for it, and spent roughly seven hundred for parts and paint job, the paint was done by my local tech school, they did a surprisingly good job on it. you guys have saved me a BUNCH of money on labor, especially you, joegr. So thanks a million and keep up the good work!
I did what you suggested and somebody had been in there before, and had put the rubber gasket on top of the plate between that and the big blue ring, rendering it useless. put it back in place, filled it up, no more leaks. Super easy job compared to dropping the tank. Again, thanks a bunch!
yeah, thats probably one of my favorite improvements in modern cars. I've dropped a couple of old metal tanks before and it was a total pain... both times rusted bolts got snapped. and dropping the tank in the LS is complicated by the fact the both the exhaust and drive shaft has to come off to get the tank down...

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