Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul


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Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul
Investigative reporter goes further on last week's revelations
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, December 21, 2007

Investigative reporter Daniel Estulin has gone further with his bombshell revelation first voiced last week that political insiders are considering a plot to assassinate Ron Paul, today identifying the Neo-Con camp as being behind the potential hit.

Appearing on The Alex Jones Show, Estulin said that his sources for the information were real patriots who love America and are desperate to see the truth get out, but that he always took the precaution of getting verification from more than one individual on each piece of information he releases.

"What I said about Ron Paul last week came from two different people who don't know each other," said Estulin, adding that his source had in turn got the information from sources within the Neo-Con camp and that it was individuals from within the Neo-Con camp that are considering what would happen if Ron Paul was assassinated.

Estulin stressed that to elaborate any further he would need to seek permission from those giving him the information to retain their confidence and trust.

"I am getting information from my sources that there are people involved from a higher level of the American establishment who are seriously considering - this has not been confirmed - but assassination is definitely on the agenda and I pray to God that this is not the case," Estulin first told Jones last week.

As we reported following the initial release of the information, Estulin, author of the global bestseller The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, described the concept as a "trial balloon from the inner core within the inner core - it hasn't gone beyond that but it is obviously on the table because I think needless to say they are very much concerned," he added.

Ron Paul himself has stated on a previous occasion that he is aware of the dangers of being such a bold icon for freedom and understands that political assassinations have occurred in the past.

In a June appearance on The Alex Jones Show, Congressman Paul acknowledged that such a threat is "real," agreeing with a number of historical examples where leaders were killed or attacked for successfully standing up to the system. "That's right. They'll do it," Paul said, making reference with Alex Jones to upstarts like Andrew Jackson, "The Kingfish" Huey Long, Bobby Kennedy, George Washington and even George Wallace.

Another secret service source told Estulin that the message scrolled across the bottom of the screen during Ron Paul's CNN interview on Tuesday, "Paul is dead, Paul is dead, Paul is dead," was potentially more than just a matter of quoting a joke made by Mike Huckabee about attacks on his campaign ads, but in fact could be taken as a threat or even a cue to Paul's would-be assassin.

Estulin noted that a similar thing occurred before the assassination of Robert Kennedy in 1968, but was quick to caution that he could not confirm the authenticity of the judgment that this was related to the consideration of a plot to kill the Congressman.
Never heard of this guy Estulin. You're not making a point about Ron Paul. He's not responsible for statements made by others. This is amateurish guilt by association, and there is no evidence that Paul has associated with Estulin. Not even a nice try.

However, Glenn Beck in his interview with Ron Paul tried to associate Paul with death threats on Beck's life. In essence, he obliquely blamed Paul for the acts of people who claim to be his supporters. He's also called Ron Paul supporters "terrorists."

I see a big difference. If you're trying to make Paul out to be a kook b/c of this, Beck is even nuttier because he's ACTUALLY SAYING these things.
Never heard of this guy Estulin. You're not making a point about Ron Paul. He's not responsible for statements made by others. This is amateurish guilt by association, and there is no evidence that Paul has associated with Estulin. Not even a nice try.

The story comes from the Alex Jones' affiliated website. Paul has frequently appeared on that lunatic Alex Jones' 'radio' show. I have stated in the past, I think it shows terrible judgment on Paul's part to even associate with that band of lunatics.

However, Glenn Beck in his interview with Ron Paul tried to associate Paul with death threats on Beck's life. In essence, he obliquely blamed Paul for the acts of people who claim to be his supporters. He's also called Ron Paul supporters "terrorists."
I saw the Glenn Beck interview, and he gave Ron Paul the opportunity to publicly DISTANCE himself from the nut-jobs who have aligned themselves behind his candidacy.

And, because Paul repeatedly keeps appearing on shows like Alex Jones, I'm inclined to say that he's unknowingly catering to this fringe, lunatic element of the population. I optimistically suspect Paul doesn't even know the demographic he's speaking to but just understands that it's attentive, friendly audience.

I see a big difference. If you're trying to make Paul out to be a kook b/c of this, Beck is even nuttier because he's ACTUALLY SAYING these things.

I'm not making out Ron Paul to be anything. I've posted a story. You can supply you're own conclusion. My interest in the story is on focusing on some of the lunatics who support Paul and how I think it's a bad demonstration of judgment for Paul to continue appearing on that violent, "revolution and execution" screaming lunatics 'radio' show.

Beck isn't making up the death threats. I've met Beck on several occassions, he started his talk radio career in this market, do you honestly think he's making up the claim of death threats just to make Ron Paul look bad by assosciation? Are you kidding me? Is everything in the world a conspiracy?

The Alex Jones demographic is EXACTLY the audience that will make the kinds of threats that he's talking about, such as the "execution" of "traitors" and the like. If you've never heard him, or heard him on a rant, you'll be shocked and disgusted.

Do you also think the White Supremacist that have run campaign links on their websites to Ron Paul are above violent threats to. NO- I don't think Paul himself is a Nazi, or a racist, or anything negative like that. But he does have a motivated group of supporters who are.

I also think the story was so absurd that it's funny.
The story comes from the Alex Jones' affiliated website. Paul has frequently appeared on that lunatic Alex Jones' 'radio' show. I have stated in the past, I think it shows terrible judgment on Paul's part to even associate with that band of lunatics.

Which proves my point, this is guilt by association.

I saw the Glenn Beck interview, and he gave Ron Paul the opportunity to publicly DISTANCE himself from the nut-jobs who have aligned themselves behind his candidacy.

Uh, that's your interpretation, but this was clearly a smear job by Beck who made himself out to look like a loon. He "gave him the opportunity?" He tried to trap him and then DEMANDED that he denounce the threats, implying that Ron Paul WAS BEHIND THE THREATS. This goes hand in hand with Beck calling RP supporters terrorists.

And, because Paul repeatedly keeps appearing on shows like Alex Jones, I'm inclined to say that he's unknowingly catering to this fringe, lunatic element of the population. I optimistically suspect Paul doesn't even know the demographic he's speaking to but just understands that it's attentive, friendly audience.
Ron Paul doesn't have the time to go around investigating the beliefs of every single person that supports him. That's absurd. You don't like it, I get it. So big whoop.

I'm not making out Ron Paul to be anything. I've posted a story. You can supply you're own conclusion. My interest in the story is on focusing on some of the lunatics who support Paul and how I think it's a bad demonstration of judgment for Paul to continue appearing on that violent, "revolution and execution" screaming lunatics 'radio' show.
Your thread is another smear job. Pathetic, and you are backpedaling so fast I can't even track you. Now you're NOT trying to say Paul is a lunatic? But you've called him that before. At least have the courage to stand up for your own beliefs, such as implying he's a nazi in the blimp thread.

Beck isn't making up the death threats. I've met Beck on several occassions, he started his talk radio career in this market, do you honestly think he's making up the claim of death threats just to make Ron Paul look bad by assosciation? Are you kidding me? Is everything in the world a conspiracy?
No, I NEVER said he made up the death threats. Another false straw man by you. What I said is that Beck is trying to smear Ron Paul with them. And Beck has called RP supporters terrorists on his show. So it's not beneath him to try to smear RP. Clearly Ron Paul would not be behind any death threats, so why waste air time demanding that he denounce them? Does Beck really believe that Ron Paul can stop the death threats by virtue of saying "stop it" on television? Is Ron Paul really behind the death threats? Are you kidding me? Is everything in the world a conspiracy?
The Alex Jones demographic is EXACTLY the audience that will make the kinds of threats that he's talking about, such as the "execution" of "traitors" and the like. If you've never heard him, or heard him on a rant, you'll be shocked and disgusted.

Do you also think the White Supremacist that have run campaign links on their websites to Ron Paul are above violent threats to. NO- I don't think Paul himself is a Nazi, or a racist, or anything negative like that. But he does have a motivated group of supporters who are.
So what conclusions do you draw from this? And how do you justify smearing Ron Paul in an obvious pathetic hack job by posting a nazi blimp thread, while at the same time saying you don't believe he's a nazi? Either he is or he isn't. Either he's a conspiracy theorist or he isn't. Either he's a truther or he isn't. But you cannot continue to straddle the fence playing equivocation games and maintain your own dwindling credibility.

I also think the story was so absurd that it's funny.

Huh. First Alex Jones is disgusting and shocking and now it's funny. You seem very confused here. Your tone in this post is contradictory.
Which proves my point, this is guilt by association.
If you mean that "guilt by the people we chose to associate with" then you'd be right.

If you mean "guilt by the people who chose to associate them self with your cause" then I disagree.

Uh, that's your interpretation, but this was clearly a smear job by Beck who made himself out to look like a loon. He "gave him the opportunity?" He tried to trap him and then DEMANDED that he denounce the threats, implying that Ron Paul WAS BEHIND THE THREATS. This goes hand in hand with Beck calling RP supporters terrorists.

Of course it's my "interpretation." And we can contrast that with your interpretation. I think mine is accurate and yours is absurd and paranoid. But- that's my interpretation as well.

Ron Paul doesn't have the time to go around investigating the beliefs of every single person that supports him. That's absurd. You don't like it, I get it. So big whoop.

Does he have the ability to "investigate every person that supports him?" Of course not. But that's not what we're talking about.

We're talking about appearing on a very specific, well known lunatic's "radio" show, repeatedly. Paul should know of him by now. Or someone on his staff should know. And at this point, I can't possibly imagine they aren't aware of just how awful and disgusting Alex Jones really is.

You really should stop defending the indefensible. Paul should distance himself from that lunatic. Unless, of course, he agrees with him.

I'd like to give Paul the benefit of the doubt.

Your thread is another smear job. Pathetic, and you are backpedaling so fast I can't even track you. Now you're NOT trying to say Paul is a lunatic? But you've called him that before. At least have the courage to stand up for your own beliefs, such as implying he's a nazi in the blimp thread.
...he has Nazi supporters.
...supporters bought the actual blimp.
...hence the Hindenburg joke.

I'm sorry if this material is going over your head. I didn't think it was so clever that it warranted an explanation. I suspect you miss the obvious while you're busy uncovering conspiracy theories and inventing ulterior motives.

No, I NEVER said he made up the death threats. Another false straw man by you.
Seriously, did you just learn that word? Everything with you either involves a "straw man" or some ulterior motive.... That wasn't a straw man, at worst is was a misunderstanding.

What I said is that Beck is trying to smear Ron Paul with them. And Beck has called RP supporters terrorists on his show. So it's not beneath him to try to smear RP. Clearly Ron Paul would not be behind any death threats, so why waste air time demanding that he denounce them? Does Beck really believe that Ron Paul can stop the death threats by virtue of saying "stop it" on television? Is Ron Paul really behind the death threats? Are you kidding me? Is everything in the world a conspiracy?
I still don't see his as a smear. I see this as an opportunity for Paul to publicly distance himself from the very vocal, very active, and very high profile lunatic fringe who have embraced his candidacy.

It didn't hurt Paul to answer those questions, it actually made him look better in the eyes of normal people.

Remember that "guilt by association" you keep mentioning? Paul is associated with those kooks who are campaigning in HIS name.

So what conclusions do you draw from this? And how do you justify smearing Ron Paul in an obvious pathetic hack job by posting a nazi blimp thread, while at the same time saying you don't believe he's a nazi? Either he is or he isn't. Either he's a conspiracy theorist or he isn't. Either he's a truther or he isn't. But you cannot continue to straddle the fence playing equivocation games and maintain your own dwindling credibility.
I've explained my Hindenburg joke earlier in the post. I guess in your hyper-sensitive quest to take offense, it went over your head. I'll try to think of some Ron Paul knock-knock jokes, those might be more your speed.

I've seen nothing that makes him a 9/11 Truther or a conspiracy freak. HOWEVER, his campaign HAS embraced those freaks.

When freaks embrace him, I don't think it's fair to smear him. That's like condemning any Republican because the KKK endorsed their candidate. But when PAUL repeatedly reaches out to the lunatics, embraces them, and uses their fake-radio show to appear on- then it does call into question his judgment and the judgment of his staff.

And when Paul continues to associate with lunatics, Beck did him a service by allowing him to DISTANCE himself from those lunatics. If Beck's questions came out of nowhere, that'd be one thing. But Paul is ALREADY associated with the racists, terrorist, nuts... so he did Paul a service.

Huh. First Alex Jones is disgusting and shocking and now it's funny. You seem very confused here. Your tone in this post is contradictory.

Not at all. Alex Jones is a disgusting and shocking scum bag.

That doesn't mean that a fresh conspiracy theory coming from his organization can't be so absurd that it's funny.

By the way, I'm giving Paul the benefit of the doubt and assuming that the Alex Jones types have taken Paul out of context in the article and that he really DOES NOT think that his life is in danger or that there are "neo-cons" out there prepared to have him killed. Because if he really did say all that, in the context that is presented, then he's really guilty of any negative association I can think of.... but I'll give him the past.

Paul's foreign policy is ridiculous, poorly informed, and dangerous.
His explanation of 9/11 is the work of a man who should stick to medicine and leave foreign policy to the people who study it. And since Beck gave him the opportunity, he was able to publicly distance himself from the Truthers, clearing up some confusion held by the general public. You really should realize that the Beck appearance HELPED Ron Paul. It didn't make him look bad at all. In the eyes of the rational, non-moonbat, public, he had time to speak, answered all the questions reasonably, and he put distance between the crazies who've latched on to him. All positives. Beck didn't even give him a hard time on the foreign policy issue or the tax issue....

Fossten, you really needs to spend less time playing the victim and being offended. I'm going to post another story in a minute that's about Paul.... I'm sure you'll take offense at that too.
Here is an interview with Alex Jones I just found online....

Not that Paul says anything crazy on it, simply reinforcing the fact that Paul goes on that nut job, lunatics show.

It's interesting how Paul just ignores the REALLY crazy stuff, sort of like he ignored the awkward man-kiss joke on Glenn Beck.
Paul's foreign policy is ridiculous, poorly informed, and dangerous.
His explanation of 9/11 is the work of a man who should stick to medicine and leave foreign policy to the people who study it. And since Beck gave him the opportunity, he was able to publicly distance himself from the Truthers, clearing up some confusion held by the general public. You really should realize that the Beck appearance HELPED Ron Paul. It didn't make him look bad at all. In the eyes of the rational, non-moonbat, public, he had time to speak, answered all the questions reasonably, and he put distance between the crazies who've latched on to him. All positives. Beck didn't even give him a hard time on the foreign policy issue or the tax issue....

Fossten, you really needs to spend less time playing the victim and being offended. I'm going to post another story in a minute that's about Paul.... I'm sure you'll take offense at that too.
More personal attacks. Can't keep from it, can you?

Here, I called this for you:

More personal attacks. Can't keep from it, can you?

Here, I called this for you:


Never in my life have I portrayed myself as victim.
Nor have I taken any petty dig made by you personally or asked for some third party to step in. I would contrast with... well, you..

If that last post was too mean and it offended your delicate sensitivities, let us all know. I'm not aware of any particularly cutting or personal attacks in my last post, but apparently it upset you.

Care to comment on the other 99% of it?

In fact, don't bother.
You'll just find another reason to avoid answering any direct challenges...

Oh no!! Did you considered that a personal attack too?



Lest you, in your blind, ignorant rage, fool everyone into thinking that the Alex Jones endorsement is significant, here is a list of people who have publicly endorsed Ron Paul:

Academics & Education
Academics for Ron Paul,
Dr. Nael Aly, Dean of the College of Business at California State University, Stanislaus
Dr. Walter Block, Chairman, Department of Economics, College of Business, Loyola University New Orleans
Dr. Samuel Bostaph, Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Dallas
David B. Collum, Professor of Chemistry, Cornell University
Dr. Casimir Dadak, Associate Professor of Finance and Economics, Dept. of Business and Economics, Hollins University
Dan Endsley, Co-Founder, Home Education League of Parents (HELP)
Dr. Steve H. Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics, The Johns Hopkins University and Journalist for Forbes Magazine
Dr. Guido Hulsmann, Senior Fellow, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo, Professor of Economics, Loyola College in Maryland; Senior Faculty Member, the Ludwig von Mises Institute
Dr. Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi, Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Winston-Salem State University
Dr. William H Peterson, Schlarbaum Laureate, Ludwig von Misis Institute
Dr. Ivan Pongracic, Jr., Associate Professor of Economics, Hillsdale College
Dr. Arthur Robinson, Founder, Robinson Curriculum; President of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., President, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Dr. Murray Sabrin, Professor of Finance, Anisfield School of Business; Executive Director, Center for Business and Public Policy, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Dr. Joseph T. Salerno, Graduate Program Chair, Department of Finance and Economics, Lubin School of Business, Pace University
Dr. Eric Schansberg, Professor of Economics, Indiana University
Dr. Larry J. Sechrest, Professor of Economics, Sul Ross University
Dr. Mark Thornton, Author, Former Economic Advisor to the Governor of Alabama; Senior Fellow, Ludwig von Mises Institute

Authors & Media
Matt Abar, Financial and Technology Blogger, Wealthfly
Peter Allison, Author, “Dollar Noncents”; former Naval submarine officer; homeschooling father of 7
Tucker Carlson, Political Analyst; Host of MSNBC's "Tucker"
Adam Curry, Media Personality, Podcasting Pioneer
Vox Day, WorldNetDaily Columnist
John Derbyshire, Political Analyst and writer for National Review Online
G. Edward Griffin, Author, The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer; President of American Media; Founder of Freedom Force International
Rob Kall, Executive Editor and Publisher of; President of Futurehealth, Inc.
Karen Kay, Historical Romance Author
Johnny Kramer, Columnist,
Terry Krohn, Author, Eye of the Pyramid, Sabitini Prophecy, Power of the Scepter
Isabel Lyman, Author, The Homeschooling Revolution
Rex F. May, Political Cartoonist
Ilana Mercer, Columnist,, proprietor,
Robert Ringer, Author, Restoring the American Dream
Lauren Royal, Historical Romance Author
Kurt Simmons, Author, The Consummation of the Ages
Andrew Sullivan, Author, blogger, and political commentator
David Uhl, Artist

Carol Adler, President/CEO, Dandelion Books
Charlie Beall, CEO of eKnowledge Corporation; Former US Marine Corps Member
Douglas Bersaw, President, Founder, Loreto Publications
Frank J. Brady, President, Brady & Associates
W. N. (Bill) Fangio, President, Celtech Corporation
Charlie Hamilton, Founder & CEO, Gladiator Family Entertainment
Donald Huffines, Co-Owner, Huffines Communities, Dallas, TX
Brian H. Kester, President, WNC Computer Solutions
Jeff Kleiser, CEO, Synthespian Studios
Richard J. Peppin, President, Scantek, Inc.
Thomas M. Pilitowski, President, U.S. Rare Coin Investments
Brian Shilhavy, Founder and President of Tropical Traditions
Peter Thiel, Co-founder and former CEO of PayPal; Portfolio Manager of Clarium Capital Management, LLC

Celebrities & Entertainers
Donna D'Errico, Actress
Glenn Jacobs, World Wrestling Entertainment superstar, "Kane"
Will Langhorne, Race Car Driver
Rockie Lynne, Music Artist
Sean Morley, World Wrestling Entertainment Superstar “Val Venis”
Jimmie Lee Vaughan, Blues Guitarist and Singer
Todd Wade, Starting Tackle, Washington Redskins

Marko Budgyk, Chief Investment Officer, Diamond Wealth Advisors
Kenneth J. Gerbino, President, Kenneth J. Gerbino & Company, Investment Management
Jason Hommel, Investor; Author, Silver Stock Report
Lawrence Lepard, Managing Partner, Equity Management Associates, LLC
Jim Rogers, Investor, Author, Economic Commentator
Peter Schiff, President, Euro Pacific Capital, Inc.
Chris Weber, Editor, Weber Global Opportunities Report

Health & Physicians
Dr. Gail Ann Cookingham, Allergist, Flint, Michigan
Dr. Bruce Eichelberger, Founder, Reno Alternative Medicine
Dr. Michael Emmer, Vice Chief, Department of Medicine, Palmetto Baptist Hospital, Columbia, SC
Dr. G. C. Dilsaver, Clinical Psychologist; Director, Imago Dei Clinic, Harrisburg, PA
Dr. Gilberto Heredia, Alamogordo, NM
Dr. Joseph Mercola, Osteopathic Physician, Health Activist; Founder,
Dr. Michael Vasovski, General Practice Physician, Aiken, SC
Julian Whitaker, Director, Whitaker Wellness Institute

Gerald A. Spala, Attorney, Riverside, California
William R. Sparks, Attorney, Canton, Ohio; President, American Realty Title Assurance Co.; Member, Stark County, Ohio Republican Executive Committee

Montana Shooting Sports Association
Wyoming State Shooting Association
David R. Whetsell, President,

Dr. Chuck Baldwin, Pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL; 2004 Constitution Party Vice-Presidential Nominee
Rev. Matt Chambers, Student Pastor, Blountville, TN
Rev. John Killian, Pastor, Maytown Baptist Church, Maytown, AL
Rev. Creighton Lovelace, Danieltown Baptist Church, Forest City, NC
Rev. Thomas Newcomer, Baptist Minister, Skagit County, Washington

Political Officials
Leo V. Baca, Two-Time Libertarian Candidate to the Georgia State House
Michael Badnarik, 2004 Libertarian Presidential Nominee
Dennis R. Brown, City Council of Olney, TX
Dr. Cale Case, State Senator, Wyoming
Porter Davis, Former State Representative, Oklahoma
Michael J. Doherty, State Assemblyman, New Jersey
Barry Goldwater, Jr., Republican Congressman, California
Barbara Hagan,
Gary Hayes, Former Mayor of Middleburgh, NY
Karen S. Johnson, State Senator, Arizona
Rick Jore, State Representative, Montana
Charles Key, State Representative, Oklahoma
Roger Koopman, State Representative, Montana
Steve Kubby, 2008 Candidate for the Libertarian Presidential Nomination
Thomas Langlais, Former State Representative, New Hampshire
R. Kenneth Lindell, Fmr. State Representative, Maine
Jonathan D. Martin, State Chairman, Constitution Party of Montana
Tom McGillvray, State Representative, Montana
Allan Mansoor, Mayor, Costa Mesa, CA
Jason W. Murphey, State Representative, House District 31, Oklahoma
Jerry O'Neil, State Senator, Arizona
Michael Peroutka, 2004 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate
Dick Randolph, Fmr. State Rep., Alaska
Dave J. Ripp, Dane County Supervisor
Tim Sutinen, Candidate for Washington State Representative, 19th District, Republican
Scott Tardugno, Former Oneida County, NY Legislator
Brian Thomas, Former State Representative, Washington
Steve Vaillancourt, State Representative, New Hampshire

Public Safety Officials
John J. Babiarz, Fire Chief, Town of Grafton, New Hampshire
Det. John J. Baeza, NYPD, (ret.), Manhattan Special Victims Squad
Richard Mack, Sheriff (Ret.), Arizona
William S. Oliver, Police Corporal (12 Years as a Police Officer)
Jim Schwiesow, Sheriff (Ret.), Iowa
Joseph Uggiano, Former NYPD, Retired NYC Firefighter

Veterans & Military
Will Albenzi, Former United States Marine Corps Corporal
Rob Alexander, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Air Force
Aaron Book, U.S. Marine Corps Reservist, Stationed at Gowen Field in Boise, Idaho
Robert M. Bowen, TSgt, Retired, USAF
Michael M. Brennan, United States Air Force 1967-1971, Southeast Asia 1968-1969
David Cary, Infantry Sergeant (1973-1977); CFO of i2 Technologies
Jesus Correa, U.S. Army Sergeant, (1995-2001), honorably discharged
Patrick Coughlan, Former U.S. Marine
Scott Cousland, Former U.S. Army Sergeant (1982-1991. Served as a Senior Satellite Network Controller; Training NCO at the U.S. Army Space Command Fort Meade Detachment during Desert Shield/Desert Storm
W. Harris Dalton, Jr., Navy Korean veteran serving on the USS Sicily with Captain Jimmy Thatch and the Black Sheep Squadron
Warren DeLarme, U.S. Navy Veteran, 1996-2000
Ronald J. Dot’o Sr., U.S. Army retired, 37 years active duty and reserves - Active Duty for Berlin Wall, Cuban Missile Crisis, Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Dennis B. Drake, USMC VietNam; President/CEO of
Michael W. Durden, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army Reserve (Combat Veteran)
Bert N. Fall, Iraq War Veteran, former Sgt. in the Ohio Army National Guard
Tom Gabriele, U.S. Army Infantry (5 years); 1988 U.S. Military Academy at West Point Graduate; Police Detective
Avery T. Gamble, Pennsylvania Army National Guard
Charles A. Gathers, United States Air Force Veteran, 2000-2006
Taylor Adam Groce, Former US Army Sergent, Served Honorably During the Current War in Iraq
Armando R. Grundy-Gomes, Corporal, United States Army (8 year Veteran), Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran; Small Business Owner
Michael Harkin, Former Captain, United States Marine Corps
William J. Hill, 10-year U.S. Marine Corp Veteran, including during the Iraq War
John H. Hutchinson, M.Ed.; Vietnam-Era Veteran
Sholom Keller, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
Jon D. Kunsch, Lt. Col, USAF, Retired
Dr. Karen Kwiatkowski, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Retired
Mike Macek, Former Captain, USAF
Thomas M. Mangum, Sergeant First Class, United States Army, Retired
Joshua Martsch, Sergeant, USMC Active Duty (9.5 years); 2 tours in Iraq and an additional year in Okinawa, Japan
Bob McClure, QM3/c U.S. Navy
James W. McConnell, Colonel, US Army - Retired (Served as 1LT in 173rd Airborne Brigade RVN ’70-’71)
Luckie Jewell McDonald, Florida Army National Guard (1999-present) OIF IV (2005-2006)
Jerome M. O’Sullivan, Major Ret. AUS; Former Captain of Marines, Bronze Star, Purple Heart
Victor Lee Pillow, Army Cavalry Scout (Feb ‘00 - Jan ‘05); Sergeant, Iraq (May ‘03 - Jul ‘04)
John Price, Vietnam Veteran- 1st. Calvary Division 1968/69
Karen Raiford, Former U.S. Army Sergeant
William A. Reiner, Vietnam Veteran
Charles F. Schaffstall, Sr., World War II Veteran; Retired Owner, Founder, and President, Schaffstall Manufacturing, Erie County, NY
Royal G. Schoen, 11-Year Military Veteran
Whitey "Bo" Thompson, Awarded 11 Purple Hearts
William J. Wade, MSgt, USAF-Retired
Daniel K. Yowell, 20-year Navy SEAL Veteran
What people (besides Alex Jones) are saying about Ron Paul:

Patrick J. Buchanan, Author, Political Analyst, former Republican presidential candidate

I think an enormous part of the Republican Party believes that Ron Paul was the only man who was right on Iraq. He opposed going in, he opposes a foreign policy or interventionism, he’s the one candidate who goes after the neoconservatives and says their influence has got to be removed. And I think wisely in his judgment, he will bring troops home from Cold War commitments of long ago where they don’t belong.

I like him personally, I know him personally… I will say that he is also the one candidate that everybody knows who fought against big government. He voted against unsure Medicare, the prescription drugs, and No Child Left Behind. He’s consistent, he’s courageous.

John Stossel, Anchor, ABC News’ 20/20

It’s refreshing to interview a politician who doesn’t mince words. It’s even more refreshing to interview one who understands the benefits of limited government.

Dr. Walter E. Williams, Department of Economics, George Mason University; Guest Host, Rush Limbaugh Talk Radio Program

If the Framers of the Constitution were somehow to come back, Ron Paul is one of possibly only three people in Congress that they’d even talk to.

John Derbyshire, National Review:

If [Ron Paul supporters] are crazy, though, I want to be crazy with them. I’m for liberty, too. That’s why I’m for Ron Paul.


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