New Clear Coat


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Saint Paul
My 2001 LS's clear coat is looking rough. It has a million circular scratches from an old fashioned spin brush washer that my girlfriend was so kind enough to use to wash my car.

I also have 1-2 very minor door dings and a few minor scratches.

I've had it professionally buffed out and polished and it still didn't do the trick. I will try and post pics of what I mean but my question is....

Does anyone know what the going rate on a clear coat job for an LS be?
The painter I use to paint grilles says a professional and well done paint job will be in the $3500-$5000 range. It would depend on if any body work is needed and the type of paint. I don't know if a paint shop would just clear coat a car unless it was in perfect condition meaning not rock chips and such.
I had my 85-Tbird done some years ago it was $1500. My body was perfect except the clear had a bad spiderweb problem from a dirty car wash at the beach. If the paint base coat is scratched then a new clear coat will only magnafy the issue.
A couple coats of clear would not be too bad, although a complete job that you will be proud will be in the range like Ken is saying. You really have to look at the paint to determine if just a few coats of clear would solve the problem. Most likely it would, depending on the color of your car. If you have one of the tri-coats, I am not sure I would risk it. They have to wet sand some of the clear off that is currently on the car and this process could cause some shadowing if too much is taken off. Also, if you have the tri-coat expect the quotes on a complete paint job to be closer to the 5k mark. The tri-coat are essentially a factory version of a "candy" paint job. Over the base coat of paint, a tinter in applied (somewhat like a candy) to give the paint color layer that lights passes through and then shines back out. Long story short, if you have a regular base-clear paint job most like a few coats of clears, wet sand, and buff, will have it looking pretty good.
Thanks guys...I'm gonna take it to the local paint shop and see what they think about the overall condition and whether or not the clear coat option is feasable.
I got really lucky when I had my pride and joy painted a few years ago(not the LS) and it painted and cleared very nice job all for $500. But it was done at the shop my dad works after hours(boss' knew). My dad and I did all the before paint work and than a friend of his did the paint.
yep, much of the cost of a paint job is in the labor. Materials for a good base/clear job should be between $500 and $1k depending on which brand you go with, tri-coats and candy materials can be expensive though.

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