New, excited member! Looking for parts!


LVC Member
Oct 25, 2014
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Hello fellow mark viiiers,
My name is Andy and I've had my 93 deep jewel green mark viii for about 5 years. I originally got it for $550 because it did not have reverse. I bought a new transmission and installed it and presto... Reverse! I garages the car for a few years due to license issues and now here I am again, totally obsessed. I changed the plugs and wires, oil change, fuel pump, ride height sensors, and an oil pan that I have yet to install. Now I'm looking for:

Rear cross member braces
Rear sway bar
Drivers side seat
Drivers side window motor
And Working Seat tracks

Thank you!
Rear sway bars can be pulled from ANY MN12 (Thunderbird/Cougar) from 1989-97. There is a wide size range, from .90"-1.04"; some are hollow (like the MKVIII) and some are solid. Find a solid bar, MUCH stronger. The way to tell solids from hollow is: There is a little red cap/plug on the top of the drivers-side right by where the bar flattens out to meet the end links. Solid bars will not have this (removable) red cap. If there is a 'hole' at that very same spot but no cap, the cap has fallen out.

Front sway bars (thanks to Chris for this info) from the MN12 can also be swapped in, in sizes from 1.06"-1.20" (far bigger than your stock 1.02" non-LSC bar and the same size as your LSC bar (the 1.06" bar is the LSC front bar)).

Window motors are also the same for the MN12/FN10.

We have 2 Gen-1 cars in my local yard here, but thanks to retardation and Florida Sun, the seats are usually in pretty bad shape (but the tracks work).

When you get a minute, post up some pics and see if we can't help you help the car!
I will post some pics after work! Thanks for the info on the sway bars. Im a little confused about the window motor because I hear it working an with a little brute force the window goes down so I'm wondering if it's the regulator or something else... Any ideas? And also, If it's possible to get the tracks for me I will gladly compensate you!

Thanks again, Andy
Does the window go up as well as down? If so, I would remove the inner door panel and get in there to have a look around. Clean the window tracks and add fresh lube. Suction-Cup the window in the UP position, remove the motor/regulator unit and inspect/clean/grease it as well.

As for your seat track issues; take a look here and LOD for seat track info. There are quite a few guys who have had issues with them and either rebuilt them or replaced them.
Yes the motor moves up and down but only when I push or pull it. I will have to take a look inside And see what's not working. I just figured I needed a new motor. Is there a place on the site that has a detailed instruction for removing the panel?
I found imstructions on panel removal. It's very simple. What kind of lubrication should I use on the inner components?
It is usually White Lithium Grease. Now, there may be 3 rotating discs inside the motor drive that have compressed and are causing the issue (I haven't had a regulator/motor apart). If so, you can replace those roller discs as well.
So the motor is repairable? If so how do I go about it? Is there a forum for that procedure... Sorry I new at this.
Most parts supply houses have the motor repair kits in stock. Hit up a Google search for the best quality/price. As for the repair, once you have the motor out, pull the large round cover and there should be a large gear with 3 discs under it. Remove and replace them, lubing them with a Teflon-impregnated grease (as per Ford service manuals), reinstall the cover and reinstall the motor in the door.

A quick search of THIS forum (typed in window motor in 'Search Forum' drop-down) netted me the removal/repair/reinstall procedures along with being the go-to place for the repair kit, I also found a quick mod for the motor to help prevent the inner gear from stripping and killing motor up/down function.
Awesome you've been really helpful. Thanks a lot. And let me know about any parts you come across! I'll post pics soon
As far as rear cross member brace, which piece are you referring to?

The 93 MK VIII and the 95 MK VIII are pretty much complete.
LOD (lincolns Of Distinction) has a good thread going right now in Electrical. 'Window Motor Dowels' is what to search for.
The braces are just steel supports going from the frame to the rear cross member. They connect to the cross member on what looks like a rubber bushing with one bolt thru the middle. Idk if that description help.
Yes it does. I will look under the 3 MARKs here in the yard and see what shape they are in.
As you can see the braces are nonexistent and my seat it in bad shape. Still comfortable just looks terrible.



And I uploaded them from
My phone so idk why they're upside down but you get the point haha
Typical Northern car! Those braces vanish after a few years of Salt and Chloride!

Are you sure you want just the tracks or the entire seats? :)

The braces will be ok as far as shipping. Seat tracks and possible seats.........that may be better to source locally. I will check on prices of the parts and see what they will cost. Shipping will be another matter all together.
If you can find the same color seats and I can get them shipped for a reasonable price I'll do it. But in the meantime I definitely want the tracks and braces.
Damn, with those headlights looking like they do I sure hope you aren't attempting to drive at night!
Soduka, my highs have become my lows haha
Does anyone know if a good headlight restoration kit actually works?
Soduka, my highs have become my lows haha
Does anyone know if a good headlight restoration kit actually works?

The only real fix that is worth it is to remove the lenses, polish them and add Trimbrite in the reflector. THIS is the other method that I like (other than the blacked out part)

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