New front air struts


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 10, 2008
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I have a few questions. 1, what is the best brand air struts available? right now i'm looking at Arnott and suncor. 2, Can i replace theses on my own? if not, what is a good labor price? and is there a detailed write up on how to replace these? I'm just thinking of getting new airbags now before any issues.;)
How do those Arnott struts compare to new Ford OEM, especially the shock absorber part?
How do those Arnott struts compare to new Ford OEM, especially the shock absorber part?

Theres no doubt the "New Ford" struts are the best available, but very expensive. With these cars getting older & older, its hard to make sense out of spending that kind of money for 2 parts for a car with allot of time on the clock. The arnott aftermarket struts are a good 2nd choice, seem to have all the bugs worked out and best of all....affordable.

As far as the "rebuilds, do yourself a favor, stay away from Suncore. It has been my experience, they "rebag" every strut(they reuse the old hydraulics) core that comes through the door. When I used to rebuild the Mark VIII struts, I found because of internal binding problems and/or hydraulic leaks, you could only use about 40% of the cores you get in. When I used to buy and resell struts from them, the first year or so went great. At the end of our business relationship, I would have a complaint on the struts I bought from them every 2nd to 3rd customer.
Fronts: OEM is by far the best
Rears: Arnott is fine
everything else: Eddie all the way
the only prob with my ford o/e is the price keeps going up as said before.

List for the gen 2's are now $371.75 and cost LVC $320.63 each the there is the frt and ins.

ok after having the car for a lil over a 2 weeks now, i think i don't need new struts, but my issuse has to be something else. The car sits normal, but every other day or so the front will be lowered about 2" or some days it is normal. i have only driven the car less than 1 mile (no plates or insurance yet)so what could cause the front to lower intermittently? by the way the car will automatically rise upon start, and sometimes when it hasn't lowered it will lower first then raise back up upon start. just curious as to what could be the issue.

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