New head unit question


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 12, 2011
Reaction score
Central Fl
I installed a new head unit and I couldn't be happier about it but now when i turn my car off, the radio shuts off, before with the factory stereo it would stay on until I open my door. Does anyone know how I can get that back? I figured I would have to find the wire behind the radio and hook that up as my switched power but not sure if thats right of what wire that is.
Can't do it. We don't get "true" retained power like some other cars where the switched 12v is kept live until a door is opened. Instead the stock radio stayed on as long as it was told to by the communications bus (CAN bus). Only the OEM radio has this ability.
Would it work to run an additional +12V line straight from the battery with a switch so I could just flip the switch on before I killed the ignition and keep the radio on? I can't think of any reason why that wouldn't work. Gotta put a switch on my remote wire for my sub anyway, it's too loud for just everyday listening.
I think I have figured it out- I bet if we find the wire in the harness and put a one way diode and connect it to the radio switch power we will be in business. We would probably need to put a one way diode on the car factory trigger 12v. That will work. I will check it out sometime to confirm.

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