Hello LVC. I've recently purchased an '02 Lincoln LS. It seems to be special as it has a manual transmission. I have had it for 2 months and already put over 5000 miles on it. I've installed a 1 1/4 trailer hitch for my hitch-mount bike rack http://amzn.com/B000A0W64S. I've replaced the headlights with these http://amzn.com/B002R1NR78. I replaced the stereo with this http://amzn.com/B00B7IR4XU. About 2 months after purchasing it, the passenger-side rear window died. I currently have it tied up with rope and don't feel like spending the $69.49 for http://amzn.com/B004AIFJO0. My biggest complaint with this vehicle is the cup holder. It was definitely not designed with manual transmission in mind. I can not have a cup in while driving. Overall, I love this car. I've loved them since I worked as a porter at Ford/Lincoln/Mercury in 1999-2000.