New Sig Image

itsnotmydaddys said:
i went there what do u need for a sig to be madem also a poster .

Ahh, gotcha...

Just send me some hi-res pics and some ideas on what you'd like to see for a poster.

From that, I can make the psoter and some sig's for you to have.
Cost was $0.00...

But I don't want to get into making sigs for everyone. However, I'd make them for free with the purchase of something from my site :D
mholhut said:
Cost was $0.00...

But I don't want to get into making sigs for everyone. However, I'd make them for free with the purchase of something from my site :D
Because you are a cool kat!!
OK so I am looking on the site and I dont see where to purchase the Fire Fighter Poster.....I would like to have on and If i get hooked up on a Sig at the same time SWEET DEAL!!!!.....???? HMMMM?????
GrayGhost1 said:
Because you are a cool kat!!

Don't worry Ken, I haven't forgot about you... I'm actually on fram #103 of your graphic. Should be pretty decent :D
SilverLS said:
OK so I am looking on the site and I dont see where to purchase the Fire Fighter Poster.....I would like to have on and If i get hooked up on a Sig at the same time SWEET DEAL!!!!.....???? HMMMM?????

Ordering info is at the bottom of the page... choose which size and select the poster from the dropdown list.

But I imagine you wouldn't want the patch that's on that poster. If you order that poster, just attach a note with the payment that says "Omit existing patch" so I know to take it off. If you want a specific FD emblem on there, that might be extra to render something different.

And yes, I'll design your sig for free... just send email me some images of your car and any thoughts/ideas you may like to see.
mholhut said:
Don't worry Ken, I haven't forgot about you... I'm actually on fram #103 of your graphic. Should be pretty decent :D
That's cool! I'm waiting on some items back from the painter until I send out your item. It should go out this week.

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