New Subs


Active LVC Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Kansas City
Friend is giving me his two alpine type-r 15" subs.. All I need to do is get a new amp and I haven't a clue what would push them the best. I don't need, nor want, insanely powerful beats. I was gonna just get one 10w7 but hell free subs, can't beat that... I already have all the wires ran from the system I had before but really not sure what amp to get. 500 or 1000 watt, what company, etc.. I was told by the local audio shop guy that I Always deal with that alpine mrd500 wouldn't go to well with them because they are 2coil or something. Any suggestions would be very appreciated =D
What model are the subs? How many ohms are they each? Are they already wired in a box? If they are you need to determine if they are wired in a series or parallel. This will effect the ohm load that the amp "sees" .

The main thing to look at would be the ohm load they will present and Alpine's RMS rating for these subs.

Then find an amp that has an RMS rating that matches at that particular ohm load.
Only talked to him briefly about them will have to get all that info when he gets off work. I appreciate the info man thank you.
Just post the specs when you get them and I'm sure somebody will let you know what size amp to get. If I catch your post I'll be sure to give you my .02 cents.

After that it's all about brand name, preference, and price.
the subs are 4ohm + 4ohm rated at 500rms. Alpine's "Build your system" thing suggests the v-12 AccuClass-D amps... but i am not impressed with them. I had the MRd-M500 that was rated way better *and retailed for 300$ more then these* and it didn't sound right on these subs... Suggestions please good sirs! :)

Edit: Good god... There is a 400watt amp that retails for 3500 on the alpine site.... what am I missing here...
KC_Valentine said:
the subs are 4ohm + 4ohm rated at 500rms. Alpine's "Build your system" thing suggests the v-12 AccuClass-D amps... but i am not impressed with them. I had the MRd-M500 that was rated way better *and retailed for 300$ more then these* and it didn't sound right on these subs... Suggestions please good sirs! :)

Edit: Good god... There is a 400watt amp that retails for 3500 on the alpine site.... what am I missing here...

You are missing the Name "Alpine". I like kicker amps. You are going to want to get a 1ohm stable amps that is rated around 1500watts RMS.
This is the amp I wouold go with below 22.5inchs long.

You are gonna need a mono that is ohm stable. I would look for something in the 1200 watt range or a little more, then keep the gains down a little. I wouldn't go much lower than that because it will make your amp work harder and create more heat, shortening the life of it.

I am partial to Elemental Designs, not as well known as other brands (most high quality car audio doesn't come from 'name brands') but VERY solid equipment.

Their 9.1 is 1 ohm stable and putts out 1200 RMS. Cost is $350 after shipping and comes with a 3 year warranty, which I don't think any other audio company will dare put on their product. These often go on sale for $300, but aren't right now.
Well now I am not sure if it's 2+2 or 4+4 ohm.. Will have to take it up to the audio shop and have them test it.
Well if they are D2 then it will present a 2 ohm load which means you will need to buy a more powerful amp, or run it a little harder to make up the difference.
I had an MTX 6500D and was not very pleased with it. In fact mine blew within about 5 months.
I happen to have this one for sell
I only used it for 6 months, and it was pushing 2 JL 12 w3v2's. I would be willing to sell it for the right price if you are interested. I can send pics if need be.

Thank you for the offer but I watn to stay away from MTX.

I appreciate all the replies so far, will try and figure out if it's 2 or 4 ohm, but the shop isn't open on weekends so will have to do it this week.
Comeon all you stereo savvy people, need some more suggestions =D.

If it's 2+2 what amp do you recommend?
If it's 4+4 what amp do you recommend?

It's already boxed, and i'm not going for something insanely loud, just want some more bass, i miss my system that i sold :p.

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