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Active LVC Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Liverpool, NY
I know the nerve of me, sign up just to start asking questions...

I am the proud owner of a 1998 Lincoln Continental fully loaded (only missing RESCU and Tire Pressure Monitor which were RARE). I purchased this car last year for myself on my birthday as a treat to have a luxury car in the family that was cheap and affordable, but an upgrade over my Nissan Altima GLE.

Overall the car has been wonderful to own, although I have dished out some money on the car:
Michelin Tires: $750.00 (top of the line "V" grove)
Lower Ball Joint: $200.00
Front Brakes: $150.00 (ceramix and rotors)
Battery: $90.00
Transmission Fluid Change: $80.00
Air Filter: $30.00
Spark Plugs: $15.00
Fuel Filter: $10.00
Most of the stuff is just standard maintenance so I'm not overly annoyed and the tires were my choice for a high quality all season.

My newest problems are a little different. The car seems to be making a lot of noise in the driver side rear (possibly bearings), but even more recently a lot of noise from the front when I'm driving. It's a very consistent "moan"/"hum" but it eases at certain speeds and is most prominent 20 - 30, 40 - 50 and above 60. There is also a very noticeable vibration in the gas pedal the follows in time with the noise. I have a fear it has something to do with the transmission (TC), but it continues even if I shift the car in neutral or lower gear, which partially eliminates this as the cause.

Does anyone have any ideas to what it could be or anything I could be missing. I haven't dropped the tires off the car (should finally have time this weekend) yet to see if the brakes are hanging, but I would think I would have other problems if that was the case.

At this point I have found myself not enjoying driving it until I can fix this problem, and the dealership, although is very helpful normally, has been unable to diagnose this problem. The last time it was in, they said they didn't notice any unusual noises or vibrations. I guess I must be more sensitive to changes in how the car drives and sounds.

Oh, and to add to the forum while I'm asking a question, I figured out how to fix the combo blinker/hazard switch. The pins inside just need to rebent and cleaned. I had to fix mine because the hazards were not working and the blinkers would fail and the "check front turn signals" would show up on the display. This seems to be a common problem with these cars. This also works for the seat switches that can get worn.
:W to :V :Beer asking questions is the only way to get information.

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