New to LVC General and Electrical Questions


New LVC Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Grass Lake
Hello and great site! I have been a '91 lsc se black/black owner for about 4 years now and it is a great car. It has been retired for about 8 months now and was wondering if you guys had any ideas for me.

How it died....

The car stalled on day pulling into the drive and would not fire again for about 15 minutes. Once started I put plugs, wires, fuel filter, air cleaner, cap, and rotor on it and the problem appeared to be gone.

6 months later ...
Same thing except about 30 minutes to get it started. Drove it home and it would never start again.

What I have tried
New TFI module, coil, distributor, plugs

Car turns over now just will not fire. Battery appears to be pulling power when I hook it up as well so I am thinking it might be electrical, but where shall I start?

I have a new motor and this car is going to become a serious toy, but I would like to get this issue taken care of before it gets torn down.

Thanks to all for you input and sorry for the long post.
NYC LSC said:
Have you checked the fuel pressure at the schrader valve?

No I have not checked that, sorry to sound stupid but .. what is the best way of checking the pressure?
Slap a fuel pressure gauge on there and see what it reads when you go to crank it. The valve is behind the alternator...looks sort of like a valve stem on a wheel. Stock should be about 40psi or so, IIRC (been a while since I had a stock fuel pressure regulator on there)
:Beer Welcome!

If you don't have a fuel PSI guage or are low on funds to get one, here's a little help, but not guaranteed... when you turn the key to "On", not "Cranking" the engine, you should hear the fuel pump spin for about 1 second or less.
Just get in the car, close the doors/windows, turn off all radios/AC and listen when you turn the key to "On". You should hear the relays click and a "wizz" for about 1 second. That's the fuel pump priming some pressure(PSI) to the injectors. If you don't hear this, the fuel pump is probably kaput! But if you can, do as the others have suggested with a gauge. Then go from there.
it could also be a bad EEC relay.

Additionally... go and buy a Haynes manual or equivelent for the Mark VII at your local auto parts store.

let us know what you find.
well although not the right way of going things I have sprayed some ether in the butterfly and didn't even get a sputter. So that has me thinking that I should have at least got something out of it if it was a fuel issue. I was thinking of renting a computer and see if that would tell me anything. What do you guys think?

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