New to this site with town car problem


New LVC Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Hi guys I have a problem with my 2000 town car and I hope someone can shed some light on it. The miles per gallaon reading does not indicate. There are just three lines showing like this _ _ _ when I acti8vate it. The same thing happens on the distance until emty indicater. Yet all the other things work on the readout. Like trip miles and such. The local dealer changed the head unit in the dash (or so he says) and that didn't help. I think that they don't know what to do next. HELP HELP
Yes, I have the 98 model year if that helps. PM me your home address and I'll mail you a copy...
If the other functions on your in dash computer work ok, then I would
first check all connections. Could even be corrupted computer.

I would disconnect all connections to computer, including power.
Then re-connect all connections and see if problem goes away.

Sounds like computer is not resetting, or is not getting all data
from various sensors.
:W to :V this is how it all starts. You have a problem with your Lincoln or Cadillac. You are intelligent enough to say hey I wonder if I can find help on the internet. You do a search you find a few sites. You go to LvC. Post your problem. Get responce in a few minutes. And then you can't leave! You are hooked. You go through the Thread, read something interesting, post, get a reply, post again. Start a friendship, go to a meet see how great these people are and you are hooked.

Welcome! :Beer
I don't know the problem but good luck

:W to :V


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