New wax

Wolfgang makes a good product. Compared to other waxes of its kind that price is nothing. With the free refill it's really not that bad of a price.

Danase and Collinite are very good products. Never tried NuFinish but it doesn't look appealing to me. As far as Ibiz... a guy at the Philadelphia Car Show pulled me aside for a demonstration as if I were a naive kid who knew nothing about detailing.

"With good wax, the water will sheet off and not bead up."
I decided then and there I wasn't going to trust that stuff. Water on a good wax produces high and tight beads.

If you want a good wax for a good price, try S100 made by P21S. Supposedly it's the same formula, costs 15 bucks. Also Meguiars NXT 2.0 is suprisingly good.

I love and Besides Zymol, Zaino, and a few select others, I wouldn't really trust anything's durability that they don't have on their site.
NuFinish is actually incredible.
That's all we used to use at my olf Detailing shop in the early 90's then we switched to Ibiz, TRUST me don't talk $hit on Ibiz until you try it.

I have gone toe to toe on split hood demos with Ibiz vs Zymol and all the "other" great waxs' many times since I was introduced to it in 2001.

Try it and Ill guarantee you will buy it.
I actually clayed, then used scratch X followed up with NXT 2.0 on the Honda last weekend. All by hand and it came out great. The wax looks very good. I got a 7 piece kit at Walmart for $19.
The Mark will get clayed, Optimum Polish, Danase Wet glaz followed by collinite 845. As soon as I get another free weekend, and my PC gets here.
I keep hearing good things about that NXT stuff. When my cleaner wax and gold class liquid runs out, will try it, see what the big deal is.

On another note, that Turtle Wax Ice clay bar is pants - doesn't remove crap, shan't buy that again! (only reason i bought it was cos thieves had stolen ALL the clay bars in the various kits at Walmart)
On another note, that Turtle Wax Ice clay bar is pants - doesn't remove crap, shan't buy that again! (only reason i bought it was cos thieves had stolen ALL the clay bars in the various kits at Walmart)

Same goes for any Turtle Wax product, I hate their stuff.
The meg clay kit worked great, the NXT 2.0 on the Accord looks beautiful. I traded in my mustang for this damn car so I have lots of hostility towards the car, anway this was the first time I washed and wax this car since we owned it in 05. I use to only take it to the touchless car washed but I would never break a sweet over it. Here are some pics


i agree with geno, the only stuff you'll find in my shop is Ibiz too. lucky for me i dont have to buy it off their website and pay full price. my buddy bobby over in new port richey is a distributor for Ibiz and i drive right to his shop when i need more from him. he knocks 25% off all my purchases.
Meg's NXT is the perfect product for the home waxer. its only about $16 and works wonders. Anything more expensive would be uncivilized

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