Newbie with suspension question/problem

Greg T

LVC Member
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Hello all,
I have a 97 SLS that says it has a computer selected suspension. I assume this is a self leveling type utilizing air struts. ??

When loading the car I never hear the pump running to level the car and if I have a couple of people in the back seat it will bottom out on RR tracks and/or dips in the road. I dont get any errors or messages in the info center on the dash. Could this just be a bad air compressor? If so, where is it and is it difficult to change???

Thanx in advance.
The suspension compressor for your 97 is probably the same as my 94, which is the right (passenger) side, near the rear wheel. if you get on your back near the right side muffler and look towards the front of the car in the right wheel area you should see it. Otherwise take the right rear tire off.

I hope this helps!
Yes, that does help. Thank you. Can anyone help me to verify that this may be the problem before I buy i pump?
I suggest you check for trouble codes if you have not already by simultaneously pressing the OFF and WARMER buttons on the climate control panel with the ignition key to the ON position. You do not have to start the engine. Hold the buttons down at the same time for about 5 seconds. I'm not sure it will work with a 97, but I believe it should. If it works, the PCM will cycle through the diagnostic mode and you may see trouble code(s). The link below will have a "GM Diagnostic Trouble Code Lists" where you will find code explanations.
Thats a good place to start. Am I to assume that there need not be any kind of warning light or message that would just pop on? I have seen nothing come up on it's own. I will try this tomorrow. Thanks a heap. I'll report back.
If there is a compressor problem I would think you would see the "SERVICE RIDE CONTROL" message once the PCM detects a fault. This would alert you that there is a suspension/ride control problem. You wouldn't have to enter the diagnostic mode for this message to appear. It would flash across the DIC once the ignition key is on or anytime after a fault is detected.
MAC1 said:
If there is a compressor problem I would think you would see the "SERVICE RIDE CONTROL" message once the PCM detects a fault. This would alert you that there is a suspension/ride control problem. You wouldn't have to enter the diagnostic mode for this message to appear. It would flash across the DIC once the ignition key is on or anytime after a fault is detected.

Okay. I went through the diags and received only one code (RSS1738) and the final was a (PCM?). I checked the link you gave me with the code chart and it says C1738 is an "exhaust solenoid valve short to grnd". Now, i'm assuming the exhust solenoid is what allows the air to escape to soften the ride. And with this not operating the pump wont wont run? Is this solenoid part of the pump, or a separate entity that can be easily replaced?

I really appreciate the help on this. It's my first Caddy and I'm new to all the frills.
I believe you are correct. I have the same problem with my compressor except my OBD-I code is S038 (Electronic Level Control Exhaust Valve Short to Ground/Open). I asked about this problem on another forum and was given the following response:

Usually the short to ground is internal... You have to disect the ELC compressor to fix that one.... Although, you should check the wireing first: Just stick one ohmmeter probe in a terminal on the plug and the other to something that is grounded, if you get 5 ohms or less with any of them, you know you have a grounded wire rather than an internal problem with the ELC compressor.

I think I'll buy an ohm meter and check the wiring. But I think the first step would be to disconnect and clean the harness to the compressor and check for debris. I remember reading a post stating that this situation could simply be dirt or corrosion at the harness. If not, it looks like a new compressor is in order.
I found an online GM dealer that says the problem can be fixed with a new compressor head as the solenoids are incorporated into the head. The cost is $122.00 + shipping. The entire compressor is $400.00. But, I found an aftermarket place that will sell an entire compressor for $171.00. Any thoughts? I was thinking going the whole compressor route to eliminate any other anomalies that may lie in that compressor from not running for so long.
Greg T said:
I found an online GM dealer that says the problem can be fixed with a new compressor head as the solenoids are incorporated into the head. The cost is $122.00 + shipping. The entire compressor is $400.00. But, I found an aftermarket place that will sell an entire compressor for $171.00. Any thoughts? I was thinking going the whole compressor route to eliminate any other anomalies that may lie in that compressor from not running for so long.

I would buy the whole compressor and be done with it. Here is a website I found (is it the same website you're looking at?):

Arnott has an excellent rating on eBay. Update: Actually, I see Arnott has an advertisement here on LVC.
This is what scares me about aftermarket: Quote from Arnott's:

"The pump is in the rear of the car, underneath the car in the center, forward of the rear axle.

The compressor includes the solenoid.

The pump will not come with a new dryer or plug, but does come with directions on how to rewire the original plug and reuse the original dryer. If your original drye ris bad, you have to purchase a new one from GM.

Thank you, Lisa"

Lisa Arnott
Arnott Inc.
399 Challenger Rd
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
ph: 321.868.3016 ext 105
toll free: 800.251.8993 ext 105
fax: 321.868.3703 or 800.325.8659
If you got the cash buy the GM part but not from the dealer. Have you tried it should be cheaper there.
Here are the instructions for removing compressor as stated in GM's factory Service Manual for 1994 models:

1. Raise vehicle on frame contact hoist.
2. Loosen exhaust system at each end of muffler.
3. Muffler heat shield.
4. Compressor electrical connector and air lines.
5. Air inlet filter from underbody mounting.
6. Two compressor bracket mounting screws which attach bracket to suspension.
7. Compressor and bracket from vehicle as an assembly towards rear of vehicle next to exhaust pipe.
8. Bracket from compressor.

Looks like an easy job.

The dryer is easy to remove. There is a dryer bracket which is secured by two bolts. To remove the dryer 1) disconnect air tub from dryer; 2) rotate retainer spring 90 degrees and pull the dryer and O-ring out of compressor head assembly.

Apparently, the new compressor does not have a harness connection. Therefore, the harness connection must be removed from the original compressor and spliced into the new compressor. This also should be an easy job.

I could only find the compressor at GMPartsDirect (GM # 22049808 for $385.92, plus shipping ($22.14), total $408.06). Couldn't find it at RockAuto's website. This compressor is not easy to find.
That is apparently not the right part number for mine. That number shows up to 93. I have found mine by drilling down a few sites but I cant believe what I see. Everyone shows the compressor at $379.00 but they list the compressor HEAD at $443.00. I thought the compressor came with the head already attached. This is getting way too spooky. Here is one link: .

GMParts direct shows the compressor but wants about $$70.00 for shipping. I'm confused. I need beer.
I won't spend over $400 for a compressor. I think the Arnott compressor looks pretty good for $171, and it's cheaper on eBay with free shipping. If need be, I can buy a new dryer which is about $45. Splicing the harness shouldn’t be a problem. I don't know of any other reasonable alternative.

BTW, GMPartsDirect can go nuts with the shipping and handling, so what you saw is correct. Some parts they sell will have reasonable shipping charges. I look to first. Recently, I purchased a hub bearing assembly from and they were pretty good--No problem.

I know of a situation where a guy from Germany requested and received help from a person in the U.S. to buy GM Service Manuals from because Helm's shipping and handling charges to Germany were ridiculous. You just need to now prices.
I think I'll take my chance on the cheap one too. I just dont understand about these sites that offer the compressor for less money than just the head. Makes no sense.

Don't know how to tell if the dryer is bad. Would that show an error code?

Where did you find a dryer for 45 bux? Cheapest I found so far was 63.
I found this on ebay. Original GM parts and looks like a dryer or something hangin off of it. Brand new. $395.00. I think I'll go OEM to be safe.
Greg T said:
I found this on ebay. Original GM parts and looks like a dryer or something hangin off of it. Brand new. $395.00. I think I'll go OEM to be safe.

The GM compressor does have everything including dryer, air filter and harness.
It's on the way. I had Arnott's send me an instruction sheet and didnt care for what i saw. The OEM bolts right in with one airline connection and one plug. Plus, factory warranty that can be honored right here at my local dealer.
Got the pump in and working great. Not an easy task, BTW. But i want to thank everyone for their help.

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