Nitrous install

Dern Humpus

Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Warrensburg, MO
I just got a nos wet kit, Im gonna run an 80 shot for a while. I have a couple questions for the install however.

Where has everyone been putting the nozzle in the intake, and have you been pointing it towards the throttle body, or parallel to the way the intake tube is running?

Also, I picked up spark plugs, they are Autolite 103's. Are these the right plug to be running?

Last, where has everyone been running their nitrous lines? Inside/Outside the car, where does your line exit the trunk?

Thanks for help

i screwwed the nozzle right into the air intake pretty close to the throttle body but still easy to get to spraying towards the tb
ar 103 plugs gapped at .048 , no the nitrous won't blow them out
i ran the line down the passenger side wheel well and up through a floor board knock out under the where the passenger feet would be , under the carpet and proppoed the bottle up behind the passenger seat (i wasn't overly concerned with safety ,i want easy
i left the 75 jets in for a couple passes , then went to 100 for a couple , then 150
if your car is like mine , even with the 80 jets it will hit pretty hard and be tons of fun
about 3 or 4 inches befor the bend (on the mass air meter side of the bend)
just so it was easy to get to
if you are using a WOT switch , you can mount the bracket to the throttle cable bracket , the switch arm will just hit the cable at WOT
Right by the TB there is where I thought i would mount it. My friend who I bought the kit from is still trying to find the wot switch so i may be buying one off the net.

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