NIU Shooting


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 25, 2005
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Central Illinois
Just wanted to let anyone in the area know our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, family, and friends.
I have a friend that goes there but i haven't heard from her.. any clue as to what happened? i never got full story just a text from my friend.
This story is a bunch of lies and propaganda. Everyone knows that gun-free zones deter criminals. :rolleyes:
This story is a bunch of lies and propaganda. Everyone knows that gun-free zones deter criminals. :rolleyes:

ya know, i don't know you or anything about you, but being a student @ NIU I can assure you that it is REAL. Morons like you who write things like this concerning tragic events while there are others who morn the loss of friends and family members makes me livid. Where do you even get the balls to write something like this, i mean really. 5 people died that day and dozens of others were injured. That alone would be enough for a good majority of people to think twice about turning a tragic event like this into a political arena involving gun law or anything else. Have some :q:q:q:qing respect.

by the way, my name is Shane, and I am a HUSKIE
good to see a post from ya "lurker" i was talking to a friend of mine and his girlfriends friend was in the class, she ran out while he was reloading, and i guess she is pretty messed up (with understanding) and also there is some little girl that MWB and i work with that has almost all of her classes in that room except for thurs (so were wondering if she is ever coming back)
i was halfway back from ray's funeral when i got the call about niu, talk about messed up. and MWB im gonna quote your ole lady, "why do people think they have to take out a room of people just to kill them self?"
Fossten wasn't being serious, he was using sarcasm to make a very valid political point.

Guns are banned on that campus, as a result, the only person who had a weapon available was the person violating the law. Had there been armed citizens in the room, would the shooter have had the confidence to walk in there and open fire? Would he have been shot and stopped before he taking the opportunity to kill and maime all those people?

Why do these shootings so often take place in "gun free zones." Strong gun laws only deter citizens from having the ability to defend themselves. And they make the public increasingly dependent upon the government for their personal safety.

His comment was not meant to disrespect the loss of life or suffering that took place that day.
ya know, i don't know you or anything about you, but being a student @ NIU I can assure you that it is REAL. Morons like you who write things like this concerning tragic events while there are others who morn the loss of friends and family members makes me livid. Where do you even get the balls to write something like this, i mean really. 5 people died that day and dozens of others were injured. That alone would be enough for a good majority of people to think twice about turning a tragic event like this into a political arena involving gun law or anything else. Have some :q:q:q:qing respect.

by the way, my name is Shane, and I am a HUSKIE
Obviously you missed my sarcastic smilie at the end. You really do not know me. And this was posted in a political forum. So you're wrong, three times.

People here know me as one of the staunchest defenders of gun rights on this forum. I believe that the main reason schools are targeted is because the government makes them easy targets by banning students from carrying on campus, even those who have CCW permits. So I was being sarcastic. I am the first to feel awful when one of these things happens, but I blame gun laws, the government's stupidity, and the Brady Bunch, not gun owners.

Before you flame, make sure you know what you're flaming.
sorry fossten, but it's been a roller coaster of a weekend for me having this happen so close to home, in a room i was in earlier in the day. i do not wish to have some sort of rift with you, i just failed to see the humor of your first post in this topic. I do agree, some people, who can prove their responsibility/sanity should be able to carry a gun. I do not think these types of people would be less likely to do these types of things if there was a chance they would fail as soon as they showed their own weapons. we live in a culture where people should be better able to protect themselves, and i agree with you on that. However I did not see my post as "flaming" as the first post by midwestbird said nothing about gun control or any political nature, meaning it would fall under the "current events" part of this forum. have a good day
sorry fossten, but it's been a roller coaster of a weekend for me having this happen so close to home, in a room i was in earlier in the day. i do not wish to have some sort of rift with you, i just failed to see the humor of your first post in this topic. I do agree, some people, who can prove their responsibility/sanity should be able to carry a gun. I do not think these types of people would be less likely to do these types of things if there was a chance they would fail as soon as they showed their own weapons. we live in a culture where people should be better able to protect themselves, and i agree with you on that. However I did not see my post as "flaming" as the first post by midwestbird said nothing about gun control or any political nature, meaning it would fall under the "current events" part of this forum. have a good day
1. I wasn't trying to be humorous. I was being sarcastic. There's a difference. My vitriol was directed at those who created the gun-free zone that gave this killer the advantage. I hope you can see that.

2. Please don't appoint yourself as the arbiter of what is political and what is a current event. Pretty much anything is fair game in this forum and since you're new it would be wise for you to explore this forum before you go off half cocked.

3. If some wacko had started shooting in my classroom in college, he would have been dodging a hail of .40 caliber bullets flying at him from my direction, gun-free zone or not. I'm not admitting to anything here, mind you, and this is not meant to be legal advice either. I refuse to go anywhere unprotected.

4. I really like your avatar. Reminds me of a movie I saw recently that I thought was very good.

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