No city as nutty as Denver


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Denver ballot measure on aliens is out of this world

Peter Chakerian Peter Chakerian – Fri Oct 29, 3:53 pm ET
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Is it any wonder comedian Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" has picked up such momentum?

Across the country, strange, zany and oddball measures continue to turn up on ballots for voter consideration.

This Nov. 2 appears to have its share of them, including California's Prop 19 and 23, which aim for a statewide "regulation, control and taxation" of marijuana, and the turning back of some environmental initiatives in the Global Warming Solutions Act.

Then there's Colorado's Amendment 62, which would officially define fetuses as people and thereby offering a challenge to Roe v. Wade.

In Florida, a ballot initiative (referred to as the Florida Federal Budget Advisory Question) aims to amend the U.S. Constitution so that the federal budget should be balanced every year. Blocking health care reform, eliminating the employee free choice act, and moves to alienate minorities are also among the hit parade.

But of all the ballot measures in this cycle, none is as wild (and, ahem, alienating) than another Colorado initiative. Denver's "Initiative 300" is a measure that, if approved by voters, would allow the city's mayor to choose seven volunteers for an exclusive commission on unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life forms.
Jeff Peckman, the man who dreamed up the proposal, suggests that a twice-annual meeting of this triumvirate would help collect compelling evidence on the risk assessment involved in aliens and UFOs that may be here on Earth (or, at least in the minds of some, on their way).

The commission would allow citizens to report alien- and flying-saucer activity, as well as formulate a plan for how Denverites might deal with such scenarios.

As one might expect, the proposal is drawing a lot of interest, including the Paradigm Research Group -- a registered lobbyist looking for political transparency from the White House related to UFOs, alien invasions and other situations befitting the famed "Area 51" government site in Arizona.

We have a suggestion, one that even Jon Stewart could call "sane" and get behind: Looking for aliens from other planets? Start inside some of Denver's government buildings. They're here and taking over the political process.

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