No crank no start!


New LVC Member
Apr 20, 2015
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grand Rapids
i have a 2000 lincoln ls 3.0. I go to leave work and turn key and one click and try again one click. So I tried jump starting and same thing. I took my starter of had it tested two different places. One test was good and one bad. I purchased a new starter anyway. I put in the car and does the same thing one click from the solenoid. Battery is good had it tested also. Any help would be great. Only had the car a few weeks. I also tried direct power to the starter with jumper box. And same thing. Pats system is normal.
Check the voltage between the engine block and the "B" terminal on the starter. Then check it while someone turns the key to start. It should be 12.6 to begin with, and shouldn't go below 9 when the key is turned to start.
Can you turn the crank by hand?
I didn't try to crank by hand. But tried jumping starter from a jump box and and does the same thing. Engine wasn't seized when I shut it off at work.
Yep. Need the voltage measurements as described to be able to offer any more advice.... If the voltages are good, also measure the "S" and the "M" terminals (while holding the key to start position).
Were you connecting the jumper to the "B" terminal or the "M" terminal?

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