No heat this year


LVC Member
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
2000 LS V6. 86,000 original miles.

Has all new cooling parts last year including DCCV and solenoid since last fall it was cold on drivers side and hot on passenger side. Marked all hoses before removing so I would put them back correctly.
Fixed the problem then.

New A/C also last year which works great.

Now it is fall again and no heat at all.

Thought maybe an air bubble - absolutely nothing out of the heater bleed hose after running for 30 minutes.

Ran diagnostic and got code 50 41C which leans towards the DATC. But cannot find a DATC to buy online.

Thought maybe still pull a vacuum on the heater but as I don't have one - requires a 1 hour trip to the only Lincoln dealer in Atlanta - Ford guy does not have a vacuum device.

Plan to disconnect the DCCV electrical hookup and check for heat.

Any other ideas?
...Thought maybe an air bubble - absolutely nothing out of the heater bleed hose after running for 30 minutes...

Do you mean coolant but no air bubbles, or do you mean no coolant?
If no coolant, then the system isn't pressurizing. There is a leak somewhere, even if it is only an air leak.

...Ran diagnostic and got code 50 41C which leans towards the DATC. But cannot find a DATC to buy online....
DATC front panel code 5041 - OBDII code U1041
SCP Invalid Or Missing Data For Function Read Vehicle Speed

This does not indicate a DATC problem. It indicates an issue with the ABS module or the wheel speed sensors. It's possible that this condition cleared and it is only a code from some past problem.

You can unplug the electrical connector at the DCCV. This will give you full heat (once the engine has warmed up). When it does not, then you will know that it is not a DATC problem, but is instead an engine cooling system problem (leak or clog), or (unlikely) a stuck closed DCCV.
No coolant flows out.

Unhooked the electrical connection - no heat with A/C on at 90F or just heat at 90F. Must be a clog or air trapped somewhere.

Just a thought on the hoses to make sure I did not mess up.
Looking down at the DCCV from the front - upper hose on right fender goes to the upper right connection and middle hose on the right fender goes to the upper left connection and the bottom goes to the rear bottom.
Angled goes to angled. Front lower is front lower.
If the hoses crossed it will not give a no heat condition, ( had this problem a few months ago when I changed my DCCV )

If all plumbing is new and there are no leaks look at the aux pump, mines spins but noticed once the coolant gets hot it does not push the coolant correctly.

Also the DCCV could be stuck closed, mines was and the new one (matrix part ), had one chamber that was stuck closed and did not respond to power being apply I took that handle of my jack and tapped on the to cylinders and it freed up, now I have a DCCV sitting on the self, bought a new one not knowing that when I did that it freed it up.
Thinking of disconnecting the DCCV and reverse flushing the heater core. PITA.
Why do people insist on saying "mines" (which are devices to sink ships or blow soldiers into little pieces) when they mean mine (as in possessive; I own)? There is no plural to mine......
Why do people insist on saying "mines" (which are devices to sink ships or blow soldiers into little pieces) when they mean mine (as in possessive; I own)? There is no plural to mine......

Ain't no difference, you'uns dun knowed what he sez...
Lol it's a habit ( I'm from Chicago ) hopefully the point I was makeing, is understood.

Joegr the v6 don't have a Aux coolant pump?

Yet the v8 have one I'm jealous, and confused, Is there a reason the v6 do not have a auxiliary coolant pump?
Presumably, the V6 cooling system moves enough warm coolant at idle to not need a pump for the heater circuit. The V8 at idle with the thermostat closed apparently does not.

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