No more Lincoln ls


New LVC Member
Feb 26, 2010
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After just 120 days no more lincoln ls

first 10 days with lincoln :):):)
after 20 days :)
after 30 days :confused:
40-120 :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::

i have 2003 BMW 530i :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Well, I'm truly sorry that your experience in LS ownership ended on such a sour note. Gen-1's had their problems, but by the end of that run, I thought that most of the bugs were worked out. There are exceptions as always, and it seems that yours was one of them. It's too bad, but take heart in the fact that each time an LS dies, it extends the life of the others a little bit. Circle-of-life an all that. LOL! Seriously though, try to make the most of this if you can. If it is totally crapped-out, maybe you could part it out. Make yourself some "mods" money. And good luck.:cool:
Nice choice. 530i sport with manual. Thats a badass car. Is it a sport? Manual? Color? Pictures?
Sucks for you.

I was

1-30 :)

30-50 :D

50-75 :mad::mad::mad::mad:

75-550:dancefool:zgreenbou:headbang::biggrin: :steering :monkey::woowoo2::burnout::hump::L
Good luck with the BMW

Sold my BMW for the LS, BMW = Bring Money With YOU!

MY 01V6 broke down every year since I bought it new. Always something serious and very expensive to fix. A real money pit. But it is and always will be my favorite car since the 1960's when i bought my first car.
My '02 Sport has never 'broken down' unless you count a failed alternator. I have 144K miles on it since I bought it new. I've used it to set four National Land Speed Records in two classes at Maxton, and I drive it every day. (See 'Land Speed LS' in the HP section.)


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