New LVC Member
I started my 02 Lincoln LS the other day and when I put it in drive and pressed the gas pedal it did not respond. It only moved forward at idle speed. The tachometer did not move each time I pressed the gas and the check engine light did NOT come on. I shut it off and stared it again and the problem was gone.
Two days later I drove to pick up a pizza and when I came out it did it again. Engine starts, no response to gas pedal. I restarted it and this time it did not fix the problem and I was forced to drive home at idle speed with my hazards on. Again there is no check engine light and the problem was gone when I took it to the mechanic today so he can't figure out what it was. Anybody have this problem before? Thanks.
Two days later I drove to pick up a pizza and when I came out it did it again. Engine starts, no response to gas pedal. I restarted it and this time it did not fix the problem and I was forced to drive home at idle speed with my hazards on. Again there is no check engine light and the problem was gone when I took it to the mechanic today so he can't figure out what it was. Anybody have this problem before? Thanks.