No Reason to Prosecute this Black Panther?

Video #1: Black Panther's intimidating voters infront of polling location.
Video #2: Outrageous video with black panther in video.
Video #3: Video of Megyn Kelly interviewing DOJ attorney who resigned over the decision to drop charges.
Video #1: Black Panther's intimidating voters infront of polling location.
Video #2: Outrageous video with black panther in video.
Video #3: Video of Megyn Kelly interviewing DOJ attorney who resigned over the decision to drop charges.

.....when that decision was made on 1/7/09, almost 2 weeks BEFORE Obama took office. So what is your point?

This means that the case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division.


Manufactured scandal: Right wing's phony allegations against the Justice Department
July 07, 2010 11:13 am ET — 73 Comments
J. Christian Adams' accusations that President Obama's Justice Department engaged in racially charged "corruption" in the New Black Panther Party case do not stand up to the evidence. Adams is a right-wing activist tied to the Bush-era politicization of the Justice Department who has admitted he lacks first-hand knowledge of the events he is discussing, and his claims fall apart given the fact that the Obama DOJ obtained judgment against one defendant, while the Bush DOJ declined to pursue similar allegations in 2006.

Adams: DOJ's action in New Black Panther case shows unprecedented, racially charged corruption
Adams: DOJ decision not to pursue charges in New Black Panthers case demonstrates unprecedented, racially charged corruption. GOP activist J. Christian Adams penned a Washington Times column leveling accusations of a "corrupt" and racially charged dismissal of the New Black Panther Party case and appeared in a two-part interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly. During the interview, Adams accused the Justice Department of "a hostility in the voting section and in the civil rights division to bringing cases on behalf of white victims for the benefit of national racial minorities." Adams further said that "the decision to dismiss this case was corrupt," adding, "to abandon law-abiding citizens and abet wrongdoers constitutes corruption." In a Pajamas Media post, Adams wrote:

If we had that frank, truthful discussion about race, we'd learn that the Obama administration doesn't believe some civil rights laws protect every American. The Bush Civil Rights Division was willing to protect all Americans from racial discrimination; during the Obama years, the Holder years, only some Americans will be protected. Americans have a right to know and judge the racial policies of the administration they elected in 2008.

Adams' unsubstantiated story spread throughout other right-wing media. Kelly brought the story to Hannity, and it was picked up by Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, radio host Jay Severin, the blogs Hot Air, Atlas Shrugs, Ace of Spades, Andrew Breitbart's Big Government, and the Fox website Fox Nation.

Reality: Adams' accusations don't stand up to the facts
Adams is a long-time right-wing activist, who is known for filing an ethics complaint against Hugh Rodham that was subsequently dismissed, served as a Bush poll watcher in Florida 2004, and reportedly volunteered for a Republican group that trains lawyers to fight "racially tinged battles over voting rights";
Adams was hired to the Justice Department in 2005 by Bradley Schlozman, who was found by the Department of Justice Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility to have improperly considered political affiliation when hiring career attorneys -- the former head of the DOJ voting rights section reportedly said that Adams was "exhibit A of the type of people hired by Schlozman";
Adams has admitted that he does not have first-hand knowledge of the events, conversations, and decisions that he is citing to advance his accusations;
The Bush administration's Justice Department -- not the Obama administration -- made the decision not to pursue criminal charges against members of the New Black Panther Party for alleged voter intimidation at a polling center in Philadelphia in 2008;
The Obama administration successfully obtained default judgment against Samir Shabazz, a member of the New Black Panther Party carrying a nightstick outside the Philadelphia polling center on Election Day 2008;
The Bush administration DOJ chose not to pursue similar charges against members of the Minutemen, one of whom allegedly carried a weapon while harassing Hispanic voters in Arizona in 2006;
No voters have come forward to claim that they were intimidated from voting on account of the New Black Panthers standing outside the polling center in 2008;
The Republican vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which is currently investigating the Justice Department's decision, has called that investigation "very small potatoes" full of "overheated rhetoric filled with insinuations and unsubstantiated charges," and said it has not "served the interests of the commission"; she further said that DOJ has given a "plausible argument" for not pursuing additional charges in the case.
Adams is a long-time GOP activist
Kelly: A source "close to the case" said "Christian Adams is a conservative who has made willful misstatements in this interview." After airing a portion of her interview with Adams on the June 30 edition of America Live, Kelly reported the Justice Department's reaction to Adams' allegations and then noted, "Another source close to the case telling one of our producers that Christian Adams is a conservative who has made willful misstatements in this interview."

Adams reportedly filed ethics complaint against Hugh Rodham that was dismissed. In a February 26, 2001, Washington Times column (accessed via Nexis) John McCaslin cited a formal ethics complaint filed by Adams against Hugh Rodham, brother of then-Sen. Hillary Clinton. On February 24, 2001, The Washington Times had reported (accessed via Nexis) that "Adams said Mr. Rodham put his Florida law license 'in jeopardy' with an admission that he accepted a contingency fee in obtaining the commutation for Carlos Vignali, the convicted drug dealer released from prison after serving six years of a 15-year sentence." A July 22, 2001, New York Times article (accessed via Nexis) reported, "The Florida bar has cleared Hugh Rodham of violating legal ethics."

Adams reportedly volunteered with GOP group that "trains lawyers to fight on the front lines of often racially tinged battles over voting rights." A December 2, 2009, article on the legal news website Main Justice reported:

Before coming to the Justice Department, Adams volunteered with the National Republican Lawyers Association, an offshoot of the Republican National Committee that trains lawyers to fight on the front lines of often racially tinged battles over voting rights.

Adams reportedly was a Bush campaign poll watcher in Florida. The December 2, 2009, Main Justice article further reported: "In 2004, Adams served as a Bush campaign poll watcher in Florida, where he was critical of a black couple for not accepting a provisional ballot in early voting after officials said they had no record of the couple's change of address forms, according to Bloomberg News. Democratic poll watchers had advised voters not to accept provisional ballots because of the risk they could be discounted under Florida law, Bloomberg reported."

Adams likened Obama to appeasers who caused "carnage" of WWII. In an October 30, 2009, American Spectator piece, Adams wrote: "President Obama's received his Peace Prize, according to the Nobel Committee, for his 'efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between nations.' Norman Angell's Nobel was awarded for similar reasons." Adams went on to blame Angell's ideas for World War II:

The 1933 Peace Prize winner profoundly influenced British policy in ways that led directly to German tanks rolling into Poland in September 1939. War did not break out because nations ignored Angell's advice; instead, the ensuing carnage in Europe happened because European democracies made Angell's ideas government policy.

Adams concluded: "Churchill, responding directly to Angell, asked 'who is the man vain enough to suppose that the long antagonisms of history and of time can in all circumstances be adjusted by the smooth and superficial conventions of politicians and ambassadors?' The Nobel Committee may have answered Sir Winston's query for the 21st century."

Adams is deeply tied to Bush-era politicization of DOJ
Former Voting Rights section chief: Adams is "exhibit A of the type of people hired by Schlozman." A July 6 article on Main Justice reported that Joseph Rich, former head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division Voting Section, said that Adams "was hired in the Civil Rights Division Voting Section under a process the DOJ Inspector General later determined was improperly influenced by politics," by Schlozman. Main Justice further reported:

Rich said Schlozman asked him to attend an interview with J. Christian Adams, a solo practitioner from Alexandria, Va., who had worked for the Secretary of State in South Carolina. Adams had also volunteered for the Republican National Lawyers Association, a GOP-funded group that sought to draw attention to voting fraud.

Adams did not have an extensive background in civil rights, Rich said, but may have had limited voting rights experience from his time in South Carolina. "He is exhibit A of the type of people hired by Schlozman," Rich said.

Rich said he sat in on the interview, but Schlozman asked most of the questions. There was no discussion of Adams' political background at the meeting, according to Rich. Adams was offered the position shortly thereafter, and Rich said he doesn't believe anyone else was interviewed for the job.

"I was invited to the interview but was never asked for a recommendation," Rich said. "This was an example of the way things were being done. There's no evidence that this was a normal hiring process." As a supervisor, Rich said, he normally would have been involved in hiring decisions.

Schlozman's politicization wrought havoc on Civil Rights Division
DOJ IG "found that Schlozman considered political and ideological affiliations when hiring and taking other personnel actions relating to career attorneys, in violation of Department policy and federal law." A July 2008 report from the Department of Justice Inspector General's Office and the Office of Professional Responsibility concluded that Schlozman "considered political and ideological affiliations when hiring and taking other personnel actions relating to career attorneys in violation of Department policy and federal law." The report concluded:

The evidence in our investigation showed that Schlozman, first as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General and subsequently as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Acting Assistant Attorney General, considered political and ideological affiliations in hiring career attorneys and in other personnel actions affecting career attorneys in the Civil Rights Division. In doing so, he violated federal law -- the Civil Service Reform Act -- and Department policy that prohibit discrimination in federal employment based on political and ideological affiliations, and committed misconduct. The evidence also showed that Division managers failed to exercise sufficient oversight to ensure that Schlozman did not engage in inappropriate hiring and personnel practices. Moreover, Schlozman made false statements about whether he considered political and ideological affiliations when he gave sworn testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee and in his written responses to supplemental questions from the Committee.

Schlozman is said to have picked attorneys who "lacked relevant experience" and "rarely expressed any interest in civil rights enforcement." The IG/OPR report stated that Special Litigation Section Chief Shanetta Cutlar "said that the applicants whose résumés she reviewed after they had been culled from the applicant pool by Schlozman or others in the front office typically reflected membership in conservative organizations. She also said the most striking thing she noticed about the résumés was that the applicants generally lacked relevant experience. She said Schlozman minimized the importance of prior civil rights or human rights work experience." In addition, the report states:

Former Criminal Section Chief [Albert] Moskowitz also said the candidates for career positions chosen by Schlozman had conservative political or ideological affiliations and rarely had any civil rights background, rarely expressed any interest in civil rights enforcement, and had very little or no federal criminal experience.

Schlozman testified that he "probably ha[d]" boasted about hiring Republicans or conservatives. From a June 5, 2007, Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on politicized hiring and firing in the DOJ (from the Nexis database):

SEN. CHARLES SCHUMER: Did you ever boast to anyone that you hired a certain number of Republicans or conservatives for any division or section at the Justice Department?

MR. SCHLOZMAN: I mean, I probably have made statements like that.

In addition, the IG/OPR report cited a January 2004 email in which Schlozman wrote to an attorney he had hired: "Just between you and me, we hired another member of 'the team' yesterday. And still another ideological comrade will be starting in one month. So we are making progress."

IG/OPR documented Schlozman discussing the removal of "disloyal" "liberals" and hiring of conservative "real Americans." The same report outlined statements from Justice Department officials who said that Schlozman attempted to remove Democrats and liberals and hire "real Americans" or "right-thinking Americans," which the report determined to mean conservatives. From the report:

Several attorneys in the Division also told us that Schlozman was open about his disdain for and lack of trust in the attorney staff of the Division. Appellate Section Chief Diana Flynn told us that in conversations with her, Schlozman alternately referred to the Appellate Section lawyers hired during prior administrations as "Democrats" and "liberals," and said they were "disloyal," could not be trusted, and were not "on the team." Flynn said Schlozman pledged to move as many of them out of the Division as he could to make room for the "real Americans" and "right-thinking Americans" he wanted to hire.

Accounts from numerous other Division employees and officials, including former AAG Wan Kim and Section Chiefs Cutlar and Flynn, as well as the context of Schlozman's e-mails, indicate that his use of terms such as "real American," "right-thinking American," being "on the team," and similar terms were Schlozman's way of referring to politically conservative applicants and attorneys. For example, an e-mail dated July 17, 2006, from Schlozman to Monica Goodling, who at the time was Senior Counsel to the Attorney General and White House Liaison, sheds light on the meaning of Schlozman's terms. In that e-mail, Schlozman recommended a friend who had interviewed with Goodling for a political position. Schlozman wrote, "I can assure you that [the applicant] is a good American. [The applicant] and Sheldon Bradshaw and I (and [one] other person) made up a four-member Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy at my former law firm." In another e-mail sent to Goodling on December 4, 2006, in which Schlozman recommended a different friend for an Immigration Judge position, Schlozman wrote, "[D]on't be dissuaded by his ACLU work on voting matters from years ago. This is a very different man, and particularly on immigration issues, he is a true member of the team."

A May 9, 2003, e-mail provides additional evidence of the meaning of Schlozman's phrases. Luis Reyes, then Counsel to the AAG for the Civil Division, sent an e-mail to Schlozman in connection with a legal matter, endorsing an attorney in the Department's Office of Legal Policy as a "right thinking american [sic] to say the least." In an e-mail response, Schlozman wrote that he "just spoke with [the attorney] to verify his political leanings and it is clear he is a member of the team."

IG/OPR: Schlozman cut section managers out of the hiring process. As explained in the IG/OPR report, a memorandum on hiring procedures sent out by Ralph F. Boyd Jr., then the Civil Rights Division assistant attorney general, indicated that section chiefs were supposed to interview and provide hiring recommendations. However, the report states that Schlozman "prevented many career section chiefs from reviewing résumés of the complete applicant pool, and he only provided to them résumés of applicants he interviewed. Five of the six section chiefs whom Schlozman supervised while [deputy assistant attorney general], from May 2003 to June 2005, told us that Schlozman further minimized their roles in the hiring process by providing little advance notice of applicant interviews, discouraging their asking questions during the interviews, and ignoring their assessments and recommendations regarding attorney applicants." In sections of the Civil Rights Division where Schlozman was not responsible for hiring, by contrast, "[c]areer section managers and attorneys in these sections had greater roles in the process for hiring experienced attorneys."

IG/OPR: Schlozman forwarded "inappropriate jokes," such as calling former Civil Rights Commission chairwoman "black and bitter." According to the IG/OPR report, Assistant Attorney General R. Alexander Acosta said that Schlozman was "very loose with his language" and made "inappropriate jokes" during his tenure at the Justice Department. In an example provided to the inspector general, Acosta described as inappropriate an email Schlozman forwarded around the office:

In that incident in August 2004, Voting Section Chief John Tanner sent an e-mail to Schlozman asking Schlozman to bring coffee for him to a meeting both were scheduled to attend. Schlozman replied asking Tanner how he liked his coffee. Tanner's response was, "Mary Frances Berry style -- black and bitter." Berry is an African-American who was the Chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights from November 1993 until late 2004. Schlozman forwarded the e-mail chain to several Department officials (including Principal DAAG Bradshaw) but not Acosta, with the comment, "Y'all will appreciate Tanner's response." Acosta said that when he was made aware of the incident, he required Schlozman to make a written apology to him for his role in forwarding the e-mail and that Schlozman did so. Acosta said that he believed Schlozman wrote him the apology in an e-mail, but we were unable to retrieve Acosta's e-mails and did not find such an e-mail among Schlozman's recovered e-mail messages.

Adams admits he lacks first-hand knowledge to support his accusations
Adams: "I don't know. I wasn't there." During the June 30 edition of America Live, Kelly hyped what she called Adams' "explosive new allegations." But during the interview, Adams relied on hearsay and things that others said to support his allegations. For example, after claiming that a Justice Department attorney "threw [a] memo at" another attorney, Kelly asked, "What was the response? I mean, that's an extraordinary story," and Adams replied, "I don't know. I wasn't there."

Adams admits he did not talk to the attorneys he said made the decision not to pursue additional charges. During the interview, Kelly asked Adams, "So, what happened at the Department of Justice to get you to the point where you literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory?" Adams said: "[W]hat happened was -- and it's been -- there's been testimony -- we were ordered to dismiss the case. We were told, 'Drop the charges against the New Black Panther Party.' " Kelly asked, "Who told you that?" Adams responded, "Well, the testimony's been that Steve Rosenbaum and Loretta King, two political officers at the department, ordered the dismissal of the case [emphasis added]." Kelly then asked Adams, "Did you, personally, speak with Mr. Rosenbaum and Ms. King about the dismissal of this case?" Adams responded: "No. Chris Coates and Bob Popper did. Two other attorneys."

Adams: "[T]here are some things I'm not going to reveal as far as who they are. They know who they are." During the interview, Adams suggested his allegations about the decisions surrounding the case were evidence of "a pervasive hostility to bringing these sorts of civil rights cases." Kelly asked Adams whether the DOJ has "a policy now of not pursuing cases if the defendant is black and the victim is white." At one point, Kelly also asked, "Who specifically has issued that mandate?" Adams responded, "[T]here are some things I'm not going to reveal as far as who they are. They know who they are."

Republican Civil Rights commissioner: Adams "doesn't know why the decision was made." Abigail Thernstrom, the Republican vice chairwoman of the Civil Rights Commission, said during an April 23 hearing into the case:

I know Chris Adams very well, and he doesn't know why the decision was made, which was the question before -- that we were supposed to be addressing at this Commission.

Decision not to pursue criminal charges was made by Bush DOJ, not Obama
Bush DOJ, not Obama, made decision not to pursue criminal charges. Before President Bush left office, the Department of Justice filed a civil complaint asking for an injunction against the New Black Panther Party and some of its members. In his May 14 testimony before the Commission on Civil Rights, Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez explained that the Bush administration's Justice Department "determined that the facts did not constitute a prosecutable violation of the criminal statutes" but did "file a civil action on January 7th, 2009." From Perez's testimony:

PEREZ: Moving to the matter at hand, the events occurred on November 4th, 2008. The Department became aware of these events on Election Day and decided to conduct further inquiry.

After reviewing the matter, the Civil Rights Division determined that the facts did not constitute a prosecutable violation of the criminal statutes. The Department did, however, file a civil action on January 7th, 2009, seeking injunctive and declaratory relief under 11(b) against four defendants.

Obama DOJ actually obtained judgment against individual carrying weapon at polling place
May 2009: DOJ obtained default judgment against Shabazz for carrying weapon outside polling station. On May 18, 2009, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania entered default judgment against Samir Shabazz. In his May 14 testimony before the Commission on Civil Rights, Perez stated that the Justice Department had obtained "sufficient evidence to sustain the charge" of voter intimidation against Shabazz, identified by Perez as "the defendant who had the nightstick," and that "the default judgment was sought and obtained as it related to him." Perez testified:

PEREZ: Based on the careful review of the evidence, the Department concluded that the evidence collected supported the allegations in the complaint against Minister King Samir Shabazz. The Department, therefore, obtained an injunction against defendant King Samir Shabazz, prohibiting him from displaying a weapon within 100 feet of an open polling place on any Election Day in the City of Philadelphia or from otherwise violating Section 11(b).

The Department considers this injunction to be tailored appropriately to the scope of the violation and the constitutional requirements and will fully enforce the injunction's terms.

No voter has alleged intimidation stemming from incident
Civil Rights commissioner: "[N]o citizen has even alleged that he or she was intimidated from voting." In an April 23 hearing on the DOJ's decision in the case, Civil Rights Commissioner Arlan Melendez stated that "no citizen has even alleged that he or she was intimidated from voting," which "was clear to the Justice Department last spring, which is why they took the course of action that they did." From the April 23 Civil Rights Commission hearing:

MELENDEZ: My remarks are going to be brief because I think far too much of our time has been consumed on this seemingly unnecessary investigation. Citizens should be able to vote without intimidation, and it is our Commission's duty to investigate complaints from citizens that their voting rights have been infringed.

In this case, however, no citizen has even alleged that he or she was intimidated from voting at the Fairmount Avenue Polling Station in 2008. This absence of voter intimidation was clear to the Justice Department last spring, which is why they took the course of action that they did.

This absence of voter intimidation was clear to the members of this Commission as well, or at least it should've been. Our investigation has been going on now for the better part of a year. We have wasted a good deal of our staff's time, and the taxpayers' money.

Main Justice: "[N]o voters at all in the Philadelphia precinct have come forward to allege intimidation." A July 2 Main Justice article reported that "no voters at all in the Philadelphia precinct have come forward to allege intimidation," adding, "The complaints have come from white Republican poll watchers, who have given no evidence they were registered to vote in the majority black precinct."

Bush-era DOJ chose not to pursue similar allegations against Minutemen -- one of whom carried a gun
DOJ did not pursue allegations that Minutemen intimidated Hispanic voters with a gun in 2006. Perez testified that in 2006, the Justice Department "declined to bring any action for alleged voter intimidation" "when three well-known anti-immigrant advocates affiliated with the Minutemen, one of whom was carrying a gun, allegedly intimidated Latino voters at a polling place by approaching several persons, filming them, and advocating and printing voting materials in Spanish." [U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 5/14/10]

Anti-immigrant activist in 2006 case reportedly had "9mm Glock strapped to his side" at polling place. A November 8, 2006, Austin American-Statesman article reported (from the Nexis database): "In Arizona, Roy Warden, an anti-immigration activist with the Minutemen, and a handful of supporters staked out a Tucson precinct and questioned Hispanic voters at the polls to determine whether they spoke English." The article continued:

Armed with a 9mm Glock automatic strapped to his side, Warden said he planned to photograph Hispanic voters entering polls in an effort to identify illegal immigrants and felons.

Arizona Daily Star: "[A]nti-immigrant activist" "stood by with a firearm in a holster." A November 8, 2006, Arizona Daily Star article reported (from Nexis):

A crew of anti-immigrant activists, meanwhile, visited several South Side polling places in what one poll-watch group called a blatant attempt to intimidate Hispanic voters.

Anti-immigrant crusader Russ Dove circulated an English-only petition, while a cameraman filmed the voters he approached and Roy Warden stood by with a firearm in a holster.

Diego Bernal, a staff attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), said the trio was trying to intimidate Hispanic voters. "A gun, a camera, a clipboard before you even get to the polls -- if that's not voter intimidation, what is?" he asked.

Bernal said his group encountered the men at the Precinct 49 polling place at South 12th Avenue and West Michigan Street and began documenting the scene with their cameras. "There was an interesting period where they were taking pictures of us taking pictures of them."

Tucson Citizen: Incident "reported to the FBI." A November 8, 2006, Tucson Citizen article (from Nexis) reported that Bernal "said he reported the incident to the FBI." The article also reported that Pima County elections director Brad Nelson said: "If intimidation or coercion was going on out there, even though it might have been outside the 75-foot limit, it's something we take very seriously, and we'll be looking into it."

Conservative Civil Rights Commission vice chairwoman ridicules investigation
Thernstrom: "Forget about the New Black Panther Party case." Abigail Thernstrom, a Republican who serves as co-chairwoman of the Civil Rights Commission and who is an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, wrote a July 6 National Review Online blog post criticizing the "overheated rhetoric filled with insinuations and unsubstantiated charges" surrounding the case. Thernstrom wrote, "Forget about the New Black Panther Party case; it is very small potatoes."

Thernstrom: Perez "makes a perfectly plausible argument" for DOJ's decision not to pursue additional charges. Thernstrom also wrote: "Thomas Perez, the assistant attorney general for civil rights, makes a perfectly plausible argument: Different lawyers read this barely litigated statutory provision differently. It happens all the time, especially when administrations change in the middle of litigation."

Thernstrom: "I do not think that this inquiry has served the interests of the Commission." During an April 23 hearing into the DOJ's decision, Thernstrom also said, "I do not think that this inquiry has served the interests of the Commission as being a bipartisan watchdog for important civil rights violations, and I do not believe it has served well the party to which I belong."
That's the breaking talking point on this issue straight from "media matters" a few days ago. It does effectively confuse this issue, that's the sole purpose.

While the Bush DOJ didn't pursue the criminal charges, they did not drop the CIVIL CHARGES. They downgraded the charges, they did not drop them.

It was under the Obama justice department that the case was dismissed, despite that they had already won the case by default.

So, this argument that is being dissementated by Media Matters and MSNBC is misleading.


v. Civil Action No. 2:09-cv-0065

FOR SELF-DEFENSE, an unincorporated association, MALIK ZULU

NOW COMES the Plaintiff, the United States, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A) and files this Notice of Dismissal of the above action and states as follows:

1. The Defendants New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson have not filed an answer or motion for summary judgment. These same Defendants have made no appearance and have filed no pleadings with the Court. Nor have they otherwise raised any other defenses to this action. Therefore, the United State has the right under Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A) to dismiss voluntarily this action against the Defendants: New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson.

2. The United States dismisses the claims against these Defendants without prejudice.

3. This dismissal does not extend to Defendant Minister King Samir Shabazz.
Case 2:09-cv-00065-SD Document 17 Filed 05/15/2009 Page 1 of 2

WHEREFORE, the United States, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A), files this voluntary dismissal and hereby dismisses the instant action against the Defendants New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson, without prejudice.

Respectfully submitted,
Acting Assistant Attorney General
Chief, Voting Section
Deputy Chief
s/ Spencer R. Fisher
United States Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division, Voting Section
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
NWB – Room 7146
Washington, D.C. 20006
202-305-0015 phone
202-307-3961 fax
- 2 –
Case 2:09-cv-00065-SD Document 17 Filed 05/15/2009 Page 2 of 2

And I'll leave you with this:
YouTube- Malik Shabazz incriminates himself in black panther case
And I'll leave you with this (which you apparently missed):

The Bush administration DOJ chose not to pursue similar charges against members of the Minutemen, one of whom allegedly carried a weapon while harassing Hispanic voters in Arizona in 2006; <where was your faux outrage then, Cal?? >
No voters have come forward to claim that they were intimidated from voting on account of the New Black Panthers standing outside the polling center in 2008; <kinda hard to prosecute a case without witnesses>
The Republican vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which is currently investigating the Justice Department's decision, has called that investigation "very small potatoes" full of "overheated rhetoric filled with insinuations and unsubstantiated charges," and said it has not "served the interests of the commission"; she further said that DOJ has given a "plausible argument" for not pursuing additional charges in the case.
And I'll leave you with this (which you apparently missed):
So you're just going to cover all bases.
When the intellectual validity of the argument you presented fails, after the deceptive and misleading nature of the argument is exposed, the "Media Matters" fall back position is just to say, "Bush did it too."

But did he?
The Bush aministration DOJ chose not to pursue similar charges against members of the Minutemen, one of whom allegedly carried a weapon while harassing Hispanic voters in Arizona in 2006; <where was your faux outrage then, Cal?? >
I don't demonstrate "faux outrage." You would appear to projecting again.
And I can't be criticized for not reacting to a story that I was unaware of.

But the reality is, while there are some similarities between the 2006 Arizona incident and the 2008 Black Panther one, they aren't the same.

There's very little information available, other than the initially reported allegation. But I'll summarize it for anyone interested.

This man, Roy Warden:

Along with two other men, were standing near a polling location in Arizona. One man had a petition, the other had a video camera, and it is alleged that Warden was standing in the background with a fire arm on his hip.

It's a violation of the federal law to bring a firearm with a certain distance of a polling location, all accounts tend to state that Warden was engaged in open carry, but NOT brandishing. This would seem to indicate that these three men were standing outside the designated polling area and that Warden never drew his firearm from the holster. The DOJ "declined to bring any action for alleged voter intimidation."

Considering that George W. Bush wasn't supportive of any anti-illegal alien groups on the Southern border, are you, and those that you reference, trying to imply that Bush supported the intimidation of Mexican immigrants? That's doesn't make sense.

Are we to conclude that the Bush DOJ didn't prosecute any voter intimidation? Obviously not, because they did move forward against the new Black Panthers.

Again, there's very little about this story available.
However, from what we can infer, these three men, though engaged in arguably unethical behavior, didn't violate any laws. They weren't BLOCKING THE ENTRANCE
of a polling location during a Presidential election while brandishing a weapon. They must have maintained the proper distance from the location. They video taped their own activities. And the DOJ declined to press charges, in contrast to the Panthers who had their charges reduced and then dropped arbitrarily.

So this story is another attempt to just confuse and mislead from Media Matters. If the confusion of "dropping" and "reducing" charges doesn't work, the talking point provides you the "Bush did it too" argument that is so beloved in the intellectually and integrity-free atmosphere that dominates the progressive left.

<kinda hard to prosecute a case without witnesses>
Perhaps you didn't see the video.

Now let me also make a correction-

I think the man in the first video I posted, King Samir Shabazz, they did not dismiss the charges against him. The charges were dismissed for the other two- Malik Zulu Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson.

King Samir Shabazz, AKA Maurice Heath, was given a light hand slap. I think he was simply ordered to stay away from that polling location until 2012.

But what are we really arguing here?
Are you defending the decision by the Bush DOJ to reduce the charges, and are your defending the decision by the Obama DOJ to completely dismiss the charges for two of the men and brush the hand of the man holding a baton?

Do you think this behavior should be defended?
Do you think those men should not be prosecuted- REGARDLESS the administration?

And the broadest point, when viewing all of these stories that go back to the current administration, THEY ARE NOT ISOLATED. They need to be viewed in their complete context.

What do all of the decisions and actions of the administration say about the political identity and motivation of this President, his administration, and the people he has around him?

The reality is, things are pretty bad right now in the country and getting worse. Believe it or not, despite what you're being told on the George Sorros funded web pages. We don't have the luxury of delusional arguments made purely from a "Republican vs. Democrat" perspective anymore.

Do you think those men should be unpunished?
Do you think it's acceptable for militant, fascist, racist groups in fatigues to stand in front of the entrance of polling places with weapons?

And then, if you think it's wrong, why do you think the charges were dismissed? Why do you think the DOJ reduced the charges, and then why did the DOJ dismiss what were convictions?
Are you serious, you have white cops shooting a unharmed, handcuffed black guy in a California subway infront of hundreds of people and getting away with it, are you really complaining about a guy holding a billy stick.
Are you serious, you have white cops shooting a unharmed, handcuffed black guy in a California subway infront of hundreds of people and getting away with it, are you really complaining about a guy holding a billy stick.

The two incidents have nothing to do with each other. Should we only be talking about a particularly tragic 18 month old police shooting?

Do you want to start a thread about the shooting of Oscar Grant? I thought we had one at the time of the shooting, back in Jan, 2009- but, maybe not. And given the quality of the "search" feature here, I'll never find it if we did.

With that said, there is an interesting, and troubling, political component of the story emerging right now.
The Justice department, the same one being discussed in this thread, lead by Eric Holder, is opening a civil rights and prosecution against ex-officer Mehserle, going around the "double jeopardy" protection of citizens. Mehserle was convicted of involuntary manslaughter last week, he could serve between 5-14 years in prison for the shooting.
Johnny the Olbermann acolyte fails again...

July 13, 2010

Careful Reading Tuesday

Marc Ambinder dove into the tank for Adam Serwer of The American Prospect with his "Myth-busting Monday" round-up, which included this:

No, the decision not to pursue the Black Panther case from election day was not made by political appointees. The political appointees who would have made the decision had not been confirmed yet, reports Adam Serwer

Seriously? Adam Serwer completely fluffed the timeline and the allegations, and is back-pedaling faster than the Knick officials who promised their fans LeBron. [And Bonus Backpedaling from Dave Weigel, who was my target of scorn yesterday.]

A brief recap of the Serwer contribution:

His first Big News was that the case was downgraded to a civil charge by BushCo before it was filed in Jan 2009.

No kidding - mainstream reporting (e.g., NY Times, Fox, John Fund of the WSJ, Fox from May 2009) have described it as a civil suit. The real controversy revolves around the DoJ decision in May 2009 to more or less drop the suit *after* they had won a default judgment. Needless to say, by May 2009 some of the Obama people were in place.

2. Serwer's other Big Breakthrough is that Ms. Fernandes, who allegedly told the Voting Rights division not to pursue black-on-white fraud or intimidation cases, could not have been part of the Black Panther decision since she wasn't at DoJ in May 2009.

Again, who cares? J. Christian Adams, the aggrieved DoJ source, never said she was part of that specific case; he has specifically alleged she was part of other decisions, such as not pursuing motor voter fraud or felon purges.

Here is a Serwer UPDATE to his original post where he digs in a bit:

UPDATE: I should make it clear that I'm not the first person to mention this (Media Matters has been pointing this out for a while) Perez revealed the date the case was downgraded in his public testimony to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission in May. It's been part of the public record for weeks--which is why I don't understand why so little of the coverage of this story mentions it. I'm simply pointing out that none of the political appointees being blamed for dismissing the case were even at the DoJ when the case was dismissed.

Then a follow-up retreat:

A few commenters on my previous post about the Obama administration not being in office when the decision was made not to pursue a criminal case against the New Black Panther Party are arguing out that conservative outrage is over the subsequent decision, made in May, not to further pursue the civil complaint after obtaining an injunction against the individual who was holding a baton. That decision was made by a career official at the Justice Department after an evidence review and reportedly approved by an Obama political appointee, Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli. The decision was still made by career lawyers in the section; there's no evidence, beyond J. Christian Adams' statements, that Perrelli had the case dismissed.

Mr. Serwer then goes on to explain that, well, even though Obama appointee Perrelli was in place, no one has proved he was involved (and he won't testify), and anyway, it was a reasonable decision. Gee, that is almost the same as the first story, except for being utterly reversed.

On Ms. Fernandes (a former Student of Barack) we get this cursory confusion:

At any rate, the decision to approve not going forward with the civil case was still made a month before Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes joined the DoJ and sometime afterward supposedly issued a decree against cases involving minority defendants.

So contra the Ambinder summary, Serwer now admits that the Obama people were just where the critics said they were in time to do what they are alleged to have done. For whatever reason, that new post is not getting as much play.

RELATED BASHING: Keith Olbermann does the full swan dive into the tank with Serwer's non-news. Larry O'Connor of Big Journo and Battlin' Bob Somerby have more.


The first entrant in our moral inequivalence watch will be Dave Weigel, explaining why the New Black Panther case is No Big Deal:

All that said, the problem I have with the new obsession with this is, really, that there's no evidence the NBPP's clownish Philadelphia stunt suppressed any votes, or that they'll try such a stunt again.

Ben Smith is a strong entrant:

As I noted on the day, the two uniformed Panthers were staking out a heavily Democratic polling place -- it had gone 95% for Kerry -- and you don't typically intimidate your own voters.

So this November, if a few rednecks waving Confederate flags in a mostly white district chase away a few stray ethnics, these two will be OK with it?

Please - no news outlet will cover anything else, and Weigel and Sully will race each other to blame Sarah Palin.

3:10 TO PIMA: In a bold attempt to get ahead of, or at least alongside, the next likely sally from the Serwer/Weigel duo, what about the 2006 incident in Arizona that was never pursued by Evil BushCo? Over to Media Matters:

Christian Adams' case continues to implode: Bush-era DOJ declined to charge Minutemen for voter intimidation

July 01, 2010 12:44 pm ET - by Jeremy Holden

Conservative media figures are busy hyping the unsubstantiated allegations of GOP activist and former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams that the Obama administration improperly dismissed voter-intimidation charges against members of the New Black Panther Party for racially charged political reasons. As Media Matters previously noted, Adams' allegations are based on hearsay and on charges made by others. But his allegations become even flimsier when considering the fact that he worked in the Bush Justice Department in 2006 when attorneys declined to pursue charges that members of the Minutemen were intimidating Hispanic voters in Arizona, charges based on nearly identical circumstances.

"Nearly identical" circumstances? Nearly! We will uncover a difference or two before the end.

Mr. Holden does a bit of legwork and provides this contemporaneous coverage from the November 8, 2006, Arizona Daily Star:

A crew of anti-immigrant activists, meanwhile, visited several South Side polling places in what one poll-watch group called a blatant attempt to intimidate Hispanic voters.
Anti-immigrant crusader Russ Dove circulated an English-only petition, while a cameraman filmed the voters he approached and Roy Warden stood by with a firearm in a holster.

Diego Bernal, a staff attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), said the trio was trying to intimidate Hispanic voters. "A gun, a camera, a clipboard before you even get to the polls - if that's not voter intimidation, what is?" he asked.

If it's not intimidation, what is it? Possibly street theatre:

Bernal said his group encountered the men at the Precinct 49 polling place at South 12th Avenue and West Michigan Street and began documenting the scene with their cameras. "There was an interesting period where they were taking pictures of us taking pictures of them."

Hmm, did the monitors outnumber the intimidators? In a first class example of the power of blogs, a Kossite actually took to the streets on election day 2006 to track down these scary guys. The story:

"Men With Guns Harass Latino Voters" blared the headline on Daily Kos. I clicked and read a quote from a TPM Muckraker post:

I just spoke with a Latino election monitor in Arizona who said that a trio of men, one with a handgun visible, is harrassing Latino voters as they go to the polls in Tucson, Ariz.

Tucson? That's where I live. I read more and found that this incident took place "at a polling place in Tucson's Iglesia Bautista precinct." Which is less than 2 minutes from my home. I jumped in the car and grabbed my camera. I'm a photographer and a student of photojournalism at Pima Community College.

And the gist - the three agitators went to heavily Latino/Democratic districts with lots of Dem monitors around, observed the 75 foot rule, and asked a few people to sign an 'English-only' petition. That seems to be legal; as to whether it is intimidating, well, I am trying to imagine two or three of the New Black Panthers pulling their shtick in a 95% white neighborhood while surrounded by local cops and monitors.

In that scenario, and speaking as a middle-aged white guy, the only fear I would have is that I would lose a contact lens while giving them the eye-roll. Perhaps I am made of sterner stuff. OK, perhaps not.

ON TO POST C AND PLAN C: Adam Serwer is back with yet another clarification; his latest gambit is to simply insult the intelligence of his readers:

So, I just wanted to clear something up: I wrote my post yesterday about the Justice Department's decision not to pursue criminal charges against the NBPP during the Bush administration because I had seen conservatives arguing that it was made by the Obama administration. It wasn't. I did not mean to suggest that the civil case, which the DoJ dropped in May of last year after receiving a preliminary injunction against the only NBPP member in Philadelphia who was walking around with a baton, was dismissed during the Bush administration. I apologize if any of my writing has been unclear on this point or any confusion has resulted because I misstated the accusation of who wanted the criminal case dismissed.

He's sorry it was unclear, but his response was really directed at one episode of The Factor and one Washington Examiner editorial that complained about the dismissal of charges in May 2009 and could be fully corrected by changing one word from "criminal" to "civil" (they mischaracterized the initial filing).

Let's see - the lead of his first post was this:

I did an interview with New York Daily News Columnist Errol Louis about the New Black Panther Party case today and realized that there's a specific data point that has been lost in all the breathless coverage of this case and whether or not it represents a racist agenda from the Obama administration: The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.

So really, when he wrote "lost in all the breathless coverage", he meant, and were supposed to know, that he meant 'misstated occasionally'.

Conservative activist and former Voting Section Attorney J. Christian Adams identified United States Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli as the person who ordered the case dismissed, but he wasn't confirmed until March, three months after the case was downgraded.

How could that confuse or mislead anyone? Surely a knowledgeable reader will know that, hmm, Perrelli was in office when the case was dismissed, so I am not sure what a knowledgeable reader would conclude.

All of which kind of puts a rather large wrinkle in the right-wing fantasy that the decision to pursue a civil rather than criminal case against The New Black Panther Party members was a racist decree handed down from the racist leadership of the Obama administration.

A civil/criminal "right-wing fantasy" held by few in the right wing, since the real objection is to the dismissal of charges in May. But Mr. Serwer intended that passage to be clear.

And from his first Update:

I'm simply pointing out that none of the political appointees being blamed for dismissing the case were even at the DoJ when the case was dismissed.

Other than, of course, the ones who were, by May 2009. Uh huh. And I am simply pointing out that either Serwer was absolutely at sea as to the facts and should admit it, or he should come back with an even more creative Plan D (Maybe the dog ate his notes? Or maybe BP spilled oil on them! Yeah, that's the ticket!). But this apology for being unclear? He was perfectly clear - he was also perfectly wrong.

And lest you wonder, Mr. Serwer has not built up so much credibility that I am interested in his insights into the customary application of these laws. If the right Dem flack told him they only applied to extra-terrestials, that would leap from TAP to Olby by Friday.
The two incidents have nothing to do with each other. Should we only be talking about a particularly tragic 18 month old police shooting?

Do you want to start a thread about the shooting of Oscar Grant? I thought we had one at the time of the shooting, back in Jan, 2009- but, maybe not. And given the quality of the "search" feature here, I'll never find it if we did.

With that said, there is an interesting, and troubling, political component of the story emerging right now.
The Justice department, the same one being discussed in this thread, lead by Eric Holder, is opening a civil rights and prosecution against ex-officer Mehserle, going around the "double jeopardy" protection of citizens. Mehserle was convicted of involuntary manslaughter last week, he could serve between 5-14 years in prison for the shooting.

I apologize, but he faces 2-4 years. This goes to show the double standard that exist between black offenders and white offenders.
I apologize, but he faces 2-4 years. This goes to show the double standard that exist between black offenders and white offenders.

I don't think you're right because there are two charges.
The involuntary manslaughter, which is 2-4 years and then another 3-10 years for the use of a firearm. 5-14 years.

I'm not seeing any double standard based on race in your example.
Perhaps you didn't see the video.

While I would love to see them prosecuted, the sad part is that he does have a bit of a point here. For them to prosecute them on the basis of voter intimidation, they do need witnesses to step forward and say they were intimidated, threatened or that they were somehow influenced by the presence of those men. The fact that they were standing there with clubs is not enough.
While I would love to see them prosecuted, the sad part is that he does have a bit of a point here. For them to prosecute them on the basis of voter intimidation, they do need witnesses to step forward and say they were intimidated, threatened or that they were somehow influenced by the presence of those men. The fact that they were standing there with clubs is not enough.

Apparently you haven't followed this story or read any of the posts in this thread. This has all been covered with quite a bit of detail.
Apparently you haven't followed this story or read any of the posts in this thread. This has all been covered with quite a bit of detail.

What is your point? (have followed the story and read posts in here) I just said the justice department would need witnesses who would testify that they were the subject of intimidation, just stating that there was merit to that point, despite the fact you dismissed it by referencing the video. Fox news or rhetoric doesn't cut it. Them just standing by a polling place doesn't cut it. Them cheering that a black person is going to be elected doesn't cut it. They need to actually do something. I will try and dig them up, but I can recall a few cases of Klan members standing outside polling places where charges were dropped simply because they were not engaging in any outright intimidation tactics. Really, watch the video, look how many white people are standing there not being bothered by them at all.

Now, don't get me wrong. I think these kinds of things are despicable, but, the justice department needs more than just a video to make a case. If there was good proof that they were actively campaigning or making any kind of REAL threats, other than just standing there trying to prove how superior they are because they were gonna get a black man for president, who in their mind was going to take revenge and force whitey to suffer through 200 years of oppression, then I would be grabbing my torch and pitchfork and joining the rest of you. For now, I can't help but sit back and snicker though at the fact that their hopes and dreams are probably just as shattered as many other Obama voters.
What is your point?
My point is I'm not going to start the conversation over again and repeat everything again just because you've decided to involve yourself into the thread at this point.
If you have something new to contribute, a different fact, a different analysis, then I'll reply to that. But we've covered almost all of this in some detail.

I just said the justice department would need witnesses who would testify that they were the subject of intimidation, just stating that there was merit to that point, despite the fact you dismissed it by referencing the video.
Which demonstrates that you haven't neither followed the story or thread, because this was all covered.

The video demonstrates that two men in military styled fatigues were standing in front of the entrance to a polling location brandishing weapons. That's a crime.
Whether similar things have happened in other places is not the issue, though I already addressed the popularly cited talking point in this thread already.

The DOJ did investigate. They did file charges. The Panthers did not respond to the charges, essentially resulting in automatic convictions. The DOJ dismissed the charges against two of them, and then dropped the penalty to the third from something that was toothless to something that was ridiculous. From "not allowed to go to any polling places" to "not going to THAT polling place UNTIL 2012."

If you want greater detail, go back and read the thread or just look it up, because even the dismissal document is printed in the thread.
My point is I'm not going to start the conversation over again and repeat everything again just because you've decided to involve yourself into the thread at this point.
If you have something new to contribute, a different fact, a different analysis, then I'll reply to that. But we've covered almost all of this in some detail.

No, you dismissed that.

Which demonstrates that you haven't neither followed the story or thread, because this was all covered.

Ok, then who are the witnesses who are willing to appear before the court and testify that they were harassed, intimidated, or threatened. Can you produce any? Can you produce anything other than a Faux News clip demonstrating their outrage?

The video demonstrates that two men in military styled fatigues were standing in front of the entrance to a polling location brandishing weapons. That's a crime.
Whether similar things have happened in other places is not the issue, though I already addressed the popularly cited talking point in this thread already.

You are talking about a separate crime. Voter intimidation requires an act directed at another person with a specific intent. Also, care to see if you can dig up legislation or statutes specifically prohibiting that behavior in philly?

The DOJ did investigate. They did file charges. The Panthers did not respond to the charges, essentially resulting in automatic convictions. The DOJ dismissed the charges against two of them, and then dropped the penalty to the third from something that was toothless to something that was ridiculous. From "not allowed to go to any polling places" to "not going to THAT polling place UNTIL 2012."

You are citing a civil action. Not a criminal complaint.

If you want greater detail, go back and read the thread or just look it up, because even the dismissal document is printed in the thread.

So, you are going to reference your earlier cop outs just so that you don't have to face facts?
Can you produce anything other than a Faux News clip demonstrating their outrage?
Hmm, where to begin. Dismissive, moving the goalposts, ad hominem, ridicule (Alinsky).

I could do this all day, with any one of your sentences.

Don't go away mad.

Just go away.
Hmm, where to begin. Dismissive, moving the goalposts, ad hominem, ridicule (Alinsky).

I could do this all day, with any one of your sentences.

Don't go away mad.

Just go away.

God you are stupid. What I was trying to say to cal was that to levy federal charges, they would need witnesses. Faux News broadcasts just don't cut it. You cannot rely on the outrage of one news outlet. If you don't have witnesses that are willing to testify, then you have nothing. DOJ has no witnesses willing to testify. Dismissive? Well, depends on your standard, see I like dismissing things that have no factual basis, you just like dismissing things that don't fit your world view. Moving the goalpost? When did I move the goalpost, I have been asking for the same thing all the time, some of you have this tendency to produce substandard proof, opinion, or rhetoric, then argue that that is as good as any fact. It is not. Ad hominem? Are you aware of what that means? My post was by no means a personal attack or a means to question his credibility to diminish the credibility of Cal's statements. Might want to try looking those words up before you try using them in conversation.

Also, do you realize how often you practice the Alinsky tactics you so often love to reference? Tell you what, when you have something to contribute, why don't you try posting. All I ever see from you is whining posts where you accuse someone of stuff, that you can't back up, then cry and ask them to leave YOUR forum just because they don't agree with your distorted view of reality.
God you are stupid. What I was trying to say to cal was that to levy federal charges, they would need witnesses. Faux News broadcasts just don't cut it. You cannot rely on the outrage of one news outlet. If you don't have witnesses that are willing to testify, then you have nothing. DOJ has no witnesses willing to testify. Dismissive? Well, depends on your standard, see I like dismissing things that have no factual basis, you just like dismissing things that don't fit your world view. Moving the goalpost? When did I move the goalpost, I have been asking for the same thing all the time, some of you have this tendency to produce substandard proof, opinion, or rhetoric, then argue that that is as good as any fact. It is not. Ad hominem? Are you aware of what that means? My post was by no means a personal attack or a means to question his credibility to diminish the credibility of Cal's statements. Might want to try looking those words up before you try using them in conversation.

Also, do you realize how often you practice the Alinsky tactics you so often love to reference? Tell you what, when you have something to contribute, why don't you try posting. All I ever see from you is whining posts where you accuse someone of stuff, that you can't back up, then cry and ask them to leave YOUR forum just because they don't agree with your distorted view of reality.
Rant rant rant. Yawn. Keep up the effort, but it's wasted as your projecting is less amusing as the repetitive nature of your posts increases.
Rant rant rant. Yawn. Keep up the effort, but it's wasted as your projecting is less amusing as the repetitive nature of your posts increases.

If you want the last word.
Fine, here is some space for you to get it in. Let me know when your tantrum is over.
Ok, then who are the witnesses who are willing to appear before the court and testify that they were harassed, intimidated, or threatened. Can you produce any? Can you produce anything other than a Faux News clip demonstrating their outrage?

You are talking about a separate crime. Voter intimidation requires an act directed at another person with a specific intent. Also, care to see if you can dig up legislation or statutes specifically prohibiting that behavior in philly?

You are citing a civil action. Not a criminal complaint.

So, you are going to reference your earlier cop outs just so that you don't have to face facts?

No witnesses probably because when everyone showed up at that polling location and saw the black panthers standing in front with weapons, instead of being "intimidated" they thought "Thank GOD, there won't be any sh!t getting started up in here today by that Fox News crew." :D
No witnesses probably because when ACORN showed up at that polling location and saw the black panthers standing in front with weapons, instead of being "intimidated" they thought "Thank GOD, there won't be any sh!t getting started up in here today by that Fox News crew." :D
Fixed that for ya.
Blanglish 101

...Thank GOD, there won't be any sh!t getting started up in here today by that Fox News crew...

They probably would have a thought like that. And the rest of us would conclude that it would be much better if those in question could simply put a coherent sentence together. "...up in here today..." ?????

When has a Fox News crew done anything that could be thought to require Black Panthers to restrain them?


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