NO, they wouldn't do that!

Don't tell me you actually managed to read this whole article all by yourself. And you didn't fall asleep?

Phil, you have ZERO credibility on this board thanks to your irresponsible posting of the truthout Rove story. You still haven't acknowledged that, [edit]
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Look look look, another crappy journalist writes another crappy article. Thats definately news to me.

The author of that steaming pile of article is Craig Unger.

He's the author of the debunked book House of Bush, House of Saud. And his work was used by Michael Moore in Farenheit 911. He's the genious who still says that the U.S. government violated the no-fly ordinance to evacuate Suadi family members from the US on 9/11- despite this having been thoroughly proven as false.

If someone tried to publish crap like this about Roosevelt in 1943, there would have been outrage.
fossten said:
Don't tell me you actually managed to read this whole article all by yourself. And you didn't fall asleep?

Phil, you have ZERO credibility on this board thanks to your irresponsible posting of the truthout Rove story. You still haven't acknowledged that, [edit]

Coming from you Fossie thats a compliment. Have you heard back on your application to be a member of the Repug goon squad yet? Did you get your complimentary Oxycontin yet from the Limbaugh fan club?
:D :D :D
97silverlsc said:
blah blah blah...personal attack...blah blah blah...personal attack...waste of words...bunch of baloney...blah blah blah...personal attack...

Engaging in a high-level, logical debate, are you Phil?
fossten said:
Engaging in a high-level, logical debate, are you Phil?

Your responses to postings you disagree with here certainly are the picture of logical debate, aren't they? I particularly admire the tecnique you used a few months back where you threw a tantrum and threatened to leave cause everyone was being mean to you and MonsterMark wasn't stepping in to defend you. Grow up and get over yourself. Your demeanor here turned me off from attempting to have any discussion with you a long time ago. You are pompous and arrogant and think that you are always right no matter what. I see it as being a waste of time to try and talk to you because you think yourself better than everyone else here, kind of like shrub. I view you as nothing more than an annoying gnat buzzing my ear.:D
97silverlsc said:
Your responses to postings you disagree with here certainly are the picture of logical debate, aren't they? I particularly admire the tecnique you used a few months back where you threw a tantrum and threatened to leave cause everyone was being mean to you and MonsterMark wasn't stepping in to defend you. Grow up and get over yourself. Your demeanor here turned me off from attempting to have any discussion with you a long time ago. You are pompous and arrogant and think that you are always right no matter what. I see it as being a waste of time to try and talk to you because you think yourself better than everyone else here, kind of like shrub. I view you as nothing more than an annoying gnat buzzing my ear.:D

You don't fool me with that phony smile, Phil. It is gratifying to know that I annoy you, though.

Let's get real here. You've never tried discussing ANY topic with ANYBODY on this forum, least of all me. All you've EVER done here is cut and paste and call names, Phil, and you know it. That's because that's all you know how to do.

Personally, my feelings aren't hurt by your so-called refusal [inability?] to debate me. You've never been able to stand up and back up anything you've ever said, and that includes your latest FAKE post of the truthout PHONY Karl Rove story.

Maybe I should rename you Dan Rather.
I would personally like to see the 2 of you have a real "Crossfire" type of debate.

I love the Liberal VS Conservative debate.

Hence the name of this site....


And you guys thought it was Lincolns vs Cadillacs....


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