Nobody lies better...

Come on man..... you cant be resorting to this?

When you openly attack an industry with your socialist ideals, this is what is gonna happen.

Your hero is destroying lives. I hope at some point you wake up to what is happening.

The government just fired an executive from a private company because the government lent it money. And now your hero is about to set salary caps, not just on the bigwigs, but all company employees that accept government money.

You are young so I will try to understand that you just don't get it yet.

Kind of like when you hit the age of 35 and finally figure out that your dad was one of the smartest men in the world.

Lecture is over. Class dismissed.

I'm not f'in around. My 13 year old is already opening up is ebay business. He is taking computer and graphic design all 4 years of high school and he is starting advanced marketing his sophomore year. They will all be designing their own products, sourcing production overseas and selling worldwide. The U.S. is no longer the only player in town. They may choose to live here but they won't have their operations headquartered here. No way, no how!

My kids won't work for anyone and certainly will not be chained to the government like a lemming.
Socialist? I haven't seen any industry be controlled by the government yet.

I dont have a hero. :q:q:q:q happens.

I was just pointing out that, bailout or no bailout, dem or republican, this "economic crisis" isn't going to be fixed right away. It's not a machine, its a bunch of idiots.

You dont put in 1 tillion dollars, and get out a fixed economy. In the same respect, you dont do anything and get a fixed economy.

Maybe that guy should have built up a bank account, like your kid is doing, it's not hard.

That's all i was saying lol.

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