Nonintervention vs. Isolationism


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Apr 24, 2005
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Friday, November 30, 2007
Nonintervention vs Isolationism

In honor of the recent Republican YouTube debate, where Senator McCain took the opportunity to increase the fictionalization of non-intervention being the same thing as isolationism, this post is dedicated to once-and-for-all explain that there is a difference.

I do this so that you, as a voter, can see through the rhetoric and smear being spewed by candidates who either don't know the meaning of the words they use (not a good sign for someone running for President) or are using such verbiage in a disingenuous manner (yet again, not a good sign for someone running for President). Those of you who are not voters, whether an American who does not vote or a non-American, this attempt at clarity is for you too, since both words cater to actions taken or not taken in YOUR countries.

To add some weight to my explanations, I have enlisted the help of Princeton University, as well as a former President of the United States of America. After all, we can't just simply take that pesky Ron Paul fella's word for it, right?

Allow me to introduce my first guest, Antony Lewis, creator of WordWeb, a dictionary-thesaurus-word database based on a WordNet project at Princeton University:

Nonintervention - n. A foreign policy of staying out of other countries' disputes.

Isolationism - n. A policy of nonparticipation in international economic and political relations.

Do you notice the difference? Let's hear what Ron Paul has to say about that difference, in his book A Foreign Policy of Freedom (located on my National/World links list):

"Noninterventionism is not isolationism. Nonintervention simply means America does not interfere militarily, financially, or covertly in the internal affairs of other nations."

That sounds suspiciously like the definition presented by WordWeb! Coincidence? I think not. Speaking of the Founders as Paul has, let me introduce my next guest, former President George Washington, and let's hear what he has to say about Paul's interpretation of what the Founders advocated:

"Harmony, liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest. But even our commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand; neither seeking nor granting exclusive favors or preferences; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing and diversifying by gentle means the streams of commerce, but forcing nothing; "-- George Washington (Farewell Address, 1796)

Apparently, there are an awful lot of people, particularly 2008 Presidential candidates, who do not understand what they are talking about when they say nonintervention is the same thing as isolationism, with the exception of Rep./Dr. Ron Paul. On the GOP side, particularly, it looks like John McCain needs to be given a reading assignment just like Rudy Giuliani needed one.

Isolationism we don't need, for obvious reasons. Trading with other nations helps all who are involved. Talking to other nations and understanding their culture, while sharing yours, helps all who are involved. Visiting and spending time in other nations increases understanding, friendship, and even economic relations (tourist money) for all involved. Isolationism prevents all of that from happening. No one is advocating that.

Nonintervention we DO need. We can't be a free country if we conduct our foreign policy in a manner that is not consistent with being a free country. Examples of not being consistent with being a free country include nation building and intervening in foreign affairs that have no direct effect on us. Using force to tell others how to live is not the mark of a free country and that is the opposite of nonintervention. That's not freedom. That's tyranny. I want to be able to say:

It's a Free Country!
Could we just put all these tongue wagging, fanboy posts into one thread?
Maybe name it "Fossten luvs Ron Paul: True Love Is Blind To Reason."
Could we just put all these tongue wagging, fanboy posts into one thread?
Maybe name it "Fossten luvs Ron Paul: True Love Is Blind To Reason."
LOL now that's hilarious...since when have YOU ever tried to reason with ME? :bowrofl: You're too busy hurling ad hominem attacks to bother.

Or maybe we could start a thread entitled "Neocon statist big government RINOs like Calabrio call Ron Paul Supporters Names instead of actually debating topics :Sheer laziness and stupidity.
LOL now that's hilarious...since when have YOU ever tried to reason with ME? :bowrofl: You're too busy hurling ad hominem attacks to bother.

Or maybe we could start a thread entitled "Neocon statist big government RINOs like Calabrio call Ron Paul Supporters Names instead of actually debating topics :Sheer laziness and stupidity.

Well, if you want, we could put something like that in small print under the Ron Paul Man Love title regarding you.
Well, if you want, we could put something like that in small print under the Ron Paul Man Love title regarding you.
Your silly little childish mockery manifestly demonstrates utter ignorance. You speak as though I've come to my decision lightly as to whom to support for President, which I have not. You know absolutely nothing about me, yet you stereotype me based on the candidate that I have chosen to vote for. This is immature and stupid in the extreme. You, who cannot decide for yourself because you know deep down that the remaining field of candidates is hugely flawed and grossly uninspiring, abjectly avoid discussing your own preferences and instead choose to throw mockery at me in a lame attempt at avoidance. This is also extreme hypocrisy and probably envy.

The day will come when you will have to make a choice. And you will grit your teeth because nothing will have changed - the Republican field, except for Ron Paul, is loaded up with mealy-mouthed big government types who will only perpetuate the slide that America has been in for approximately 80 years.

And people like you will continue to act as sheeple, not understanding that countries as powerful as ours do not fall to military defeat, least of all to third rate Middle Eastern piss-ant countries, but collapse under the very weight of the system of entitlement, corruption, and dependence that plagues them from within. We will not have a country with which to police the world if we don't take care of our Constitutional liberties and our pathetic, failing monetary system here at home. As long as we continue to shirk the responsibility of reversing the trend of government growth, we will have nothing to look forward to but utter and total collapse. The Islamofascists won't have to do a thing as we will have done it to ourselves.

As Ray Liotta's character from Article 99 said, "The first heartbeat you check is your own."
Yes... and the first thing we should do is throw our support behind an unelectable candidate with horrible foreign policy, no relevant experience, an agenda with no possibility of making it through a majority Democrat congress, and the support of a lunatic fringe...... so long as he birthed babies.

Ron Paul's going for a new record, most dollars spent per vote in a primary.

If only another conservative had experience delivering babies, then we wouldn't have to have these arguments. Baby delivering and some foreign policy understand. That'd be great.

But then I guess the abortion doctors would support them on their website, TO TRICK US!!!!! Fortunately, Fossten would be here to discover this ruse and foil their evil plans!:rolleyes: :D
Blah blah blah...I'm a wittle baby idiot...blah blah blah...personal attack...retarded joke...why can't I debate like a mature adult and actually address substance?...because I'm a hater who is envious of others who can make decisions...:(
Blah blah blah...same old pejorative stupid comments. You cannot address an honest, open dialogue by me without resorting to your childish, petulant yammering. Go home and simper in front of your mommy little whiner.

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