nooB intro/dash wiring help


New LVC Member
Feb 28, 2009
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My name is Kenny. I am 25. New here, not new to forums. I have a few vehicles but the one that gets any interest is my 1991 Galant VR4. Its a 4cyl and my license plate says "ATEAV8". But enough of that piece of crap....

Basically, I found a 2000 Lincoln LS that I really like. First I wanted to see if the car was worth it. Its really clean on the outside... MINT! The inside however isnt that great. I am sure it will clean up nice but there is this one slight issue that is going to take some time to fix.

Basically I have no key for the car and even if I have a key, I wouldnt know where to put it. The entire underneath of the driver sash has been ripped out. I am sure the key is going to have a chip of some sort in it so it will have to be programmed. I am sure I could find something from a junk yard to complete the setup or atleast be able to hook up the key part of it and try to get it running to fond out if there is any other issues with it other than what I can see which would be this crap being ripped out. Here are a few pics of what I am dealing with here. Any help appreciated.





and to make this thread somewhat interesting, here are a few cars I have:







New parts for the gvr4:



Yes the car takes a "chip" key Ford calls it a PATS key. So you will have to go to the dealer and have it programmed which cost roughly 100. Also the key goes on the right side of the colume in the dash. On the left side of the dash you are missing the headlight switch. If I was you I would find someone parting one out or a boneyard to grab parts from. Go there and grab everything you see missing. Boneyards don't have keys most of the time though.
I actually found an entire ignition assembly w/ key for $50 shipped to my door.

So when it comes in, would I have to tow the vehicle to a dealer to have them program the key?

I know a few guys that have the equipment to program keys for jeeps and such. What software program/computer do they use for Lincolns? Towing the car to the dealer would just suck....
You have to bring it to just a FORD dealer. No one is going to have a computer system to do this but dealer. Trust me I called and looked everywhere. I only have 1 key for my car and I have to bring mine to dealer to program the 2 new keys I got. They want 90 dollars to do it.
Oh FYI make sure you have 2 keys for it when you go in. They charge same price to do 2 as 1. When you have 2 keys you can program new keys yourself. You might also want to buy a stock remote key fob and have that programed at same time. The alarms like to go off on these all the time and if you don't have fob it will be blaring all the time. I got remote for like 15 bucks.
Is the black plastic thing hanging by the ign socket a hood lock system? If so huck that. Looks like the rectangle plug above the round ign socket goes into side of the colume?

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