Now that Obama is


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Mar 2, 2004
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President in one hour, I figured I'd start slinging the dirt. No sense in wasting time. Her job was so critical to the organization that it lasted exactly 5 days after she left. :shifty: If ya thought the Clintons had a lot of skeletons, wait till you see Obama's closet.

Michele Obama Pay

Below you'll find a helpful chart and timeline explaining Michelle Obama's ultra-critical position at the University of Chicago Hospital (UCH), a position coincidentally created just after her husband's election to the Senate... and dissolved just minutes after she resigned to move into the White House.

Sandwiched, of course, by Sen. Obama's $1M earmark to UCH.

In 2002, Michelle Obama was hired by the University of Chicago Hospital as its "Executive Director for Community Affairs" at a salary of approximately $120,000.

In January of 2005, Barack Obama was sworn in as a United States Senator.

In March of 2005, Michelle Obama was promoted to "Vice President for Community and External Affairs" and her salary bumped nearly $200,000 (from $121,910 to $316,962). This position was "newly created" for Mrs. Obama.

In February of 2006, Barack Obama requested a $1 million earmark for a new hospital pavilion at the University of Chicago.

Effective 9 January 2009, Michelle Obama resigned her position at UCH.

Effective 14 January 2009, Michelle Obama's VP position was eliminated, its functions absorbed into another executive's position. This prompted writer Don Rose to ask "[If] that work can be folded into another guy’s, why was it separate in the first place?"

Excellent question. Some roguish wags might speculate that a quid pro quo arrangement was in effect; pay-to-play as it were. But that seems highly unlikely given Barack Obama's high ethical standards *.

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So if it's pay to play, then they netted about $250k I guess. Good thing she left when she did, or they could have lost a lot of money on the deal.

I wonder if they got the money and/or built the pavilion... wonder how much it ended up costing...

(I just realized, BTW, that this forum actually has a place for talking politics. Yay! My other forums don't allow it, so now I have a place to go... :) )
Didn't Michelle Obama request a "First Lady" salary equal to her old salary? I just heard that in passing, don't know if it's true or not.

I don't think so- but I have seen a number of liberal groups, including the SF Times, actually make the argument that she does deserve a salary.
I don't think so- but I have seen a number of liberal groups, including the SF Times, actually make the argument that she does deserve a salary.
I wonder if those are the same liberal groups who said that Barbara Bush shouldn't be invited to speak to women's organizations because all she ever did was be the wife of President George H.W. Bush...
The first lady gets $12,000 in 'pin money' from a trust set up by Harry Freeman.

The political party or private donations usually cover all of her expenses that aren't covered for by the government. Things like state dresses are donated (the best advertising around), and then given to the Smithsonian (her outfits from yesterday are already probably being cleaned and processed to be stored, and then eventually displayed).

Traditionally the first lady is seen as one of the US's most visible volunteers.

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