Now THIRD place in Iowa: Ron Paul

from the cartoonists



Those aren't really from the "Cartoonist"- those are from the Paulestinians.
Those aren't really from the "Cartoonist"- those are from the Paulestinians.
Which "Cartoonist" are you referring to?


Come on, let's see you defend McCain, Rudy, and Mitt. All you know how to do is demagogue. You can't even think of a clever response to the FACT that Ron Paul is polling third in Iowa, so you :bowrofl: have to wait until somebody else says something so you can comment on it. Priceless empty-headedness from the man without a candidate.
Which "Cartoonist" are you referring to?


Come on, let's see you defend McCain, Rudy, and Mitt. All you know how to do is demagogue. You can't even think of a clever response to the FACT that Ron Paul is polling third in Iowa, so you :bowrofl: have to wait until somebody else says something so you can comment on it. Priceless empty-headedness from the man without a candidate.

Uh-oh... Though I didn't say anything to him or about him, I must have upset the little insecure chihuahua...
it is funny when he gets mad....

Which one of the cartoons were written by Paulestians?
Well, one of them appears to have been done with MSPaint, taking an old David and Goliath illustration and scribbling on it.

The other is a ridiculous cut and paste.

And the top one, taking note of the size of Rudy's "noodle" was done by a blogger who was inspired after seeing Ron Paul at the South Carolina debate.

Those are hardly representative of the main stream media, the ones that 04 so often posts.

But I understand why you're so excited... Ron Paul is now the 2nd guy to lose, based on that poll.

Didn't Pat Buchanon WIN in New Hampshire in '96?
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If Paul gains some real traction and can't just be dismissed as a crackpot watch the big guns start taking aim.
After all the DemocratoRepublican ruling dynasty can't allow the foreign policy status quo to be scrapped.
I post cartoons I find in search engines.
Not too many Paul cartoons yet (this was all I could find)but I'm sure that will change .
Paul will soon be portrayed as a demagogue isolationist in a dangerous world who will be a threat to our security and the new world order that's for sure.
Oh the fear of us leaving our foreign adventures is fertile ground for the interventionists.
Feel free to find and post cartoons you find witty and/or to your liking.
I hope this won't turn into another insult fest.
You mean PAID FOR by Paul supporters. Which you won't read.:rolleyes:


You were so dripping with excitement to post the ad you didn't read it yourself.

Bottom right hand corner my friend.:)

"Written with editing assistance from
Linda Lagana, John Barr, and the team at"


I would even go so far as to say the whole group over at RonPaulForums was in a tizzy at the thought of co-writing a NYT full-page ad paid for by a member.
I post cartoons I find in search engines.
Quick note, I wasn't taking issue with anything you posted.
I was just making a distinction, you're searches usually turn up mainstream press stuff, stuff which tends to be leftist. Since Paul is a novelty act in the eyes of the mainstream media, you're simply not going to find much about him. So what you do find tends to be from his followers, not the adversarial media.

The people responsible for those particle pictures should have signed their names with little hearts over the "i"s and "j"s.

By the way, doesn't anyone else find it a little weird when a candidate's supporters start off their argument with "he's delivered 4,000 babies"? That's nice and all, but.... couldn't they lead with something else. Maybe throw that in as an aside later in the piece.

I was in traffic earlier, and that was the number one bullet point on some guys rear window, supporting Paul.
By the way, doesn't anyone else find it a little weird when a candidate's supporters start off their argument with "he's delivered 4,000 babies"? That's nice and all, but.... couldn't they lead with something else. Maybe throw that in as an aside later in the piece.

I was in traffic earlier, and that was the number one bullet point on some guys rear window, supporting Paul.
No, it's not weird. It lets people know that he is a physician. It gives credibility to his pro life stance, something that Rudy does not claim and Mitt does not have.

Nobody's surprised that you would pick nits with Ron Paul. I supposed you'd prefer all his bumper stickers lead with "...took money from nazis..." right?
No, it's not weird. It lets people know that he is a physician. It gives credibility to his pro life stance, something that Rudy does not claim and Mitt does not have.

Nobody's surprised that you would pick nits with Ron Paul. I supposed you'd prefer all his bumper stickers lead with "...took money from nazis..." right?

Actually, I'd rather it said, took money from the Nazis- DID NOT GIVE IT BACK, but donated to a holocaust memorial museum instead..... something like that would have been good.

Should I vote for the candidate who delivered 5,000 babies? If one only delivered 2,000 babies, would his "pro-life" status be in question? Does it even matter that a lot of abortion doctors also have delivered thousands of living babies as well?

None of this is important in the mind of a Paulestinian.

With the events in Pakistan this morning, a Ron Paul presidency would be even more dangerous.
Actually, I'd rather it said, took money from the Nazis- DID NOT GIVE IT BACK, but donated to a holocaust memorial museum instead..... something like that would have been good.
Not that anybody cares what you think other people should do with their campaign donations.

Should I vote for the candidate who delivered 5,000 babies? If one only delivered 2,000 babies, would his "pro-life" status be in question? Does it even matter that a lot of abortion doctors also have delivered thousands of living babies as well?
This is a stupid, irrelevant comment.

None of this is important in the mind of a Paulestinian.
Look who presumes to know the minds of others while spouting pejoratives.
With the events in Pakistan this morning, a Ron Paul presidency would be even more dangerous.
Feel free to actually explain your position. You're not convincing anybody with rhetoric. Time for you to buckle down and use actual facts and reasoning.
Not that anybody cares what you think other people should do with their campaign donations.
Maybe if he'd asked me he now wouldn't be linked to White Supremacists and hostile lunatics.

This is a stupid, irrelevant comment.
So is including the number of "babies delivered" in every ridiculous piece of fanboy praise. Unless he's going to deliver babies in the Oval Office, this hardly seems important.

Interestingly enough, Ronald Reagan never delivered any babies....

Feel free to actually explain your position. You're not convincing anybody with rhetoric. Time for you to buckle down and use actual facts and reasoning.
What's to a argue? I always elect the guy who's delivered the most babies. That's usually on my list of "must have" traits when I elect a President.
Maybe if he'd asked me he now wouldn't be linked to White Supremacists and hostile lunatics.
Still spouting the NYT's already discredited disinformation, eh? Well, whatever it takes, even if you have to lie to do it, right?
Still spouting the NYT's already discredited disinformation, eh? Well, whatever it takes, even if you have to lie to do it, right?

What was discredited?
He didn't get money from the racist organization, he simply got it from the founder of said racist, white supremest organization. That's an important distinction to you?

Stormfront still posted links to Ron Paul on their website as well... again, that doesn't make Paul a Nazi, but it did look bad, especially after keeping the contributions that came from the founder.

Perception is reality in politics. If Paul had a real campaign, and not lunatics on Youtube doing all the organizing and work, they'd have told him that.
What was discredited?
He didn't get money from the racist organization, he simply got it from the founder of said racist, white supremest organization. That's an important distinction to you?

Stormfront still posted links to Ron Paul on their website as well... again, that doesn't make Paul a Nazi, but it did look bad, especially after keeping the contributions that came from the founder.

Perception is reality in politics. If Paul had a real campaign, and not lunatics on Youtube doing all the organizing and work, they'd have told him that.
If I were a nazi organization and wanted a candidate to look bad, I would link to him. Duh. The fact that total suckers like you fall for it only validates the actions of such an organization.

By the way, if perception is reality in politics as you say, then THIRD PLACE IN IOWA far ahead of Fred Thompson must be reality for Ron Paul.
If I were a nazi organization and wanted a candidate to look bad, I would link to him. Duh. The fact that total suckers like you fall for it only validates the actions of such an organization.

So this is yet ANOTHER conspiracy you've uncovered against Ron Paul. Good work!! Keep digging then up, it takes a special brand of crazy to do it, and it would appear that it's right up your alley.

So, white supremacists are now pretending to support the candidate with single digit support. They are sending him money to make him look bad, because once linked to these racists groups, the Nazis realize his popularity will plummet from 4% all the way down to the equally irrelevant 2%.

Are the 9/11 Truthers doing this too? Supporting Paul to hurt him?
Maybe you can expose them later on.

By the way, if perception is reality in politics as you say, then THIRD PLACE IN IOWA far ahead of Fred Thompson must be reality for Ron Paul.

Nationally, Paul is at about 3.8%
Where as Thompson is at about 11%
And in Iowa, Paul is averaging 6.8 to Thomspon's 9.3%

To which I have to ask, what the hell are you talking about?
My understanding is that in a gentleman's debate the first person to start calling the other one names is admitting he's losing, if not the debate then at least his cool.
It looks like fossten called callabrio "stupid" and "a liar" to which calabrio called fossten "a sucker like you"
I can see Larry and Curly poking each other in the eyes.
But seriously, the media today is mostly in the entertainment business and Paul makes for an entertaining story in an otherwise turgid field.
When I was in school almost 30 years ago I would delight myself in saying provocative things and generally making a joke of school.
One day I walked into economics class and pulled out a starters pistol, pointed it at the prof who was 6 feet away and fired it. The look on his face was priceless but then he just shrugged and laughed it off. After class one of my fellow wise asses came up to me and said "I thought he was going to have a heart attack when you pulled the trigger!" (the prof was in his 60's but was really cool)
After that I toned down my antics and never did the starter pistol thing again. I suppose today I would be arrested and charged with a felony.
But I digress.
BIG Government today is so heavily entrenched that Paul comes across like a breath of fresh air in a hot stuffy room.
People sometimes like to think about overthrowing the government whether Republican or Democrat and starting new. Paul makes it seem like it may actually be possible and that's a big part of his appeal.
So this is yet ANOTHER conspiracy you've uncovered against Ron Paul. Good work!! Keep digging then up, it takes a special brand of crazy to do it, and it would appear that it's right up your alley.

So, white supremacists are now pretending to support the candidate with single digit support. They are sending him money to make him look bad, because once linked to these racists groups, the Nazis realize his popularity will plummet from 4% all the way down to the equally irrelevant 2%.

Are the 9/11 Truthers doing this too? Supporting Paul to hurt him?
Maybe you can expose them later on.

It takes a special brand of STUPID to think that Ron Paul must be a nazi or a truther JUST BECAUSE a person or persons from either of those groups support him. Another explanation could be that one nazi and several "truthers" want freedom and liberty like everybody else (except cradle-to-the-grave big government statist sheeple like you of course). There are many possible reasons they could be endorsing Ron Paul, NONE OF WHICH include him being a nazi or a truther. I was simply presenting a possible reason, not exposing a conspiracy. Yet another asinine straw man created out of thin air by you. You're the one idiotically grasping at straws here, not me.
Nationally, Paul is at about 3.8%
Where as Thompson is at about 11%
And in Iowa, Paul is averaging 6.8 to Thomspon's 9.3%

To which I have to ask, what the hell are you talking about?

Surging Huckabee Takes Lead in Iowa Over Romney

By Jon Cohen and Chris Cillizza
Washington Post Staff Writer and Staff Writer
Thursday, December 20, 2007; A01

The race before Iowa's Republican caucuses has narrowed to a two-person contest between former governors Mike Huckabee of Arkansas and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, with Huckabee now perched atop the field, propelled by a big jump in support among religious women.

The findings, from a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, show how dramatically the wide-open GOP contest has changed over the past few months. Huckabee's support in Iowa has quadrupled since the summer, while former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and former senator Fred D. Thompson (Tenn.) have lost ground.

Immigration now stands as the top issue for the state's GOP voters. Many Republicans think voter anger about illegal immigration will be a flash point, not only in the race for their party's presidential nomination but also in the general election. The emergence of immigration as a major issue in Iowa, where three in 10 GOP voters call it a top concern, creates an early test of its political potency.

With two weeks to go before the first-in-the-nation caucuses, Huckabee registered the support of 35 percent of likely Republican caucusgoer, just above Romney, the longtime Iowa front-runner, at 27 percent. For the first time in Post-ABC Iowa polling, no other candidate registered in the double digits.

Thompson was backed by 9 percent, down from 15 percent a month ago, and Giuliani was the choice of 8 percent, down five percentage points. Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) also won 8 percent support, followed by Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) at 6 percent, Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.) at 2 percent and Rep. Duncan Hunter (Calif.) at 1 percent.

3-way tie for third. I meant McCain, not Thompson.
It takes a special brand of STUPID to think that Ron Paul must be a nazi or a truther JUST BECAUSE a person or persons from either of those groups support him.
You used to love to throw the term "strawman" around. What you've done IS build a strawman argument.

No one has ever called Paul a nazi because of the Nazi's interest in supporting his campaign. Whether he's a truther or not is a little shadier, but Beck provided him the opportunity to clarify and distance himself from that.

But he does COURT the truthers.....

Another explanation could be that one nazi and several "truthers" want freedom and liberty like everybody else (except cradle-to-the-grave big government statist sheeple like you of course).

Can you provide me a single example of me ever being in favor of a cradle to grave big government state? Just one.... Or will you simple respond by telling me why you don't need to respond?

There are many possible reasons they could be endorsing Ron Paul, NONE OF WHICH include him being a nazi or a truther. I was simply presenting a possible reason, not exposing a conspiracy. Yet another asinine straw man created out of thin air by you. You're the one idiotically grasping at straws here, not me.
See, there you go again, misusing the strawman term.
I've never said Paul was a Nazi. Never. I have mocked his lunatic fan base, you included.

It's entertaining, though you are even less persuasive when you're frustrated.... you are twice as funny.
You used to love to throw the term "strawman" around. What you've done IS build a strawman argument.

No one has ever called Paul a nazi because of the Nazi's interest in supporting his campaign. Whether he's a truther or not is a little shadier, but Beck provided him the opportunity to clarify and distance himself from that.

But he does COURT the truthers.....

You called him a nazi when you posted this thread. You weren't joking. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

He also courts the conservatives, far more aggressively, yet you certainly aren't ever to be accused of giving him credit there, are you? So which one is he, conservative, or truther? You can't have it both ways. If he courts one and not the other, then you might have a case. But you have yet to produce one single quote that demonstrates his belief in any of that truther nonsense. So your entire argument is a straw man based on association alone, and you attribute the beliefs of any of his supporters EXCEPT conservatives to Ron Paul.

Can you provide me a single example of me ever being in favor of a cradle to grave big government state? Just one.... Or will you simple respond by telling me why you don't need to respond?
I will as soon as you give me one single example of me saying anything that proves that I'm a kook, and I'll reciprocate. Everything is subjective, and I'm convinced that you are not a conservative.

See, there you go again, misusing the strawman term.
I've never said Paul was a Nazi. Never. I have mocked his lunatic fan base, you included.
See my comment above. Many conservatives who are not lunatics support Ron Paul. Are you claiming otherwise?
It's entertaining, though you are even less persuasive when you're frustrated.... you are twice as funny.
I don't see you laughing. I see you still wondering who to vote for. By the way, I hope Ron Paul does go independent. Would teach the Republican RINOs a lesson. I'm not beholden to the party that has abandoned conservative principles. Either they get back to their base or they lose.

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