NYT thinks gun owners are criminals


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Apr 24, 2005
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NYTimes Reveals Distrust of 'Law Abiding' Citizens

Posted by Warner Todd Huston on January 30, 2007 - 04:42.

The New York Times thinks you are a criminal if you own a gun. The editorial writers at the Times simply don't believe that you could possibly be a law abiding citizen if you are interested in self defense, their most recent anti-gun piece reveals.

Their January 30th piece, incongruously titled "A Day Without Guns ..." -- incongruous because the piece itself does not address any such subject as a day without guns -- cannot be interpreted too many other ways than contempt for both the citizenry as well as the Constitution.

Twenty years ago, the Florida Legislature cravenly decided to allow "law abiding" citizens to carry concealed weapons merely by declaring their preference for self-defense. Then last July, at the prodding of the gun lobby, the current crop of state lawmakers proved they could be even more corrupt and cowardly than their predecessors by deciding to make the list of gun-toting Floridians a secret.

The quotes around "law abiding" says it all. In such a case, the usage of quotes marks obviously denotes sarcasm as opposed to a mere quote and their position that no gun owner could be a law abiding citizen rings through loud and clear.

More ridiculous is all the overly emotional language. Words like "cravenly", "corrupt and cowardly", and "gruesome" infuse the piece with a healthy dose of unbridled disgust and hatred making the editorial more fire-and-brimstone sermon than policy discussion. It also makes any thinking person who might be open to question the 2nd Amendment incredulous.

It should be reminded that the NYT is objecting to a full expression of an Amendment to the Constitution. If the Times is so dismissive of the Constitution, one wonders why they got their undies in a bunch when fellow "journalist" Judith Miller was under the microscope a few years ago. They were falling all over themselves to express HER Constitutional rights, but those who want to assure their rights to self defense are not so fortunate as to receive the Times' support, it seems.

No, according to the times, Florida's gun owners are just murderers, burglars and child molesters.

More simpleminded than their claims that gun owners are somehow untrustworthy is their claim that Florida's state government wants gun owner's to go about shooting anyone who gets in a their way.

Florida’s legislators take the position that it’s no fun to have a gun if you can’t use it. So they loosened the laws on self-defense to allow a civilian to stand and use deadly force “if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary.” If lawmakers had any sense of shame, they would undo these lethal threats to their constituents.

"No fun to have a gun if you can’t use it"?

I'd say the Times feels the same way about the 1st Amendment. It isn't nearly as fun to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of the press unless you use it. I see, though, that the Times is all for expressing THEIR favorite Constitutional right.

Tell ya what New York Times. You express your right to a free press and I'll express mine to self-protection. The difference is, I understand and support your Constitutional right. Too bad you aren't American enough to support mine.

One last point is interesting. The Times does not mention how, as they seem to see it, a rampant increase of gun ownership in Florida has increased their usage. Maybe it's because a corresponding rise in gun crime has NOT been observed with the increase in gun owner's rights? After all, if illegal gun usage was running high in Florida, wouldn't you imagine the Times would be ballyhooing such a statistic to buttress their irrational hatred of the 2nd Amendment?

I have a deal for you New York Times. Along with us both observing our favored amendment I'll also express my right not to buy your rag. Deal?
I live in one of the worst states for firearms owners like myself. The laws are absolutely ridiculous, and the perception of owners is even more ridiculous. It's kind of ironic, considering I grew-up just 9 miles down the street from where a group of colonists resisted British seizure of firearms and laid the seeds for what we call America just over 220 years ago.

evillally said:
I live in one of the worst states for firearms owners like myself. The laws are absolutely ridiculous, and the perception of owners is even more ridiculous. It's kind of ironic, considering I grew-up just 9 miles down the street from where a group of colonists resisted British seizure of firearms and laid the seeds for what we call America just over 220 years ago.


I understand there is an exodus from your state, am I right?

Maybe you should move down south. :shifty:
fossten said:
I understand there is an exodus from your state, am I right?

Maybe you should move down south. :shifty:

Yep. It's gotten to be so bad that some politician actually wants to pay college graduates $10,000 if they stay in the state for at least 5 years.

I'm actually planning on moving up north- to New Hampshire. Live Free or Die, bitches...:gr_devil:
And this suprises you how???

The rights of gun owners have been challenged on the basis that the second amendment refers to a standing army and not the people at large. While some of us get the reference and the implication that "We the PEOPLE" means exactly that, and that our fore fathers wanted us to be able to protect ourselves from others as well as from tyranny from within our own government, others only want to preserve their own rights and trample on all of them that do not fit their cause or purpose. I have held a Concealed Carry permit since I turned 21. Luckily I have never had to use my weapon, but I have had to draw it. I'll bet that they would change their minds if one of their loved ones was being raped and or murdered in front of them. We have become too much of a passive society, allowing the criminals free reign with impunity. Well just to put all criminals intent on robbing the Buford on alert, I not only believe in the second amendment, but I practice it. There are very few situations where I am more than 40 or 50 feet away from one of my numerous legally owned weapons. And I have sufficient training on their proper use. And I have even gone so far as to educate bot my 6 year old, as well as my 23 year old sons on the proper handling, safety, and usage of all firearms. I'll be there with you when it comes to protecting others rights, even the rights of morons who wish to trample on mine.
What's idiotic about these gun control nuts arguments is that law-abiding citizens that purchase guns for protection and/or for recreational use such as target practice at the local gun club aren't the ones committing crime. Sure it's possible for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to use a gun illegally but by and large it is a very rare occurrence in comparison to those that have guns for illegal purposes.

Also from what I understand in Texas and in other states where citizens are allowed to carry handguns crime has dropped. So once again Libs are out of touch with reality. :rolleyes:
I think part of their thinking is -- where did the ones committing crime get the gun they used? They obtained it, either by theft or other means, from a law-abiding citizens. So it makes sense to believe that if you severely limit legal gun ownership, then the number of guns that trickle down to the criminal element will diminish more and more over time.

Dont attack me - im just pointing out one argument. Personally, I like having my beretta. Had it for years and I wouldnt be happy if I had to get rid of it.
Joeychgo said:
I think part of their thinking is -- where did the ones committing crime get the gun they used? They obtained it, either by theft or other means, from a law-abiding citizens. So it makes sense to believe that if you severely limit legal gun ownership, then the number of guns that trickle down to the criminal element will diminish more and more over time.

Dont attack me - im just pointing out one argument. Personally, I like having my beretta. Had it for years and I wouldnt be happy if I had to get rid of it.

That doesn't make jack squat's worth of sense, Joey. You are exhibiting a very narrow, shallow understanding of how criminals get illegal guns.

If you severely limit legal gun ownership, then the percentage of all guns that are actually owned by the criminal element will approach one hundred, and we the people will be defenseless. They will still get their weapons from Mexico or other easily obtainable sources.
I am exhibiting nothing - learn to READ fossten -- I didnt say I believed it - I specifically said that WASNT my point of view.
Joeychgo said:
I am exhibiting nothing - learn to READ fossten -- I didnt say I believed it - I specifically said that WASNT my point of view.

Okay, okay, I see that now, it wasn't exactly crystal clear the way you wrote it. Don't blow a gasket.
Im going to blow a gasket - you always assume im an idiot and attack - and im getting tired of it.
Joeychgo said:
Im going to blow a gasket - you always assume im an idiot and attack - and im getting tired of it.

Let me know when - I want to watch. :D Ukgrable2[1].jpg


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