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Mar 2, 2004
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Obama’s Voting Record Belies Moderate

In his televised response to President Bush’s Iraq
speech, Sen. Barack Obama (D.-Ill.) told Larry
King he would be making his decision on a run for
the White House “fairly soon.”

Obama’s decision today to seek the Democratic
nomination will shine a spotlight on votes he made
during his six years in the Illinois Senate—before
coming to Washington, D.C., as a U.S. senator.

Explaining these votes could be uncomfortable for
Obama, who has never been made to answer for his
controversial decisions there.

In his race for the U.S. Senate, not a single negative
ad was run against him either during the sevenway
Democratic primary or in the general election,
in good part because Republican Jack Ryan unexpectedly
dropped out of the race after a court
unsealed embarrassing divorce documents that were
highly publicized by the media. As a result, Obama
faced weak Republican candidate Alan Keyes, who
quickly came under attack from the media and was
unable to act offensively in the campaign.
Now, basically untouched in these past political
campaigns, Obama will likely flaunt his media-created
image as a moderate Democrat capable of
embracing both conservative and liberal ideals. But,
as HUMAN EVENTS has shown in other articles,
no matter what lip service Obama gives to conservative
principles, at the end of the day he reliably
comes down on the liberal side.
Below are some votes Obama made as a state legislator
that pierce his moderate façade.

NO SB 230 (1997)
To prohibit partial-birth abortion unless necessary to save
the life of a mother and makes performance of the procedure a Class 4 felony for the physician.

NO HB 709 (2000)
To prohibit state funding of abortion and induced miscarriages except when necessary to save the life of the mother. Excludes premature births from funding except to produce a viable child when necessary to save the life of a
mother. Would permit funding in cases of rape or incest
when payment is authorized under federal law.

NO SB 1661 (2002)
A part of the Born Alive Infant Protection Package. Would
create a cause of action if a child is born alive after an abortion and the child is then neglected through failure to provide medial care after birth.

NO SB 381 (1997)
To require prisoners to pay court costs for frivolous lawsuits
against the state.

NO SB 485 (1999)
To give no offer of “good time” for sex offenders sentenced
to the County Jail. *Obama was the only vote against this measure

YES HB 3396 (2003)
To make unionization easier by not requiring a secret ballot
to organize if 50% of the eligible workers publicly sign a
card of support for unionization.

YES SB 230 (2003)
Entitles a teacher who is elected as an officer of the state or national teacher’s union to be granted a leave of absence for up to six years, or the period of time the teacher is serving.

YES SB 1070 (2003)
Allows college graduate assistants who teach college
courses be eligible to join a union.

PRESENT SB 609 (2001)
To restrict the location of buildings with “adult” uses
(meaning pornographic video stores, strip clubs, etc.) within 1,000 feet of any public or private elementary or secondary school, public park, place or worship, preschool, daycare facility, mobile park or residential area.

NO HB 1812 (1999)
To require school boards to install software on public computers accessible to minors to block sexually explicit material.

NO SB 1075 (1999)
To create an income tax credit for all full-time K-12 pupils in an amount equal to 25% of qualified education expenses up to a maximum of $500 per family.

YES SB 1725 (2003)
To restore the Illinois Estate Tax.

YES SB 1733 (2003)
To impose a Gas Use Tax on the purchase of natural gas
from outside the state of Illinois for use or consumption in
Illinois. Forces the delivering supplier to pay 2.4 cents per
therm of gas, or the customer can elect to become a “selfassessing” purchaser and pay 5% of the purchase price or 2.4 cents per therm.

YES SB 1415 (2003)
To create public funding for supreme court races.

NOT VOTING HB 581 (2003)
Allows domestic partners to be allowed to assume the
rights of a spouse or survivor with regards to pension benefits under the Chicago Teacher’s pension system.

NO SB 228 (1997)
Changes the “Illinois Equal Opportunity Act of 1997” to stipulate, notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any unit of government or school district that gives benefits to same sex couples under any criteria must give equal benefits to heterosexual couples.

YES SB 880 (2003)
To allow the purchase of 10 hypodermic needles from a
pharmacy without a prescription.

PRESENT HB 2000 (4659)
To establish a zero-tolerance drug-testing policy for
Department of Corrections Employees

NO SB 777 (1999)
To end the unemployment insurance fund building tax.

NO SB 879 (1999)
To end the minimum contribution tax rate for the unemployment system.

NO SB 795 (2001)
To reduce employers’ minimum contribution insurance rate.

YES SB 796 (2003)
To increase the Illinois minimum wage from $5.15 per hour
to $6.50 per hour.

Miss Carpenter is former Assistant Editor for HUMAN EVENTS. She is the author of The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’s Dossier on Hillary Rodham Clinton, published by Regnery.
More on Obama and Babies Born Alive
By Terence Jeffrey
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Last week, I wrote that Barack Obama, as an Illinois state senator, opposed a bill to define as a "person" a fully born baby who survived an abortion. Obama opposed this bill, I wrote, even after an amendment was offered to it that mirrored language included in a virtually identical federal bill that won a 98 to zero vote in the U.S. Senate after Sen. Barbara Boxer said the language in question protected Roe v. Wade.

Obama, I reported, killed the Illinois bill by holding it in a committee he chaired, never calling a vote so it could be sent to the full Senate. This, I have since been informed, was incorrect.

Although the Illinois General Assembly's online bill tracking system indicates the bill was "held" in Obama's Health and Human Services Committee in 2003, former Sen. Rick Winkel, who sponsored it, and Sen. Dale Righter, then the committee's ranking Republican, both tell me that written records kept by Illinois Senate Republicans indicate Obama did bring the bill up for a vote and then voted against it. The bill, as amended, lost that vote four to six. In 2001, Republican Sen. Rick Santorum offered the federal version of the Born Alive Infants bill as an amendment. Boxer gave a floor speech explaining why it did not threaten Roe and why Democrats would vote for it.

"(H)is amendment certainly does not attack Roe in any way," said Boxer. "His amendment makes it very clear that nothing in this amendment gives any rights that are not yet afforded to a fetus. Therefore, I, as being a pro-choice senator on this side, representing my colleagues here, have no problem whatsoever with this amendment."

When Obama was in the Illinois Senate, the Born Alive Infants bill came up three successive years.

In 2001, three bills were proposed to help babies who survived induced labor abortions. One, like the federal Born Alive Infants bill, simply said a living "homo sapiens" wholly emerged from his mother should be treated as a "'person,' 'human being,' 'child' and 'individual.'"

On all three bills, Obama voted "present," effectively the same as a "no." Defining "a pre-viable fetus" that survived an abortion as a "person" or "child," he argued, "would essentially bar abortions, because the Equal Protection Clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this is a child, then this would be an anti-abortion statute."

In 2002, Obama voted "no" on the bill.

When Democrats took control of the Illinois Senate in 2003, Obama became chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee. The Born Alive Infants bill and an amendment to add exactly the language Boxer said protected Roe in the federal bill (which President Bush had signed into law in 2002) was referred to this committee.

According to the records made by committee Republicans, the amendment to include in the Illinois bill the language Boxer said protected Roe was approved by a 10 to zero vote of the committee. (This vote, Republicans say, was a common procedural courtesy extended to the sponsoring senator.) The bill as amended was then put to a committee vote. It lost four to six, with Obama voting "no."

"I just read a copy of the Illinois Senate Republican Staff analysis on SB 1082 (93rd General Assembly), and, contrary to the bill status report on the Illinois General Assembly Website, it shows the bill -- as amended -- was in fact called for a vote in committee on a motion to recommend the bill for passage to the whole Senate," former Sen. Winkel, now an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, wrote me in an email. "That motion failed 4-6-0 along party lines, and the chairman, then state Sen. Barack Obama, voted no. The result is that the bill died in the committee."

Righter backed up Winkel's explanation of the Republican records. "If I want to see a vote history in committee on a certain bill, I will go to our records first," Righter told me. "Now, another source of information is the online service that you checked, as well. The online service in this case is rather vague. It just says that the bill never made it out of committee. But I have full faith and confidence in what our files show, absolutely."

In his 2004 U.S. Senate campaign, Obama was challenged on his opposition to the Born Alive Infants bill during a debate with Alan Keyes. "At the federal, level there was a similar bill that passed because it had an amendment saying this does not encroach on Roe v. Wade," Obama said. "I would have voted for that bill."

This statement seems to contradict the record made by committee Republicans, attested to by Winkel and Righter, which says he directly voted against the bill that included the amendment with the Roe-protecting language from the federal bill. "The amendment made my bill the same as the federal legislation," Winkel told me.

Obama's campaign press office did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

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