O what a night...


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Louis
So i went to the bar last night and my GF drove my ls home. for the first time. we went to get food and as she was pulling out she curbed my rims. the back right one is pretty bad. and took a chunk out of the tire. on the front tire the fender hit the tire and tore a big chunk out of it. then i get home and im looking over my car and noticed the the back bumper has this huge spot where the paint is missing. its not like a car hit it but someone took something to my baby. really weird pattern. im sooo pissed . i just wanted to vent. ill have pics on saturday to show u guys what it is.
Sorry to hear about that Bill , hope your insurance will cover it!!!!
AWH Hottie!!!! DANG! It's all good though, nothing that can't be fixed. Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving and think about the Christmas present your GF is gonna bust out for ya, maybe a new set or rims!!!!!

Smile Hottie!!!

thats great. she says it wasnt her fault. i should have been sober and not let her drive thats what she says. and insurance is outta the question, all i have is liability. soes anyone know what a lse bumper would look like with the rest of the car stock. any pics
That's why I don't let my girl drive my car, especially after I saw what she did to her brand new car in a year!

Sorry to hear that man...
awwhhh itsnotmydaddys...I know if it were me I'd a gone off! I bet she was a bit on the defensive side ummm maybe? Bet she still feels bad, and besides, whatever the cost, it is far cheaper than a DWI HOTTIE!!!

It will get better, promise!


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