If you're unsure about how to change the sensors, you are probably better off having someone do them for you. May be cheaper in the long run too. But they really aren't that hard to do...other than the wire, it's not any more difficult than changing a spark plug. As a matter of fact, it uses the same size thread and pitch that the old style spark plugs used!!
Ok, cross counts are what an 02 sensor does when measuring the oxygen content in your exhaust. Many people believe that the sensor gives you a steady reading of the oxygen content it measures. That's not how it works. It constantly goes from rich to lean. At it goes rich, the ECM leans the mixture, then when it goes lean, it richens it back up. It does this VERY quickly! The number of times it goes from rich to lean is what's called cross counts. As an 02 sensor gets old and worn, it can't adjust as quickly and the number of cross counts slow down. You need to remember that the 02 sensor does not use vehicle power to measure 02 content. It generates it's own power...and it's an extremely small voltage. Somewhere between .1 and .9 volts. (that's why it's NEVER smart to tap into an 02 sensor for any type of aftermarket guage or AF meter...install it's own sensor) Now, just about all sensors these days have 3 or 4 wires going to them and DO have power to the sensor. However, that is only for heating the sensor. It needs to be hot to operate and the car cannot go into closed loop (that's where the ECM is in total control of the air/fuel ratio) until the sensor is up to temp. In the old days, the manufacturers let the exhaust heat the sensor. But that left it in open loop for too long. Now they heat the sensor to get it into closed loop as fast as possible so the ECM can control things and meet emissions. Until it's in closed loop, it's running on a preset MAP in the computer that uses other sensors...but not the 02 sensor.
Hope this helps.