Obama got some splain'in to do.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Meeting with the National Director of the Selective Service William Chatfield

attn Eric Holder-attorney General
Elena Kagan-Solicitor General,
Department of Justice
Robert Mueller-Director of FBI
Mark sullivan-Director of US Secret Service

Today, on 03.25.09. at 10:15

I have met with the National director of the Selective Service William Chatfield in his office at 1515 Wilson Blvd, ste 600 in Arlington VA.

I have presented to Mr. Chatfield a report by the retired Federal Agent Steven Coffman, showing that Barack Obama's Certification for Selective Service has numerous signs of forgery.

Mr. Chatfield provided no explanation to the findings.
I have asked, what is the explanation to the fact that the serial number on the top right of the page, that usually shows the year, showed 08, meaning that it was created in 2008 and under the card an 8 was added before the number to make it look 80, as if it was issued in 1980. According to agent Coffman it was forged to backdate it, to look as if it was issued in 1980. Mr. Chatfield had no explanation.

Similarly I have questioned him about the wrong stamp, wrong form number and wrong dates (see the report in dossier #1).

No answer and no information was provided.
I have left the dossier with Mr. Chatfield and reiterated other troubling issues, such as a list of 100 addresses with numerous social security numbers for Mr. Obama, I demand immediate investigation of this matter.

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
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I was able to reach the office of Admiral Mulin, Chief of the Joint Chief of staff. I have discussed With Captain Crowford, Legal Counsel for Mr. Mullin, Obama ineligibility issues and all of the illegal activities surrounding him and his supporters. I am forwarding all the supporting documents to him tomorrow.
Posted by Dr. Orly Taitz at 3/25/2009 8:02 PM

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