Obama in review...


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
United States
Received via email...alias bho boo

I can’t think of anything else a person trying to destroy a country would do that Obama hasn’t done…
Bankrupted us
Looted us blind
Shamed us
Blamed us
Dissed us
Lied about us
Said we are not a Christian nation any longer
Said we are the world’s largest muslim nation
Unemployed us
Disarmed us
Freed and Funded terrorists bent on destroying us
Divulged state secrets
Demoralized the military and CIA
Censored and controlled all press
Overtaxed us
Wants to impose euthanasia Obamacare “reaper is cheaper” to kill off older white voters and to give free healthcare to illegals, then amnesty, to get their vote for his dictatorship, destroying the best health care system in the world
Wants to carbon tax us an extra $3,000 per family per year
Wants to remove all gun rights, he’s already started with ammunition
He’s helped other dictators and marxists such as genocidal al Qaeda backed Odinga, and drug mule Zelayah
He’s lied pathologicall
He’s defrauded us with regards to his eligibility
He’s intimidated and defrauded the vote
He’s money laundered,extorted, tax cheated and gotten away with it
He’s purged whistleblowers like Walpin and others
He’s removed persons who could scrutinize or reveal him such as Patrick Fitzgerald, Lt. Quarles Harris, Mr. Bland, Mr. Young
He’s terrorized NYers with AF-1 buzzing them
He’s made us pay for his luxuries, entourages, excesses, dates, while demanding we tighten our belts
He does not read nor care the content of legislation he pushes
He’s tried to start a race war
He’s been charged with being behind the swine-avian flu, and the probably contaminated Baxter vaccine they will push (more euthanasia?)
He’s deprived our Afghanistan soldiers of permission to fight, or to win, and told them not to touch the poppies (to protect the opium trade)
He seeks to give up US sovereignty
Really, the largest tree falls chip by chip…Obama is bent on destroying us.
All in his 1st 100 days.:eek: Quite an accomplishment for an unqualified community organizer.:(
Yes, it's quite an impressive total.

Complete and utter classlessness in a lot of those. You never saw Bush attacking citizens of the US in speeches.

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