Obama medical condition


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
It seems President Obama suffers from hoof and mouth disease.
The teleprompter queen just can't keep his trap shut.

Obama apologizes for remark

After comparing his bowling to the Special Olympics on "The Tonight Show" Thursday, President Obama called Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver to apologize before the program even aired.
He and his staff quickly recognized the mistake and moved to limit the damage.
“He expressed his disappointment and he apologized, in a way that was very moving,” Shriver said on ABC's “Good Morning America.”
Disappointment? In what?
Disappointment? In what?

Don't bother me right now I'm on here and right beside me I have him on 9pm Tues. I notice he's reading STRAIGHT ON now,,not looking side to side reading teleprompter,,I think FOX said he had a big massive tv monitor to read off of,,so he could look STRAIGHT ON,,BUT YOU COULD SEE HIS EYES "READING". Be nice to hear what coming out of HIS BRAIN not some speech writer.
I've been working so hard lately to pay Obama's taxes I haven't been around here but that made my day.

The dip:q:q:q:q is now reading head on.

So now we get to see his eyes twitch like he's on coke.

Just freakin great.

Made my day.:headbang:

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