Obama prepares to hold Gitmo guys indefinitely, just as Bush did


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 30, 2005
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Obama prepares to hold Gitmo guys indefinitely, just as Bush did
by Andrew Malcolm

In yet another sign of political perfidy, the White House of President George W. Bush has drafted a presidential executive order that would allow that double-dealing Republican chief executive to hold suspected terrorist detainees indefinitely.

According to the president's intentions, such suspects could be detained for long periods of time, virtually indefinitely. Is this really what the nation voted for last November?

Oh, wait. No. According to an exclusive Washington Post/Pro Publica report this afternoon, it's the refreshing new Democratic administration of Barack Obama that's now preparing this new executive order to hold certain terrorist suspects indefinitely.

This is an obviously inspiring sign of the new style of leadership the Democrat promised and is finally bringing to the White House. As one blogger put it, George W. Obama. And it shows the kind of powerful political pragmatism with which the ex-senator from Illinois approaches this job at such a crucial and globally turbulent time.Strangely, it was leaked to the Post on a slow summer Friday afternoon when it wouldn't gain much attention.

According to the Post report, the 44th president is now starting to think that closure of the internationally-reviled Guantanamo Bay detention facility, which Obama announced with so much fanfare on his first day in office last winter, may be impossible to actually accomplish before the one-year deadline he set for himself before actually planning where else to put these prisoners.

In other words, fanfare aside, status quo ante. Democrat or Republican, same deal. Ex-Vice President Dick Cheney will be so pleased that the Obama-Biden folks finally accepted his advice to protect national security.

Another sign, finally, of real change after eight long years of the very same thing.
Bush said very clearly, that who ever wins the office, when they're looking at the same information that he was, they'll have to make the same decisions that he did.
There just aren't many responsible alternatives.

I don't fault Obama for that.
I don't think it's a demonstration of any kind of weakness when he has to make a difficult decision that goes back upon a promise he made based on the false naivety of the campaign.

However, I do think that Obama owes the public an explanation explaining WHY he's had a change of opinion on this matter. Unlikely, because one of Obama's favorite persuasion techniques involves simply demonizing and blaming the previous administration. Acknowledging anything they did in a way that isn't negative probably is perceived as working against him.

And it demonstrates a marked double standard by the vocal critics of GWB who now look the other way when it's done by the new guy. In many cases, it just demonstrates that some of the most vocal proponents of the policy weren't motivated by principle, but by the political objective of undermine the last administration in anyway possible.

Any opinion can change.
However, there should be an explanation as for why.

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