Obama says he's looking at any way to create jobs


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
I could create 5 million new (blue collar,white collar) jobs in six months.:(

Democrats, clueless nitwits.

And Obama, for the record, is doing nothing that will CREATE jobs, unless you call having another worthless government bureaucrat as creating a job.:rolleyes:


SPRINGFIELD, Va. (AP) - Standing at the site of a highway project funded by his economic stimulus plan, President Barack Obama said Wednesday he is committed to exploring all avenues to create jobs. [snip]
I call that highway project busy work. There were a couple projects where I live resurfacing, they dug up a couple of intersections and tore down some buildings and now that they are almost done what are they going to until the next stimulus
You're a business savvy guy, so what would you do to accomplish these 5 mil in 6 months?

I'd move into the inner cities and purchase defunct industrial sites, retro-fit them and turn them into business incubators.

I would look closely at our manufacturing base and concentrate on products and services that could be done here with government subsidies (like no taxation for 5 years) etc. that would get these businesses off the ground.

I had a business in a mexican neighborhood. I provided good jobs at good pay for what some would menial work, but most manufacturing jobs are just that, menial.

I would not invest in new construction unless it involves tearing down old buildings in neighborhoods that suffer from blight and have a high percentage of unemployed. Bring the jobs to the people so they can walk to work or carpool.

I met with 3 Koreans yesterday in Chitown who were partnering with the Chinese to build electronic products. When I told them I wanted to package some of the lines here in the States, they looked at me like I was crazy until I pointed out the cost savings loading a 40ft High Cube to maximum weight and use the freight savings to offset U.S. production costs. Only after I showed them how we could reduce our cash requirements did the lights go on.

Fixing this Country is so easy, but it would mean the destruction of government subsidy programs and thus the Democrats voting base.
So in short, bring back the jobs we've sent to India, Mexico, Singapore and such?

Bryan for President 2012.
I could create 5 million new (blue collar,white collar) jobs in six months.:(

Democrats, clueless nitwits.

And Obama, for the record, is doing nothing that will CREATE jobs, unless you call having another worthless government bureaucrat as creating a job.:rolleyes:


SPRINGFIELD, Va. (AP) - Standing at the site of a highway project funded by his economic stimulus plan, President Barack Obama said Wednesday he is committed to exploring all avenues to create jobs. [snip]

Go for it. Nothing can stop you
So in short, bring back the jobs we've sent to India, Mexico, Singapore and such?

MonsterMark for President 2012.

I'm pretty pissed we shipped all our manufacturing jobs overseas. Our education system churns out uneducated citizens and we need those types of jobs to support our economy.

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