Obama to put the clamps on fishing nationwide


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Here's the report by Obama's EnviroWacko Task Force.

Here's the money quote, on Page 28:

The plans would be adaptive to allow for modification and addition of new actions based on new information or changing conditions. Their effective implementation would also require clear and easily understood requirements and regulations, where appropriate, that include enforcement as a critical component. Implementation of the National Policy for the stewardship of the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes will recognize that different legal regimes, with their associated freedoms, rights, and duties, apply in different maritime zones. The plans would be implemented in a manner consistent with applicable international conventions and agreements and with customary international law as reflected in the Law of the Sea Convention. The plans and their implementation would be assessed and reviewed annually by the NOC and modified as needed based on the success or failure of the agreed upon actions.

And the obligatory school indoctrination quote:
In addition, formal and informal education programs developed and implemented to target grades K-12 and beyond would create opportunities for enhanced appreciation of coastal and ocean issues, and better prepare the workforce of the future. Success in building our knowledge and applying it to improve management also relies on an engaged and informed public. Many Americans do not realize the importance of the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes to their daily lives, the benefits they provide, or the possibilities they present for further discovery. There is great opportunity to raise awareness and identify ways we can help protect our waters and their resources.

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