Obama's anger at the U.S.


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 30, 2005
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One of the silver linings of the mostly dismal presidential campaign has been that Democrats have finally come to see – perhaps admit is a better word – that the Clintons are pathological and ruthless power addicts. But that late-coming epiphany looks increasingly irrelevant, as the ascendancy of Barack Obama delivers a whole new set of deeply troubling concerns.

Democrats – all but committed to this fresh, charismatic figure – are forced to deny or downplay the almost daily revelations about Obama that would have derailed less promising candidates already. But they have to be concerned.

Given Obama's uncompromising liberalism, it was only a matter of time before his pretense toward unity and bipartisanship would be exposed for the mirage that it is. The contentiousness of the Democratic contest has just accelerated the process.

As these damaging items slowly dripped out about Obama, he was able to brush them aside dismissively. You'll recall his refusal to wear a flag pin, his categorical statement that "it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons under any circumstances," his assessment that the lives of our fallen soldiers in Iraq have been "wasted," his mindless promise to withdraw troops from Iraq according to an irresponsibly arbitrary timetable, and his naive remark that he would attach no preconditions to negotiating with the tyrants of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.

The cumulative force of Obama's common-themed actions and statements would have compelled even a statistician to doubt they could be attributed to coincidence. Wasn't an objective pattern emerging to suggest that Obama would hardly be the fiercest guardian of America's national security interests?

Nor have reports of his voluntary alliances and allegiances done anything to remove those doubts. Everyone paying attention knows by now that a number of people intimately associated with Obama have made derogatory statements about this nation he seeks to lead.

His wife, Michelle, stunned people with her admission that Barack's rise to power and the people's hunger for change made her "really proud" of her country "for the first time in (her) adult lifetime." This was his soul mate speaking.

Even more people are aware of the incendiary, vulgar, anti-American and racist tirades of Obama's longtime pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Obama's lip-service condemnation of Wright's statements, which Obama unconvincingly pretended not to have heard, still might have defied all natural laws of credulity and fooled the majority of the people were it not for further shoes that were destined to drop.

Then there's Obama's mysterious association with former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers – whose group bombed the Capitol, the Pentagon and the State Department in the 1970s – which would have been enough to end any other presidential candidacy. So far, the mainstream media have shown no curiosity about the nature and extent of Obama's relationship with Ayers, despite Ayers' lack of repentance and defiant statements, "I don't regret setting bombs" and "I feel we didn't do enough."

If all this weren't enough to make us wonder whether Obama has issues with America, he made sure we know when telling us that small-town Americans, because of their bitterness about economic hardship, cling to religion, guns and hostility toward immigrants.

With such distorted perceptions about his fellow citizens, it's no wonder Obama appears bitter and angry at this nation. Given his experience with hostility emanating from his own pastor's pulpit, it's not surprising that he sees Middle America through that jaundiced prism and jumps to the perverse conclusion that small-town Americans turn to God out of bitterness. Obama has some nerve presuming to lecture the rest of us about prejudice and being out of touch with what people think.

Obama couldn't be more wrong about what motivates people to seek a relationship with God. Though this may not compute for the liberation-theology mindset, it seems to me people turn to God in humble repentance, seeking forgiveness for their own sins and shortcomings rather than validation for their bitterness and permission to continue sinning. They go in pursuit of that "hope" Obama waxes so eloquently about, but they tend to place their reliance on God rather than government as the source of their hope.

More and more, when Obama talks about the alleged "antipathy" people have toward "people who aren't like them," one can't help but speculate whether he's projecting his own feelings of antipathy and bitterness toward others and the nation.

Even Obama's slick tongue will have difficulty deflecting the conclusion that his assessment of God-loving Americans as embittered, gun-toting nativists is of a piece with his wife's regrettable remarks and the disturbing fulminations of his beloved pastor.

If Obama wants to hold himself out as a tolerant, colorblind uniter, he should do a far better job of walking that walk.

by Ann Coulter

April 16, 2008

The Democrats' "Fake-Out America" adviser, Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff, must be beside himself. Despite Lakoff's years spent training Democrats to "frame" their language to stop scaring Americans, B. Hussein Obama was caught on tape speaking candidly to other liberals in San Francisco last week.

One minute Obama was bowling in Pennsylvania with nice, ordinary people wearing "Beer Hunter" T-shirts, and the next thing you know, he was issuing a report on the psychological traits of normal Americans to rich liberals in San Francisco.

Obama informed the San Francisco plutocrats that these crazy working-class people are so bitter, they actually believe in God! And not just the 12-step meeting, higher power, "as you conceive him or her to be" kind of God. The regular, old-fashioned, almighty sort of "God."

As Obama put it: "(T)hey get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

The rich liberals must have nearly fainted at the revelation that the denizens of small towns in Pennsylvania have absolutely no concern for the rich's ability to acquire servants from Mexico at a reasonable price.

We don't know much about Obama's audience, other than that four fundraisers were held on April 6 at the homes of San Francisco's rich and mighty, such as Alex Mehran, an Iranian who went into daddy's business and married an IBM heiress, and Gordon Getty, heir to the Getty Oil fortune.

It is not known whether any of Getty's three illegitimate children attended the Obama fundraiser -- which turned out to be more of a McCain fundraiser -- but photos from the event indicate that there were a fair number of armed (and presumably bitter) policemen providing security for the billionaire's soiree.

In 1967, Gordon sued his own father to get his hands on money from the family trust -- and lost. So Gordon Getty knows from bitter. It's a wonder he hasn't turned to guns, or even to immigrant-bashing. God knows (whoever he is) there are enough of them working on his home.

These are the sort of well-adjusted individuals to whom Obama is offering psychological profiles of normal Americans, including their bizarre theories about how jobs being sent to foreign countries and illegal-alien labor undercutting American workers might have something to do with their own economic misfortunes.

It's going to take a lot of "framing" for Democrats to recast Obama's explanation to San Francisco cafe society that gun ownership and a belief in God are the byproducts of a psychological disorder brought on by economic hardship.

It is an article of faith with the Democrats that they must fool Americans by simulating agreement with normal people. The winner of the Democratic primary is always the candidate who does the best impersonation of an American.

But then, after all their hard work making believe they're into NASCAR and God, some Democrat invariably slips and lets us know it's all a big fake-out. They're like a gay guy trying to act straight who accidentally refers to Brad Pitt as "yummy!"

The Democrats' last phony American (or perhaps I should say "faux American") was John Kerry, who famously said that if "you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

Kerry claimed this was not an accurate reflection of his feelings about the troops, despite a four-decade record of contempt for them, including accusing American troops of being baby-killers during the Vietnam War.

Rather, he said, it was a "botched joke." (In Kerry's defense, he was the opening act for Randi Rhodes' stand-up comedy show at the time.) But as with his military records, Kerry refused to allow his joke-writer to release any of the jokes cut from that speech.

In case there was any confusion, other Democrats immediately clarified their position by going on television and saying -- as Rep. Charlie Rangel did -- that our troops are people who don't have the option of having "a decent career."

These Democrats can't even pull off attending a NASCAR race without embarrassing themselves. In August 2004, Kerry exclaimed: "Who among us does not love NASCAR?" And then, about six months ago, Democratic congressional staffers to Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., sent out a memo urging aides going to NASCAR races to get inoculated before attending.

Obama had been so careful until now, "framing" his message as "change" -- rather than partial birth abortion, driver's licenses for illegal aliens, tax hikes, socialized medicine and abandoning mandatory minimum prison sentences for federal crimes.

His message is "change" -- not that his wife has not been proud to be an American for most of her life.

He is for "change" -- and don't mind the crazy racist loon who has been Obama's spiritual mentor for two decades.

One can only hope that Obama got his shots before bowling in Altoona, Pa.
All that and he'll be our next President.

$10.00 he does a decent job when all has been said and done.


Honestly, considering the two other choices, who would you want for the next four years/who will do the less damage?
All that and he'll be our next President.

$10.00 he does a decent job when all has been said and done.


Honestly, considering the two other choices, who would you want for the next four years/who will do the less damage?
First, I would take your bet, but what I consider a bad job you would probably consider good, like more socialism. So we can't bet because nobody would pay up.

Second, I honestly don't know. The most damage I believe will be done through amnesty, something all three are in favor of. And taxes, economics, justices, and spending will all go downhill with all three. They're all some form of socialist.

I've not chosen a "lesser of three evils," I've just resigned myself to the fact that the United States as we knew it is finished, mostly because Americans are no longer permitted to choose their form of government. The media and the two large political parties do that now.
First, I would take your bet, but what I consider a bad job you would probably consider good, like more socialism. So we can't bet because nobody would pay up.

Second, I honestly don't know. The most damage I believe will be done through amnesty, something all three are in favor of. And taxes, economics, justices, and spending will all go downhill with all three. They're all some form of socialist.

I've not chosen a "lesser of three evils," I've just resigned myself to the fact that the United States as we knew it is finished, mostly because Americans are no longer permitted to choose their form of government. The media and the two large political parties do that now.

For some of us; "United States as we knew it" isn't the greatest of memories. Hopefully change and inclusiveness is the future; that is what will make this a great nation.
For some of us; "United States as we knew it" isn't the greatest of memories. Hopefully change and inclusiveness is the future; that is what will make this a great nation.


So sad to see that you are just another bitter minority. Like your life has sucked so bad. Good Grief.

It would be great to see you elevate yourself in America so you can see what it is like to have it taken from you and given to someone else.

Duh, that's right. That's what you want anyway with your support of Oblahma.

The guy won't win so I'm not worried.

Once again the Dems snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Which party pushed for freedom from slavery? Which party had been in control of this country from the 50's to the millenium?
Put down the 'bitter' book and start living.

If I was 'your color' (whatevere that is supposed to mean), I'd have the world by the balls. A minority owned business is like a license to print money. You can reach for any goal and there will be people there to give youmoney to make 'reparations' for all the harm that was done to your ancestors.:rolleyes:

If you haven't noticed, it pisses me off that 'people of color' bitch about their lot in life when they have every 'unfair' advantage in front of them, from an education to every business opportunity along the way. Pissing on your ancestors graves is no way to go thru life. Sure they suffered. Many suffered greatly. What does that have to do with you. You have so much more than they could have ever dreamed of. Don't be bitter.:)
For some of us; "United States as we knew it" isn't the greatest of memories. Hopefully change and inclusiveness is the future; that is what will make this a great nation.
For your information, the United States as we knew it included 50 states, which won't be the case 20 years from now. Mexico will swallow up the border states and we'll have Aztlan instead of New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and California. Socialism will take over and freedom will vanish. The Bill of Rights will become a thing of the distant past - it's over half way there already. Gas prices will skyrocket, the dollar will collapse, food prices will get out of control. These trends are already happening - an Obama presidency will just hasten the collapse.

So sad to see that you are just another bitter minority. Like your life has sucked so bad. Good Grief.

It would be great to see you elevate yourself in America so you can see what it is like to have it taken from you and given to someone else.

Duh, that's right. That's what you want anyway with your support of Oblahma.

The guy won't win so I'm not worried.

Once again the Dems snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Which party pushed for freedom from slavery? Which party had been in control of this country from the 50's to the millenium?
Put down the 'bitter' book and start living.

If I was 'your color' (whatevere that is supposed to mean), I'd have the world by the balls. A minority owned business is like a license to print money. You can reach for any goal and there will be people there to give youmoney to make 'reparations' for all the harm that was done to your ancestors.:rolleyes:

If you haven't noticed, it pisses me off that 'people of color' bitch about their lot in life when they have every 'unfair' advantage in front of them, from an education to every business opportunity along the way. Pissing on your ancestors graves is no way to go thru life. Sure they suffered. Many suffered greatly. What does that have to do with you. You have so much more than they could have ever dreamed of. Don't be bitter.:)

Let's not pretend we know how each others life has "sucked" or been great.
After reading your post; I have to ask; who is really bitter?
Good luck to you and me as we share this same piece of land called the USA.
For your information, the United States as we knew it included 50 states, which won't be the case 20 years from now. Mexico will swallow up the border states and we'll have Aztlan instead of New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and California. Socialism will take over and freedom will vanish. The Bill of Rights will become a thing of the distant past - it's over half way there already. Gas prices will skyrocket, the dollar will collapse, food prices will get out of control. These trends are already happening - an Obama presidency will just hasten the collapse.

I want someone in office that will improve our dismal situation. I don't care if he/she is black, white, or purple. If McCain get's it done; I will be just as happy as if Obama did it. As far as Mexico reclaiming any land; I don't see that happeining; I'll check back with you in 20 years. Maybe Ford will be making a decent car by then :)
I want someone in office that will improve our dismal situation. I don't care if he/she is black, white, or purple. If McCain get's it done; I will be just as happy as if Obama did it. As far as Mexico reclaiming any land; I don't see that happeining; I'll check back with you in 20 years. Maybe Ford will be making a decent car by then :)
This is what I've been saying - none of the candidates will be able to improve our dismal situation. All they will do is perpetuate the march to socialism, and in the case of Hill or Obie, accelerate it.
As far as Mexico reclaiming any land; I don't see that happeining; I'll check back with you in 20 years. Maybe Ford will be making a decent car by then :)
LOL! Good one.

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