Obama's gaffe on Magic Johnson


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Nice choice of words, Barry. Did you miss the TOTUS?

We are obviously honored to have one of the all-time greats in NBA history, Magic Johnson. (Applause.) Magic did pretty well during his time with the Lakers. He wasn’t bad. (Laughter.) And now a new generation is continuing his legacy. But obviously part of what makes Magic special wasn’t just how he played on the court, but also just the infectious enthusiasm about life and what he’s now doing with businesses and minority communities. He’s just been an outstanding leader in our country for a long time.
That paragon of virtue, Magic Johnson, the same one that hawks loan-shark RENT-A-CENTER products to poor and underprivleged inner-city residents who get royally screwed ? There's a real American hero, one that our youth can look up to, his INFECTIOUS personality and charm yet another reflection of Barry's good judgment. Truly, a one-term wonder in the making.
...I'd never rent a flat screen TV...
however, I am renting a set off 24" rims that are off the chain!

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