Obama's 'Patriot' Act


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Mar 2, 2004
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United States
This is why Obama is the most dangerous guy/gal running for President. And NOT because he is black or white/black or black/white or muslim/catholic, catholic/christian/muslim.
Obama's 'Patriot' Act
February 27, 2008; Page A16

No, we're not talking about Barack Obama's opposition to the post-9/11 antiterror law. We're referring to the Senator's support for something called the Patriot Employer Act, which deserves more attention as an indicator of his economic agenda.

Along with Democratic co-sponsors Sherrod Brown and Dick Durbin, Mr. Obama introduced the bill in the Senate in August 2007. Recently in Janesville, Wis., he repeated his intention to make it a priority as President: "We will end the tax breaks for companies who ship our jobs overseas, and we will give those breaks to companies who create good jobs with decent wages right here in America."
(Yaaay. Yes we can!)

Mr. Obama's proposal would designate certain companies as "patriot employers" and favor them over other, presumably not so patriotic, businesses. (Yaaay. Yes we can!)
The legislation takes four pages to define "patriotic" companies as those that: "pay at least 60 percent of each employee's health care premiums"; have a position of "neutrality in employee [union] organizing drives"; "maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in the United States relative to the number of full-time workers outside of the United States"; pay a salary to each employee "not less than an amount equal to the federal poverty level"; and provide a pension plan. (Yaaay. Yes we can!)

In other words, a patriotic employer is one which fulfills the fondest Big Labor agenda, regardless of the competitive implications. The proposal ignores the marketplace reality that businesses hire a work force they can afford to pay and still make money. Coercing companies into raising wages and benefits above market rates may only lead to fewer workers getting hired in the first place. (Uwuuu...Maybe We Shouldn't)

Under Mr. Obama's plan, "patriot employers" qualify for a 1% tax credit on their profits. To finance this tax break, American companies with subsidiaries abroad would have to pay the U.S. corporate tax on profits earned abroad, rather than the corporate tax of the host country where they are earned. Since the U.S. corporate tax rate is 35%, while most of the world has a lower rate, this amounts to a big tax increase on earnings owned abroad.

Put another way, U.S. companies would suddenly have to pay a higher tax rate than their Chinese, Japanese and European competitors. According to research by Peter Merrill, an international tax expert at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, this change would "raise the cost of capital of U.S. multinationals and cause them to lose market share to foreign rivals." Apparently Mr. Obama believes that by making U.S. companies less profitable and less competitive world-wide, they will somehow be able to create more jobs in America. (At least that is how a liberal socialist thinks)

He has it backwards: The offshore activities of U.S. companies tend to increase rather than reduce domestic business. A 2005 National Bureau of Economic Research study by economists from Harvard and the University of Michigan found that more foreign investment by U.S. companies leads to greater domestic investment, and that U.S. firms' hiring of more offshore workers is positively, not negatively, associated with the number of American workers they hire. That's in part because often what is produced overseas by subsidiaries are component parts to final, higher-value-added products manufactured here.

Mr. Obama is also proposing to raise tax rates on affluent individuals, as well as on capital gains and dividends. This would also lead to more capital and jobs leaving the U.S. The after-tax return on U.S. investment would fall appreciably if these tax hikes were adopted, and no amount of tax-credit subsidy will keep capital from fleeing to lower tax jurisdictions.

If the U.S. didn't impose the second highest corporate income tax rate in the world, companies would have less incentive to move jobs overseas. Rather than giving politically correct companies a 1% tax credit, it makes more sense to reduce the U.S. corporate tax rate for everyone -- by at least 10 percentage points to the global average. (Oohooh...Yes We Won't!)

Economists have long understood that companies don't really pay taxes; they merely collect them. A study by the American Enterprise Institute has shown that U.S. workers bear the cost of the corporate income tax in lower wages and salaries. To borrow Mr. Obama's language, what's really unpatriotic is the 35% U.S. corporate tax rate.
(Rob Peter to pay Paul. Yaaay... That's it. Soak the rich guy and screw ourselves. Yaaay)
My edits in color... Yaaay. Say it with me....Yes We Can! Yaaay.

be communists!

That's exactly where this country is heading. Everyone should refer to their pocket sized copy of the Communist Manifesto, by Marx and Engels.

Here's a quote to get ya started!
The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
So im curious - You dont like obama - who do you like? McCain?

In this particular election, McCain is the lesser of the 3 evils, so yes, one would need to support McCain for President. Then in 4 years, one would strive to get it right.

Being President is all about protecting national security and foreign policy. Obama would be a disaster on both accounts.
Being President is all about protecting national security and foreign policy. Obama would be a disaster on both accounts.

That pretty well sums it up right there.

That is the one area that most conservatives probably do trust McCain, also.
In this particular election, McCain is the lesser of the 3 evils, so yes, one would need to support McCain for President. Then in 4 years, one would strive to get it right.

Being President is all about protecting national security and foreign policy. Obama would be a disaster on both accounts.

Except - if McCain wins - then in 4 years, your looking for a democrat to elect thats better then McCain?
Except - if McCain wins - then in 4 years, your looking for a democrat to elect thats better then McCain?

Joe Liberman would have to be the candidate for the Dems, and even then, it is a "maybe". The Dems won't nominate anyone who a conservative would give a second thought to.
That's why they alienated Lieberman when he was running for senator. But you cant help but notice that he still got elected running independent. And he won because he appealed to independents and republicans in the general election.

If this country is still afloat after 4 years of Obama, then we can worry about who will roust him from office.

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