Obama's solution: More Washington


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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...by Mark Steyn

Functioning societies depend on agreed rules. If you want to open a business, you do it in Singapore or Ireland, because the rules are known to all parties. You don’t go to Sudan or Zimbabwe, where the rules are whatever the state’s whims happen to be that morning.

That’s why Obama is such a job-killer. Why would a small business take on a new employee? The president’s proposing a soak-the-banks tax that could impact your access to credit. The House has passed a cap-and-trade bill that could impose potentially unlimited regulatory costs. The Senate is in favor of “health” “care” “reform” that will allow the IRS to seize your assets if you and your employees’ health arrangements do not meet the approval of the federal government. Some of these things will pass into law, some of them won’t. But all of them send a consistent, cumulative message: that there are no rules, that they’re being made up as they go along — and that some of them might even be retroactive, as happened this week with Oregon’s new corporate tax.

In such an environment, would you hire anyone? Or would you hunker down and sit things out? Obama can bury it in half a ton of leaden telepromptered sludge but the world has got the message: More Washington, more micro-regulation of every aspect of your life, more multi-trillion-dollar spending, and no agreed rules in a game ever more rigged against you.
What does a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER do anyway? Has he ever had a real job? Met a payroll ?? been FIRED. (BEING FIRED A FEW TIMES GIVES YOU WISDOM). LIKE DON IMUS HAS SAID "HE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE". I just loved Rush's show the day he read that open letter to "OUR' leader.
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More government is always the answer to these people.

While we're at it, we need a ruling class. The people from the right families, who went to the right schools, who really have the "intelligence" to properly run a government, economy, nation... those who went to Yale and Columbia for example.

And eventually, when we finally get to the place where the bureaucracy runs everything, or commands it, politically parties will cease to be important.

How many of us live in towns or cities that have hired "city administrators." Supposedly the notion of running a city is best left in the hands of a professional administrator without burdens of "party."

Resources can be allocated by the bureaucracy according to need and their best use. Those who make things well can provide for those who need it more. The government can decide who the winners and losers are in business....

The constitution is simply a wonderful document from centuries ago that doesn't apply to the new world. We're in a "post-constitutional" world, we're beyond that now.
Headlines Scream...Obama to cut spending.

Reality? Words...just words.

More Washington, certainly what the founders had in mind when building a government.
More Washington, certainly what the founders had in mind when building a government.

Actually- to the contrary....the founders set up a federalist system with the stated goal of of LIMITED government.
Actually- to the contrary....the founders set up a federalist system with the stated goal of of LIMITED government.
Hardly limited, considering all the powers were designated within three FEDERAL branches of government.

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