Oedipus Tyrannus Wrecked

Hey, I'm so proud of myself! I actually read that entire article!! Which is probably the real reason why there aren't any other posts, for or against. If you like strongly satirical articles that are packed with a few facts and loads of supposition, this is just your cup of tea.

And I also read all the comments posted on that site after the article. There were about 50 posts. Not one with anything negative to say about it. Some posted stuff that added to the conversation. But most were of the "great article" and "Bush sucks" kind. But liberals aren't guilty of that sort of thing.

I actually thought the article was pretty pathetic. But what do I know? Certainly not as much as the author, who proved to herself and legions of gullible liberals that George W Bush is the modern personification of Oedipus Rex. Hillary for President! Go libs!!
As Usual

As usual, all blow, no show. Where is the proof? Oh, that's right, there is none. This is just further proof that in order to try to discredit GW, we have to go after all of his friends. Because you just can't find anything on him. Guilt by association makes us all guilty of something, doesn't it now?
bufordtpisser said:
As usual, all blow, no show. Where is the proof? Oh, that's right, there is none. This is just further proof that in order to try to discredit GW, we have to go after all of his friends. Because you just can't find anything on him. Guilt by association makes us all guilty of something, doesn't it now?

So Scowcroft hasn't said anything negative? I really wish the media would get things right.
Kbob said:
But most were of the "great article" and "Bush sucks" kind. But liberals aren't guilty of that sort of thing.

If possible, do a search for Clinton and then look for post made by the usual suspect 'Conservatives' in here. (i.e. Fossten)

For a guy so adamant about the 'sick of finger pointing nonsense', you sure do it yourself.
95DevilleNS said:
If possible, do a search for Clinton and then look for post made by the usual suspect 'Conservatives' in here. (i.e. Fossten)

For a guy so adamant about the 'sick of finger pointing nonsense', you sure do it yourself.
I never said I was innocent. I'm tired of the crying. And how exactly is what I'm doing finger pointing? I'm proving that it's a universal theme. It's not a liberal or conservative trait. Am I not being plain enough?
bufordtpisser said:
As usual, all blow, no show. Where is the proof? Oh, that's right, there is none. This is just further proof that in order to try to discredit GW, we have to go after all of his friends. Because you just can't find anything on him. Guilt by association makes us all guilty of something, doesn't it now?

How can you say that BuSh is not guilty by association. He hired the rum-dums like Brown in the first place. How come none of you Conservatives are concerned that we (the American people) are still paying that incompetent. Cronyism is what will bury BuSh in history.
barry2952 said:
How can you say that BuSh is not guilty by association. He hired the rum-dums like Brown in the first place. How come none of you Conservatives are concerned that we (the American people) are still paying that incompetent. Cronyism is what will bury BuSh in history.
My opinion: "cronyism" happens in every administration. The gripe about an incompetent is an opinion that I don't share.
I will concede that there appears to be more cronyism in GW's admin. than the norm.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll check back in Monday ("thanks for the warning" they say).
barry2952 said:
How can you say that BuSh is not guilty by association. He hired the rum-dums like Brown in the first place. How come none of you Conservatives are concerned that we (the American people) are still paying that incompetent. Cronyism is what will bury BuSh in history.

Speaking of history... I'm sure you know, but he's down to 37%, just 12 percentile points shy of Nixon. You are right, he's doing the job for us. In another post you had said Bush would be impeached before his remaining 38 (or so) months were up. Do you really think so? I'm of the opinion that his cohorts will be hung to dry instead. His daddy does have a lot of pull still and powerful friends.

This was directed at barry2952, anyone can chime in with their views if they like.
From what I heard his pappy ain't too happy with him either.

Yes, I firmly believe that the house of cards has started to collapse and there will be someone that BuSh thought was loyal that will bring something to light that will make even his most die-hard fans turn their heads in disgust.

There has to be some point that the accumilated acts will point in his direction. It's really unfortunate for him for he shall bear the burden for those that have been controlling him.

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