Office Pranks, who has them?


LVC Member
Aug 25, 2010
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We have a pretty laid back office so we take the time to pull pranks on each other at random times. At one point we were doing so many pranks I had to put together a site just so we could archive everything that we've done.

Its sorted from newest to oldest so you might want to start on page 2 to get the full effect.

Anyone else do this kind of stuff in their office?
Nothing crazy like that, but I was told that before I started working where I work they had another guy in the office call from his house to the Project Engineer and leave a message saying that this is Mr. Lyon and he needed a design and what not, and left him a different number than from what he called from. So this engineer listens to his messages and calls the number that they had left on the voice mail asking for Mr. Lyon. When the person on the other end picked up he got was "Thank you for calling the John Ball Zoo how may I help you"
I have a couple of nerf dart guns that occasionally fire a projectile. Rubber bands are a big thing, then there are the subtle tricks we play on each other that never get out of hand ;-)

Oh and its great when the Project Engineers are throwing the darts at the windows to see who can get the most to stick... I am just an Engineer so they bill out a lot higher than me lol
the shop I used to work at some of the guys would super glue quaters to the cement floors...lets say I learned to kick any loose change on the floor before trying to pick it up. Oh and putting lapping compound and grease on the underside of handels and knobs
the shop I used to work at some of the guys would super glue quaters to the cement floors...lets say I learned to kick any loose change on the floor before trying to pick it up. Oh and putting lapping compound and grease on the underside of handels and knobs

Prussian blue is great for handles. :shifty:
I have a couple of nerf dart guns that occasionally fire a projectile. Rubber bands are a big thing, then there are the subtle tricks we play on each other that never get out of hand ;-)

Oh and its great when the Project Engineers are throwing the darts at the windows to see who can get the most to stick... I am just an Engineer so they bill out a lot higher than me lol

we have some nerf guns here too. I built a neft blow dart gun from a piece of pvc. I think its 3/4 and it fits the darts perfect and I can fire the darts clear over the building next to us.... as long as you don't mind a little slobber on your darts lol
in winter you can take whipping cream and spay it under all the door handles on their car, it freezes, they get screwed

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