Oh no!!!!!


LVC Member
Sep 20, 2010
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ok so I have read several posts about transmission problems ( it seems to be a reoccuring thing in the LS world) But i havnt quite found anything about my problem.

Reading this, keep in mind that I let the idle go down to 1000ish and I wait till the car completely shifts before letting off the brake.

This has happened to me twice now. I will be cruisin and ill hammer the gas to merge into traffic or whatever. the RPM's go up but my car doesnt do anything. And then it stalls. The first time i had trouble starting it again and it through all kinds of codes. The second time is started fine but i cycled the key 3 times first. I havent scanned it yet.

And then today i was backing out of a spot and it died on me again.

Any thoughts?
when you hammer it do you hear the engine just rev or do the rpms go up and the engine dies? Because usually the car will still run if the transmission is acting up. I'm thinking fuel pump or fuel related. Especially if it just died on you while backing up.
mine stalled twice so far also. it did it when i pushed the pedal (didnt floor it) coming out of a turn. the peesashyt jus cut off on me while i was merging once
The RPMs actually go up. last time it happened, I hit the gas, RPMs went up, car hesitated, i let off the gas and tried again, when i let off the gas the sencond time the rpms went down and it stalled. Im going to check the trans fluid this week hopefully and possibly replace the fuel filter. I can find it but while im on here, where is it located? Frame rail I assume? Thanks!!!
I can find it but while im on here, where is it located? Frame rail I assume? Thanks!!!

No such luck. It's behind the fender liner, driver's side front wheel. If you have a 2003+ you will need one of these, but I don't remember which size.

Have fun taking the fuel filter off. I had to double up a similar tool set.
AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH I am getting super frustrated.


1.Car hesitates and jerks intermitently. Usually when I first start to accel from a stop.

2.When I downshift, the rpms go up and the car stalls as mentioned earlier. this is also intermittent.

3. The car randomly shuts off. starts back up just like normal. Lately its been happeneing while I am stopped. Although i has happened while driving.

4. When I start the car and let the idle drop down to 1000 rpms, after it drops, the car shakes like its missing. As soon as it goes into drive, its fine.

5. only getting 15 mpg around town

What is known:

1. New fuel filter about 6 months ago.

2. No codes.

3. scanner shows no indication of a misfire

What do I do? Im about to take it to the dealership, however I do not want to. Any suggestions. Im thinking cam or crank sensor maybe? Please help!!!!
mine done this shortly after i just bought it and had the trans rebuilt. it was a combination of 3 things. filter full of junk, water from whoever had the car before me in the fuel tank, and a set of weak injectors due to the gunk in the fuel system. i replaced the filter, injectors, and then removed the fuel tank and cleaned it out completely, installed a new filter on the pump, put it all together again and i never had that problem again after 50k in a lil over a year and no hesitations.
For the stalling/dieing, that's common with air leaks and/or MAF problems. Make sure everything is tight and connected, clean your MAF. On one car, the solder joints inside the MAF broke, causing it to get flaky. The Good Ole Mechanic's trick of lightly tapping on sensors while the car is running is always fun. (hey, worked for me!)
Get a can of starter fluid and start hunting for air leaks.

I was a complete idiot and left one hose on the air tube disconnected. Ran like crap, but it was drivable. Can't remember which hose it was, though. So the car can run with something completely wrong.

Get it to idle properly first, then go after the rest.
ok, so i think my gas mileage is getting better, buti had somethng new happen just now. I backed out of the drive way and when i put it into drive it didnt engage. I shifted into D4 and itgrabbed smoothly. and nothing out of the ordinary happened when i put it into D5. I am def checking the trans level tomorrow. Any thoughts?
AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH I am getting super frustrated.


1.Car hesitates and jerks intermitently. Usually when I first start to accel from a stop.

2.When I downshift, the rpms go up and the car stalls as mentioned earlier. this is also intermittent.

3. The car randomly shuts off. starts back up just like normal. Lately its been happeneing while I am stopped. Although i has happened while driving.

4. When I start the car and let the idle drop down to 1000 rpms, after it drops, the car shakes like its missing. As soon as it goes into drive, its fine.

5. only getting 15 mpg around town

Mine used to do #3, 4, and almost 5 (usually shows 15.7-16.5). My issues were do to the #8 coil
AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH I am getting super frustrated.


1.Car hesitates and jerks intermitently. Usually when I first start to accel from a stop.

2.When I downshift, the rpms go up and the car stalls as mentioned earlier. this is also intermittent.

3. The car randomly shuts off. starts back up just like normal. Lately its been happeneing while I am stopped. Although i has happened while driving.

4. When I start the car and let the idle drop down to 1000 rpms, after it drops, the car shakes like its missing. As soon as it goes into drive, its fine.

5. only getting 15 mpg around town

Mine used to do #3, 4, and almost 5 (usually shows 15.7-16.5). My issues were do to the #8 coil

How did you know what coil to replace? My scanner doesnt show any misfires anywhere!!!!

I took the MAF off and i cleaned it tonight, I also tried tapping on it to see what happened.. Nothing happened so Im going to see what happens when i drive it tonight. I also checked for vaccuum leaks, no findings.

What I did find was what looked to be a cozy little mouse house on the driver side of the plenum. SO After taking most of it out i started to see some plastic. After removing a few connectors, I could see what looked to be a foam pad in a clear plastic bag or envelope type deal. I pulled on it and i heard it behind the engine. It looked as though it went underneath the plenum. Does anybody know anything about this? I will try to get a pic. Thanks.

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