Oh Poor Poor Pat!


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Pat should just shut up as he tries to squrim out of his comments!!

Why I hate being considered a Christian!! I don't want to be group with people like him.
i agree ppl should think befor they tatt or somthing like that LOL
mespock said:
Pat should just shut up as he tries to squrim out of his comments!!

Why I hate being considered a Christian!! I don't want to be group with people like him.

That's the second time you have referred to not wanting to be considered a Christian. Now you hate it? Maybe you're not one. Nobody on this thread has accused you of being like Pat Robertson or even of being a Christian. Nobody even knew until you started this.

I'm proud to be called a Christian. Doesn't make me like Pat Robertson, although what he said out loud probably echoes what many of us have thought silently from time to time.
Yeh, poor Rich seems a little off kilter. But give him a break. School is starting in a week and he is probably under a lot of pressure to make sure 'No Child Gets Left Behind'.
Unfortunately rich, you are experiencing what we on the right experience everyday. You have a media who demonizes you no matter what you do, and is truly disgusted by your group and its views. I happen to be a conservative republican and a Catholic. But in the end, you must realize that you are proud to be a Christian even though people may not like you for it, because in the end, you know you are right. Just like me being a republican...... :N
MonsterMark said:
a lot of pressure to make sure 'No Child Gets Left Behind'.

How many do you want to find... but that's another old post...

I am proud to be a person of very strong faith and a follower of Christ so don't get that wrong and never question my faith... I practice my faith daily and I follow the ways of Christ and believe him to be my savoir. But I do not see the public use of Christ and what he did for us being used in a way that would in not better way of putting it WWJD.

I'll take on anyone! in the teaching of the Bible I will not do it in a written forum but face to face for those who I disagree with most do their damage with written words. Words that they misconstrued and in my opinion blaspheme the word of God and the work of Christ.
mespock said:
How many do you want to find... but that's another old post...

I am proud to be a person of very strong faith and a follower of Christ so don't get that wrong and never question my faith... I practice my faith daily and I follow the ways of Christ and believe him to be my savoir. But I do not see the public use of Christ and what he did for us being used in a way that would in not better way of putting it WWJD.

I'll take on anyone! in the teaching of the Bible I will not do it in a written forum but face to face for those who I disagree with most do their damage with written words. Words that they misconstrued and in my opinion blaspheme the word of God and the work of Christ.

That's more like it!!!

:I :headbang:
MAllen82 said:
you must realize that you are proud to be a Christian even though people may not like you for it, because in the end, you know you are right. Just like me being a republican...... :N

It has nothing to do with people liking me or not liking me for my faith. It’s just that I see what I feel are false self-righteous so-called Christian leaders pushing a false ideal under the name Christian and using the Bible to twist their ideals.

Even in the Bible it is prophesized that those we need to fear most are those who will use the word of God for their own purpose. (I don't have the actual scripture of this right off hand but I have spent many years with the Bibile and do know if its existance.)

What I feel we have now are people who are doing the same thing that the religious leaders in the time of Christ were doing. Using Scripture for their gain and because they are members of high community standing they are looked upon as being correct, and to challenge them would be consdered against the Church.
i am also very proud to be
a jewish beliver i have my religion and i think ppl have a right to there own belifes but
as long as they dont go trying to kill otheres just becouse of who they are and
what they belive in you know what i mean
no i will say that we have to get ride of those
that are terrorist and ppl who are out to do bad to good ppl i say get ride of them :)

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