OK. Transmission's gone in my 96. Aamco vs. local shop?


New LVC Member
Aug 16, 2005
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What do you think? Aamco's price for a rebulid is about $750 less than the local shops want to put in a "new" rebuilt in my 96 continental. What would you do (besides push the thing off a cliff)? How is Aamco's reputation? Any OTHER suggestions?

Thank you!
hjo said:
What do you think? Aamco's price for a rebulid is about $750 less than the local shops want to put in a "new" rebuilt in my 96 continental. What would you do (besides push the thing off a cliff)? How is Aamco's reputation? Any OTHER suggestions?

Thank you!
i dont know about amoco
but i had my tenimission rebuilt the original one for 1500 dollars man so you should find a shop around that price and i had the best shop in ohio
actualy a dealership sent me there couse i couldnt aford a brandnew tranny for like 3k
Yeah, that's what the dealer wants - $2950. Ouch!!!!! Can't really do it. Thanks for that $1500 rebuild idea. I had one shop tell me the price would be between $2200 and $4200 for a rebuild. PRETTY BIG GAP, HUH?!?!?!
definetly man
if you dont have alot of cash look around for a used tranny you can find them yously at a yard with liek 50 to 60 k on them for like 400 to 600
and with 100k for like
200 300 man

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